Beginners carders dedicated


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For the novice in the carding, there are two primary ways that greatly
determine its credibility and further development:

1. ripper way - the easiest on the top - way of throwing "honest
carders " on the map or VMZ. Immediately determine the negative
relates to the very person of The Grifters.

2. The way "honest carders" - a way which requires a sufficient knowledge of
field hack and social engineering.
As a man passed both of these ways I want to describe each of them
in considerable detail, examining all their pluses and minuses.

Path ripper.
Ripper are usually inexperienced, and few familiar with the very
carding, as such young people (mostly just kids).
Minor inexperienced Kidal easily identified by novozaregannomu 9 -
tiznaku, and certainly on his child's speech. But there are also online
several instances of professional, well-organized
ripper, for example known to many people karderskih portals
nick BAO (this probably can be attributed to the section VERY well
organized ripper, rather than to its professional). Main
The Grifters is a tool of social engineering - 100% checked
that of an astute and seasoned Grifters not save any measures, including
even guarantors.

First Steps
The first thing I started when he decided to try myself but field
ripperstva (it should be by that time I was already good enough
sinzherom) is the sale of conventional cards with cvv code. To do this, I found on
one of the forums seller charts and made him "super",
telling him that I want to buy a 7000 card usa with CVV. Certainly none
the seller would not refuse such an order (leapt one of the main
threads of control sinzhera - greed) and said he was ready to sell me
them. I have to order once broke a little, knocked down a little price and asked
his 100 pieces for review by convincing him that I will be constant and
good customer. After receiving their 100 khalyavnykh cards left in
offline and replaced ICQ (for sold the usual 6-tiznaki on
1 VSW apiece).

Easy money
Second serious desire was the desire to get rich . Since honestly
styrennyh cards were already quite a lot (~ 600 pc.), I decided
breed of people already on the money. This proved difficult, I suggested
people buy a huge database for funny money (the first deal was -
3000 maps for the 180 VMP, at a minimum "market" price - 1.5 VMP for
unit) and offered to check the maps, obtained for free. So
do I cut down about $ 600 for two months.

Then a simple card with cvv code are no longer of interest to me because
were cheap and not particularly profit. The next step
had sales of cards with full info and Enroll. Then I made about another $ 200, but
it somehow never came, and I decided to do something else - more
profitable. I decided to "sell" karzhenuyu technique. Know site So this is very real Grifters. I worked
more modest but still not bad chopping Bubble on this. Especially good
diverged phones nokia 6600 and nubuck . Here there are many
ways to separate person, but for all of them need to have a good experience
in sinzhenerii. Important present themselves as a serious seller, and
show that you're not going to make concessions and to prove to the buyer
that is in their interest that you worked for him. Can contrast
appear stupid lamer and do a lot of concessions, and then when
people relax unnoticed invite him to their minor
mind the idea, which nevertheless will crank your dirty
plan .

Juvenile rippers - pathetic, despicable people, worthy only
regret, ready for 5 bucks out of you shake your soul
clumsy attempts to scam you. Ripper professional person
I only inspire respect, as distinct sinzhery (although I must say
This talent could find a better use).

? unnecessary much intelligence
? safe enough
" I earn good money (200 - $ 300 per month)
? negative attitude on the part of the normal carders

Post skriptum
While working with enrollom I realized that it can be bad
Make no one throwing and finding loot, and began to pour it.

Path carders.
About this has already been written many articles, so I will not repeat them and
just write something lost in them, or to repair the moral
old errors in these articles.
For a man who decided to become a normal Carder must have
a good base in terms of hacking. Many older articles "for
Starter carders " wrote about the burglary Inet-shops through Google, yuzaya
primitive buggy PHP / perl inlude. It is no longer taking place, or
is the most current zahirevshimi outdoor cafes, coffeeshops which are unlikely to have that
something useful. You can start to recommend somewhere to get it
(Buy) database hoster - they certainly have a couple of shops. At the end
all you can simply proskanit servak Shope for vulnerable
services and its lomanut some in public or private
exploit. So you can get maps. Then they can sell that
gives small but steady income, and most importantly - it is quite
safely. Then you can use the card for the purchase in an Internet shops
(Course book and not for themselves - there is the drop). If you
display card with full info, they can be used for online access
(Zaenrollit) and manage your account via kardholdera Inet, possibly
carry out operations transferred to other accounts, etc., but it is fraught with
rang from the bank, which requires firstly good knowledge
English, and secondly again sinzhenerii skill. You can order a
so-called "white plastic" and go shopitsya in real boutiques.

" You can earn a lot of money
? can productively cooperate with other carders
? fairly safe
? Newbies initially need good knowledge of hacking

I do not urge people to engage in carding. This paper is written
informational only and obezopasivaniya themselves, as well as simply
as a journalistic story .

