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  1. Carder

    Методичка "Кардинг для начинающих"

    Очень хорошая и полезная методичка! Автор молодец и большое спасибо за труд. Новичкам очень поможет и обязательно пригодиться! Представлено много ценной и важной информации, однозначно ставлю лайк и жирный +!
  2. Carder

    How to encrypt your hard drive in Windows 10

    We tell you how to encrypt your hard drive and data on it so that attackers don't get access to them. Hard disk encryption protects all files at once. To use a computer with an encrypted hard disk, you must enter a password or other key when logging in, otherwise the data on the disk will not be...
  3. Carder

    What are ZIP bombs and why you shouldn't be afraid of them

    Sometimes this file is called a death archive ordecompression bomb, because the archive is capable of disabling the system in the shortest possible time. However, it's not so bad — ZIP bombs can't blow up a computer. The classic archive of death can be downloaded here...
  4. Carder

    Extortion as a Service. Who and for how much offers to help with extortion on the darknet.

    Epidemics of cryptographic Trojans regularly replace one another, and their scale is growing. And behind the scenes of this problem are businessmen who offer those who want an easy way to become hackers (and with a good probability to earn a criminal record). In this article, I will talk about...
  5. Carder

    How does two-factor authentication (2FA) differ from two-step authentication (2SV)?

    Two-factor (2FA) and two-step (2SV) authentication are ways to further protect your account. Even developers often put an equal sign between them. But this is not true. What is two-factor authentication? The key word here is factor. In total, there are four of them: knowledge of something for...
  6. Carder

    The Six Handshake Theory: How It Works

    Sometimes, in places far away from your homeland, you may accidentally meet someone who was friends with your parents, or sat at the same Desk with one of your colleagues, or was the boss of your former boss. "The world is small," they usually say in such cases. How far can such a chain of...
  7. Carder


    I have drops in these places. What do you want to offer, what are the terms of cooperation?
  8. Carder

    How to conduct secret correspondence in a world where everyone is being watched

    Today, let's take a detailed look at the methods that informant and ex-NSA employee Edward Snowden used several years ago to contact journalists. Encryption Make sure that you are using end-to-end encryption specifically. In this case, the message will be encrypted on one end – say, on a...
  9. Carder

    Keyloggers: what are they and how are they used to steal personal data

    Hackers aren't the only ones who can use keyloggers to intercept your keyboard taps to extract passwords and other sensitive information. After reading enough articles about cybersecurity and hackers , you will definitely stumble upon the topic of keyloggers. It sounds very sinister, mysterious...
  10. Carder

    All about Darknet

    The darknet is an anonymous and uncontrolled part of the Internet that is inaccessible to ordinary search engines like Google. It operates in a decentralized manner, and is accessed through special browsers such as Tor, which route encrypted messages through multiple servers to mask the user's...
  11. Carder

    Bypassing Wi-Fi authorization

    I hope many of you at least once in life traveled and know the airports, there is Wi-Fi, but it is always pre-authentication (Captive Portal) that asks You to enter your information (phone number, name and other hat), I am personally tired of it (they can use the data entered to spam or get...
  12. Carder

    Firefox 86 introduces full cookie protection

    Mozilla Company implemented it in the new version of its browser, Firefox supports the full cookie protection feature Total Cookie Protection. A new protection feature is built into the mode Enhanced Tracking Protection ("Advanced tracking protection"), added to the browser in 2019. Total...
  13. Carder

    How can scam on an abandoned domain?

    Greetings, friends! Today you will learn the scheme of theft of legal domains and subsequent earnings on them! Introduction We will work mainly with domains in zones .RU, .SU and .RF. They belong to ordinary users or companies, but there is one special feature - their hosting account has...
  14. Carder

    Revealed evidence of two 0-day vulnerabilities in Tor and the Tor Browser

    This week, information security expert Neal Krawetz, who manages several Tor nodes himself, revealed details of two zero-day vulnerabilities affecting the Tor network itself and the Tor Browser. The researcher says that Tor developers have repeatedly refused to fix the problems they found, so...
  15. Carder

    What is cybersecurity and why is this profession the future?

    The amount of data is growing like an avalanche: only from 2010 to 2021, the volume of stored information increased 50 times. The number of Google and Amazon servers is estimated at millions. As Alibaba founder Jack MA put it, "data is the new oil." The value of information has become comparable...