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  1. J

    Issue with SSN Verified Cash App

    Those fullz have been used for cashapp account open-ups too many times.
  2. J

    Carding Proxy Providers (OxyLabs/SmartProxy)

    I just always buy lowest package then when runs out I renew it.
  3. J

    Carding Proxy Providers (OxyLabs/SmartProxy)

    Best proxies, best success rate, low fraud score, and big pool. Tools needed: iPhone 📲 running at least iOS 18 iCloud Relay subscription $0.99 Any Chase Bin NON VBV same state and city as your iCloud Relay for 100% success. Fresh Gmail name matching CC Fullz Go to - -Click start...
  4. J

    Few questions - Ordering to drop service

    This advance PayPal trick is new to me very interesting all have to try it better then calling shop and having them change the shipping address manually saves time. 🙏
  5. J

    How to check cards validity efficiently? (linking cards)

    Another option is Google Pay, make a Gmail Google search “Google Pay” then click add payment method input CC fullz if payment method added then no need to check card on shop.
  6. J

    Basic setup for carding

    Always looking forward to your guides very intuitive.
  7. J


    Appreciated 🙏 another good post.
  8. J

    How to see if the bin is non vbv

    Thanks 🙏 didn’t know this existed.
  9. J

    Can anybody teach me how to book flights and hotels

    Always good insight 👍 I’ll have to give it a try.
  10. J

    non vbv bins

    ty all try my luck with MC never had much tho
  11. J

    What am i doing wrong?

    Steam would be your best bet tried carding epic games with nonvbv got declined. Steams captcha system not working right now give it a few hours also be aware steam removes game from library when you get charge back. Battlenet works good with nonvbv as well not sure about there chargeback system...
  12. J

    help - what im doing wrong?

    All I can say is for sure use NON VBV. I card steam daily $100. I don’t even match IP to card holders address I use my mobile LTE from another state of card holder. Now for anti detect browser I use Linken Sphere I pay $27/m for 10 profiles you can get it for free and they let you use 1 profile...
  13. J

    Looking for dedicated beginners

    1) why should I take you on? I’m new but have over $300 on 3 different carding sites. Ready to learn just need some guidance. 2) what do you already know about carding? Carding digital subscriptions, linking cards to wallets. Looking forward to helping some of you out. 3) what’s your telegram...