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  1. E46

    AVS systems

    Ok thank you sm bro
  2. E46

    AVS systems

    Oh ok i get it now preciate it also do you think enrolls is worth buying instead of a regular cvv or not lmk thank you
  3. E46

    AVS systems

    oh ok so does that mean if i order something with a card that's from a country that do not have an AVS system and the delivery address is in the US the order will not go trough? Btw i found the thread :
  4. E46

    What is the most efficient way of finding shops to card

    Can't you just put a vpn on your phone?
  5. E46

    AVS systems

    Hello, i've read once on this forum someone talking about if you want your orders to not decline because of AVS systems you can use a card which is from a country where they dont check AVS. Is it still applicable in 2024, and do i have to find a webiste/shop that doesnt check AVS or just a card...
  6. E46

    Laundering crypto

    Look at this thread maybe you will find your answer
  7. E46

    Enrolls in 2024?

    what do you mean?
  8. E46

    Enrolls in 2024?

    Hello, I've been doing some research recently about how i can get more successful in carding til now my method was: i buy a non vbv cc and try to cash it out by ordering goods by phones and it really is a hit or miss and most of time it's not successful because my orders always gets cancelled...
  9. E46


    Hey, I'm not really new in the carding game and i was browsing carding forums and i noticed carders cashing out for like 1500+ worth of goods And i was wondering where do they get cards to be able to cash out such amounts. I think the maximum i cashed out was like 600 and that was pure luck But...