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  1. R


    Proper set up for beginners: VPN+PROXY(socks5)+ANTIDETECT----later(on session) you need to set up cookies Reasons for your failure: -Didnt build up cookies -Bad set up(low ip quality,leaks,etc)
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    software to stay anonymous while carding

    I wouldnt use VM because sites like amazon or crypto sites detect it
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    What type of proxy do I need?

    Crypto carding isnt suitable for beginners Its good that you have an iphone, setup a VPN on your router,then use icloud private relay as your proxy,for more info message @kz24106 on telegram,he does this If you are talking about spoofing an iphone device via antidetect,i reccomend undetectable...
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    non voip numbers rent a number for 30 days
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    How to become veryfied vendor in this forum 😀

    Wrong section To become verified you have to pay 200$/month
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    What can I do with a VBV card?

    you can do 2d sites no problem 3ds 2.0 would be a problem for you since you are a beginner I dont reccomend ADS power tho,try other antidetects
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    Best LEGIT shops OCT 2024

    Patrick i heard many bad opinions SAV i heard great ones the rest i dont know The best way to get cards is to get them yourself.... always first hanh
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    Stores payment gateaway

    Many shops detect a virtual machine, there are many reasons for your failure: High order amount Didnt succesfuly skip to 2d gate Bad setup Wrong cookie build up But all of those above are related ;) bad set up?-you wont skip to 2d gateaway Good set up but high order amount?-will pass in some...
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    OTP Bots

    OTP bot captues OTP(one time password) sent to the victim To learn fully how it works: What is an OTP BOT and how does it work?
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    JcopEnglish and ATR Tool ?

    Please specify your problem,we cant help you if we dont know your issue
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    Educate to elevate

    Thats what the forums are for ;)
  12. R

    Some Beginner Questions

    You are talking about dumps and real carding To collect dumps plant a skimmer in a shop or in the ATM Safety protocols when real carding: 1-gloves(no fingerprints) 2-ski mask(no face) 3-Glasses(overkill tbh) 4-Big outfit that will cover your tatoos and build
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    3DS (secure)

    there is no quick way.
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    3DS (secure)

    You are looking for a partner but what will you provide? cards? you arent a spammer,so the cards arent fresh,explain to me why would someone partner up with you if you dont offer anything and even can make things worse
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    What's Going Wrong?

    First of all find better shops,to check if card is non vbv you have to know if the bin is. " Although the cards I bought didn't have any user agent info so I didn't configure anything to match the user agent." Rarely they come with useragent,what you can do is to check if they are either MOBILE...
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    Gologin DNS configurations don’t work so if you want to use proxies that ban financial institutions like IPRoyal or Oxylabs they will still force their default DNS Use undetectable browser,and buy proxies that dont ban financial institutions so you wont have to force diffrent DNS like
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    3 Years of Carding experience & passing on my cashout methods to anyone who wants them

    Share your knowledge on the forum,no point in gatekeeping
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    WELCOME CARDERS We are a huge refund,and exchange service in poland,but we have decided we open up our borders to foreign countries We present you the best Exchange service in poland! Why should you choose us? We offer LOW FEES which you can check here We have a fast delivery time We have many...
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    help - what im doing wrong?

    We can see here steam is 3d 2.0 secure,that would mean that in order for has to skip to the 2d gateaway we would have to: -Good ip quality and ip location atleast in a 10km radius of CH -preferably a non vbv card -matching useragent(sometimes not required,but will help a ton)
  20. R

    help - what im doing wrong?

    In usa(usually the target) most sites are 3ds 2.0,which means you can card even with vbv card,altough it would be like wearing a condom with a hole made with a needle its still a condon but you have a slight risk of a leakege 😉