Summary kardersko-Russian dictionary.
CC, cardboard, cards - credit cards or information about them.
FRaud (Fraud) - Illegal operation. With all the ensuing
Kardholder (CARDHOLDER) - Credit card holder
CVV/CVV2/CVN code - three or four digits, improving the protection of cards with
Payment via the Internet. Now the cards without the code almost nowhere
Checa card (check for validity) - to check credit cards
efficiency. Credo may use to you, because of what
kardholder could block it and, therefore, make it has already
nothing is impossible. Therefore, the credo is to take a trusted vendors or
somewhere to check. Testing usually involves renting the map
minimum possible amount (about 10 cents). If you remove succeeded
hence, creed working, and it should be urgently somewhere to drive. Check
better through a special program or in special places. On the porn sites
check does not advise it, since that is where they are killed.
Vbivalschik - a man who knows how to buy goods in e-
store or an account on pornosayte, so that it does not appear
message transaction declined.

Carding Glove - one of the varieties of carding is to
purchase of real things on a stolen credo. Usually this home
technique, since then it can sell. A message should be, because,
First, it is very difficult to bring in Russia, and secondly - no one
need houses exhibits. Sales can do,
For example, a foreign drop.

Drop (from the English. Drop - to throw) - a man for whom "throws"
Cash, checks or goods ordered in the store, which he then
sends his employer. Drop might not be aware that you purchased
All is not quite fair way. Or conversely, do this

Weyer (wire transfer) - bank transfer. Go for a long time, but reliable.
It is probable and chardzhbek, if money were stolen.
Chardzhbek (money Back) - tip money. Do e-shops, banks,
electronic payment systems. It is produced when the victim carding
declares that it robbed. Therefore, in the carding of great importance
attached to launder money and cashing.

Money orders or Cashier Checks - checks that are pre-paid. Of
All these types of checks - the most convenient for carders. With other
has long bothered: send them to check in another bank and
fill out a pile of papers. But the checks do not require such stress, it is true
and the percentage of commission they are not weak.

Transaction - transaction on the map, starting with the identification
kardholdera and until the issuance of money.

PayPal - PayPal, electronic payment system (such as our WebMoney).
The essential difference is that there can transfer money to the credo.
However, doing so is becoming harder and harder - organized
limits the input, output limits, and a lot of different constraints.
Nalschik - a man who helped transfer money into cash.
Let come to you a check. Give it nalschiku - gettin
cash. Nalschiki not nalyat Credit! Basically they work with
Cheque, bank Weyer, money orders.

Track (track) - a piece of information recorded on the map. A total
map their 3. First - INFA info, the second - INFA info about
Bank and others, the third - a spare, or for more information.
The most important - is the second track. Third, we are not interested, because
nothing that is not represented.
Issuer credit card (card issuer) - office, which issued
map. This can be a bank, store (discount card), etc. We will
talk about bank credit cards, so as issuers
will consider banks.

BIN (Bank Identification Number) - the first few digits of the card,
which indicate the issuing bank. This is usually the first six digits.
If the bank is very large enough and the first three digits.
Bank acquirer (acquirer) - Bank, responsible for primary processing
trazaktsy. That is, he initially worked with the card coming your, shops, a
where you buy food, ATM, in which you get
money. It was he who spreads anti-sheets.

Escrow Services (Escrow Services) - the office, which play a role
underwrite the work of the auction. You send them money, ES
informs the seller that the money is, and he (the seller) sends the goods.
After receiving it, you report it, and money goes to the seller.
White plastic - it is not plastic from elite producers, as I
once said "guru" carding, but just a white piece of plastic (usually
grade CR-80) with a blank magnetic stripe. Looks like a CD-disc, and
He, too, can write a lot of interesting things.
Dump - information recorded on a magnetic stripe credit card.
Usually consists of 2 or 3 tracks.

Authorization - the process of checking the availability of funds in the account from the client.
Merchant account (merchant Account) - a special bank account
which opens the seller to withdraw money from the card accounts.
For example, you decided to accept payment by credit cards. The bank
you open such an account, and it received money from the buyers.
May you not wait until the money will go to the card account, the bank pays you
out of pocket, while he waits for the money. Therefore, to open such
account, you just need to radiate confidence that your stall is no tomorrow

Embossers - a machine that squeezes инфу on maps. Paid
note that the letters on the banknote is not drawn, as it were, squeezed out?
This is what embossers.
Encoder (reader) - devays to read and write disk imaging with magnetic strip

ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) - ATM.
Imprinter - a device that prints on the slip data
Embossed on the map, and data on the point, which is

POS Terminal (Point-of-sale Terminal) - a device installed in
stores. Reads инфу recorded on a magnetic strip, and
associated with the bank for the transaction. Unlike
ATM, POS terminal is controlled by a cashier. In most cases
identification of the buyer is visual, that is, the cashier did not
asks PIN-code or identification card. This does not apply
several types of cards that require full authentication and identification


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hi there

man i like this tut ...very helpful for noobs and plus refreshed my old memory.....
2. The way "honest carders" - now this was the most funny part made laugh to dead no offense to the writer but good post ...
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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
Google translation fail. Don't do it again, thank you.


What are you, Wikipedia ?

If you have a PhD in carding, why don't you AT LEAST speak proper english ?

Epic Fail. ZzZzZz.