How to earn money?

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I spent 2 weeks reading things on the forum.
I feel I'm ready to make money.
The biggest difficulty is cc full info. It's really expensive for me at the moment. Cheapest seller I can find is 5$/cc and I am not sure about its quality, reputable seller they can sell is 15$/cc full info.
I have joined several telegram channels where, during the day, there will be few nice people sharing public cc (cc non info), some of them have pretty good balance.
Please share me a way to earn money from cc non info.
I used up all my savings to buy and VMlogin, I ran out of capital.
This is really a difficult period, I have time, hard work, just need a little help, maybe I will get through.


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Material quality - valid CC
The quality of the material depends on the suppliers who provide the CC for sale in the CC stores.
The higher the% validity of the CC database, the better it is considered to be.
But it is very difficult to evaluate the CC store and the assortment available in it for the CC sale on quality.
This can be verified only by making purchases of CC and noticing their amount of invalidation.
In addition, almost all shops and private sellers offer a free replacement of an invalid CC for a valid CC.
Therefore, you can be disappointed only if you did not find what you needed in a particular store, the balance of the account in which you replenished for further purchases.
It is extremely difficult to find sellers "fullz (full info) + CC", and if someone offers this product, then their cost will be an order of magnitude higher than the usual regular CC + CVV.

Carding as a way to rise from the bottom
Amigos, now is the time to discuss one burning topic, namely carding. How many discussions, debates, disputes on the forums devoted to this branch of shadow earnings. Oddly enough, many myths floating around carding remain myths that have nothing to do with reality. Now I will try to dispel the main ones, describe the essence of this craft and tell how much money can be raised on the drive.

A bit of theory
Carding is a type of fraud in which an operation is performed using a bank card or its details, not initiated or confirmed by its holder. Payment card details are usually taken from hacked servers of online stores, payment and settlement systems, as well as from personal computers (either directly or through remote access programs, the so-called "Trojans" and "worms").

Driving is a blunt purchase of something anywhere for money from credit cards.
CC - credit card.
Dedik, dedic, RDP (dedicated server) - a remote server (computer) that works 24-48+ hours.

Major misconceptions

I want everything at once
The first mistake is that a beginner wants to immediately deal with the transfers, buy himself a CC and overtake it on his card, this does not happen. It is technically impossible to transfer money from CC to another CC, you can only write off funds from the CC. I always advise you to start with a thing, how to look for shops, drive in and take stuff, you will learn below.

Security. They'll jail me!
One of the main problems a beginner faces is the fear of being jailed. For some reason he thinks that he will immediately start making millions and he will certainly be watched. If you scard, even, let’s say, a hundred goods from the shop, then the chance that they will come for you is equal or almost equal to zero! And this is the most important thing that you need to drive into your head.
When you drive into a shop from a RDP, you are already hiding your real ip, and you are not using socks5, but RDP or ssh tunnel, which has the greatest anonymity.

Where to drive in and how to make money on it?

1. Online Shops
Pros: It's relatively easy to find a slutty shop.
Cons: shops die quickly, a small % of net income from driving.
How you can find shops and how to arrange everything correctly will be below.

2. Your merchant account
Pros: income from driving up to 95%.
Cons: start-up capital to raise your merchant, difficulty in finding a merchant with a large percentage of allowable chargebacks or with instant withdrawal.

3. Brokerage offices such as forex and stock exchanges
It makes no sense to drive in the CC, but you can buy such accounts from the logs and open an account for the drop with the same name and surname as the holder and spend all the money on the drop.

4. Poker accounts and offices with sports betting
You can, of course, do chip dumping and come up with your own chains, or you can go easier through a little deception.

5. Mobile operators
I will say right away that it will not be possible to drive operators, I do not argue, there are such merchants, but the limits on replenishment fluctuate around $ 10 . It's just not worth it to waste your time.

6. Online games
At the moment, having driven games into completely died, it will not work to make money on this, money can be debited from the CC, but the game will not be credited to the account of the game, if they come, then the account will be quickly lost. So we only drive into Pindos games or buy gold from suppliers. It is driven in better with a PayPal than with a CC. If one drives in and the other drives out, then you can work well.

7. Payment systems
You shouldn't drive it into the PayPal, if only because the prices for the accounts are available, it also makes no sense to drive it into the moneybookers (skrill), this payment positions itself more for paying for goods and services than for settlements. But it makes sense to drive into the alert, it is enough to receive an SMS, send 2 scans and you can drive in.

