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  1. Omega-

    long video about botnets from Blackhat convention

    When I have a +rep available I will give you it Great link much appreciated.
  2. Omega-

    World Wide Flights/Tickets + Hotel Booking + Car Rental+ Concerts + sports @lowest price

    I present to you today my humble service First commenter was Humbleservant cant name 5 guys that use the word humble alot. Just an observation.
  3. Omega-

    Bin List - Most Shipped

    Just wondering why is hosted in Texas Houston USA?
  4. Omega-

    Wave arrested?

    Im a little confused as to how a forum FULL OF FRAUDSTERS talking about a few of THEIR OWN getting busted is ??
  5. Omega-

    Need Dead Australian Fullz

    Still looking Thanks,
  6. Omega-

    Need Dead Australian Fullz

    We can negotiate price must be fullz info, Pm me to discuss with your contact info.
  7. Omega-

    Buying Australian Bank Logins

    Buying Aus bank logins all banks % can be negotiated Pm me your contact information to discus further.
  8. Omega-

    Life of a carder

    If you don't find it fun in some sense I don't think your a real carder, Just a passer by dabbling in the trade. Looking for a certain amount of $ then your out, But I do find it annoying how some people go on about how carding is a way of saying fuck the system and all that bullshit Thats...
  9. Omega-

    Need an Australian Stuff Drop

    Bump still really in need of this :D
  10. Omega- GC's [No Chargeback]

    90% is insane, Ill just throw the last 10% onto something and buy it legit then.
  11. Omega-

    Appeal reputation!

    I have recieved multiple - reputations from members inwhich I have had no contact for NO valid reason This is after Junilo pathetically scammed me by asking for a +rep if he would give me a bin list and so I did so thinking he was going to help me out, But he just ignored me :P In this thread...
  12. Omega-

    [Help Needed] Australian Caller-Id Spoofing

    What are you on about and why would you negative rep me? How can I be wrong?
  13. Omega-

    Julino is a joke and a ripper [This is amusing]

    Haha and for posting this I get rep fucked by a couple of kids? Yeah this system works great :D Anyway I don't really care but just shows Junilo and his clones / Buddies are kids who need a maturity check..
  14. Omega-

    Looking for Bin lists

    He is a scammer and a joke dont waste time with Junilo :P And I get rep fucked for it haha oh well doesn't really matter but is amussing.
  15. Omega-

    Need an Australian Stuff Drop

    Bump still looking for this?
  16. Omega-

    Julino is a joke and a ripper [This is amusing]

    First off to start this thread isn't being made to get anything and if this isn't enough to get him banned im not concerned I just want to show people how sad this kid is. So I have a post requesting bin lists and balance checking methods and Julino pm's me saying : "I'd give u good bins that...
  17. Omega-

    Looking for Bin lists

    Then get your laptop and send me them?
  18. Omega-

    Looking for Bin lists

    Don't message this guy he is a scamming joke who asks for reps and gives no bin list HAHA
  19. Omega-

    [Help Needed] Australian Caller-Id Spoofing

    Thanks arg0n for your reply, However im not 100% sure that they offer specific caller id spoofing in order to spoof an individuals number, Any other suggestions are extremely welcome Thanks in advance for your responses.
  20. Omega-

    Ethical Carding & Activism

    Fuck your conservative pro life bullshit and feeding african kids with your 'bare hands' go somewhere your ethical dribble is wanted this is a forum for business not revolution.....