Search results

  1. R

    sctittura traccie 1_2 (use translator)

    Ciao cardatori alle prime armi! Oggi ti dirò come registrare correttamente le tracce 1 e 2 dei dump con un PIN. Presenterò anche i passaggi per creare la traccia 1 dalla traccia 2 per coloro che già capiscono la scrittura di tracce CC. So che non capisci cosa significa la traccia...
  2. R

    About to pull my hair out

    Dont use incognition, its easyly detectable, use antidetects such as linken sphere2 I dont understand, is that how you check your card? or just donate small sums to help get a bigger order?
  3. R

    need help buying dumps

    The website should indicated whether you will get a dump with a pin or no.
  4. R

    need help carding

    to everyone reading this, dont be scared to ask new questions, read guides on the forum, and if you dont understand something ASK. The idiot is not the one asking questions, but the one scared to, you shouldnt be scared to get knowledge.
  5. R

    Bin non vbv that work in EU
  6. R

    Laundering crypto

    use of fintechs and crypto atms ;)
  7. R

    Should i use my own id card to create a wallet?

    You can buy those, and i wouldnt use my wallet with my id to transfer dirty money there, use NON kyc wallets like: Cake wallet phantom

    Selling ccs in this category is forbiden, go get verified.
  9. R


    I already told skrein that such groups are bad idea for the forum (which resulted in his advertisement topic closed), id rather have people ask questions here, when more posts are being made, the higher we go in the google search engine, keep the group, no one will stop you, but atleast make...
  10. R

    Is my plan good?

    Just remember to open vpn before launching a session on the antidetect, remember also to check your set up on: (quality of proxy Ip) just dont forget to clear cookies after visiting those websites. wirepless has a stripe payment gateaway...
  11. R

    Where can i find SSN Details?

    Try look up bots, like
  12. R

    Enroll lesson #1

    Лекция 1. Enroll и его возможности. Что такое Enroll? Enroll – это обычная кредитная карта (далее СС) с доступом в личный кабинет (далее ЛК) онлайн-банкинга. Дебетовые карты тоже можно заролить, но для них чаще всего требуется другая информация, которую тяжело пробить. В 99% случаев работы –...
  13. R

    Proxy for Linken Sphere

    Brother, proxy quality wont change if you are using linken, or adspower, or undetectable, or indetory.... So regarding your question, any proxy is suitable as long as its pool is clean, those are those that i can reccomend: -992proxy -proxyseller -bigmama -Iproyal
  14. R

    What's the best method to cashout?

    Casino carding, carding physical items to drops, loading these are methods i can think about on top of my head.
  15. R


    Some sites are straight 3d and some are 3d 2.0 Antifraud companys like SEON or signifyd provide payment gateaways with a 3d 2.0 system, which means skipping to the 2d gate is possible, however, the requirments to do so, differ from every payment gateaway, for example Stripe radar( antifraud of...
  16. R

    Can't you keep items you card? Enjoy your stay here on forum, be sure to ask any questions if you struggle.
  17. R

    Can't you keep items you card?

    Ofcourse you can! some people just prefer reselling it for money, for example if they already own one, or card a product that they dont need.
  18. R

    2D websites

    Most payment gateaways in USA support 3d 2.0 system (like stripe) which means that they will push OTP depending on your "fraudscore" this fraudscore is counted by bad ip quality, wrong info on checkout, wrong ip location, shipping adress too far away from CH etc, thus letting you skip to the 2d...
  19. R

    Safety in real carding

    Perfect description ;) i like the part where you said cashier should be a woman :D