8. Rest
These are all kinds of scams, mmm, social networks, hosting, advertising, porn, etc.
Rule 1 to drive sites into the CIS will not work, except if the PayPal, alert and the like are not screwed on.
Congratulations, you took the right step towards meeting big money. One could spend six months or more on self-study, get burned not once and start making money, or be completely disappointed and quit this business. And you can read this article to the end, realize everything and not just make good money, but start mowing the loot.
When a person who is far from carding hears the word "carding", images of transfers begin to come to his mind, how he withdraws money from bourgeois cards and transfers it to his accounts. This does not happen. You can't just take from one CC to another CC to cashout the loot. You can transfer money from a roll (CC with online banking) to a CC (card) drop of the same country. Prices for cards start at $ 300 and end at $ 7000, but you won't be able to pour millions on them, because everything depends on the limits.
Money from CC can be transferred to the account of a casino, poker, payment system and withdrawn from there, but this will no longer be called a gulf, it can be called the topic of cashout from CC.

9. Earnings on carding CC (Driving into webcams)
Perhaps someone has now taken this path and my topic will be useful.
Who is seasoned Perhaps will be able to scale.
You can't earn a lot, well, at $ 100-200 per day, you can not strain.
The scheme works now.

And so, for work we need:
1. Valid CC can not be full (Number, exp, cvv)
2. Telegram (3+ do it right away, because I will give you a block for the mailing, I buy numbers on sms-activate, well, if there is better - take it there)
3. VPN (With the ability to select a country)
4. RDP aka Dedik (to the Country where cardholder. in difficult times I cut in on the RDP VPN - It works perfectly, we just don't forget to clean the cookies after each new account)
5. Drop for 1 time (make wallets to your number and mail to receive money). Needed - PAXUM, since the model's money is withdrawn to it and will be transferred to you.

1. We buy Dedik (RDP) - I found sellers by mailing in TG
We buy CC - I bought for $ 2 in telegram, well, if I did not find the necessary sellers - and other shops (Necessary countries Austria, Germany - Others did not check)
Working bins and zip codes:
Austria - 535685 558158 410039 (zip 1110)
Germany - 558401 548699 (zip 10115)
(Check others)

2. We find by sending a drop that for $ 10 we will make us a wallet on PAXUM (Our mail and number, mail is needed for 1 time, number for rent for a week + take)

3. VPN. We throw it on Dedik (RDP), and depending on which country cardholder we connect.

4. In the telegram we find the groups in which the industry's webcam models are sitting.
There are many groups, Google will already help you.

We look at the participants who leave comments and so on.
Next, we write the following.
"Hello, are you interested in the bay? (IMPORTANT! Look for models so that they have the possibility of daily withdrawals!). And we write by type - I give you $ 200-400 per day from which 50% after withdrawal are yours" and so on.
I have somewhere 10% agreed without knowing the details.
And so, the model you found that you agree, we proceed to point 3

5. We go to one of the webcam jerking sites (With a RDP and a verified SP, so that the country is under the CC), where we will drive.
for example, I worked through
- Registering an Account (3 minutes)
- 10 minutes watching the left models, just open and close.
- We go to our model (search by her nickname, which she told us in the telegram)
- Click to top up the balance
- Choose the payment system PAXUM (You can enter any name and surname, mail, this does not affect the result.
- 200-200-500-700-700 +++ (If you hit 700 at once, then from 3 times it will be checked, and you need a selfie with a card, etc.)
- Next, we take our model in "private"
- And there we pretend that you just jerk off and went in! and the model writes as always (chats and models are checked sometimes)
- We drop her tokens (tokens are the currency on the site) + removes for private.
- So we merge one model at $ 150-250 (it is no longer needed, because they can freeze the withdrawal since our account is new)
- She puts everything on withdrawal
- 3-14 days and the money that she transfers to us falls on her wallet.

I painted everything more or less briefly and clearly.
If you have questions, it will not work out that - I will answer and help.
If necessary, I will do everything step by step under the screenshots. Well, I think everything is very clearly laid out and something will not work out)

For 1000 tokens the model receives = $ 50 c which we will receive (25-30-40, etc., already at what% and under what pretext do you agree with the web girls)

Don't forget about - RDP, Proxies, VPN and so on!

Working with non vbv bins, auto vbv bins, reset vbv bins
Working with data is possible with absolutely any internet store, website, cryptocurrency exchange or service.
The advantage of these bins is that they are suitable for any merchant (lockable gateway) that works using 3-D secuure technology. This technology is used by 80% of all modern merchants and banking gateways, because it provides the most secure processing of payments of the week, 2-D security technology, which does not ask for a SMS transaction confirmation code (OTP) at all.
That is, working with non-vbv and auto vbv bins is possible on any sites on which the option to pay with cards is connected, and this is 90% of sites that accept payments.
When working with these bins, you do not need to enter the code sent via SMS to the cardholder's phone. This is their advantage and key feature.
You can set the vbv code on cards without the vbv code in the following ways:
1. In a bank account by creating an enroll
2. When making a payment in a merchant. In this case, you must specify the correct date of birth (DOB) or SNN code of the cardholder.
If you do not know this personal data, then you can use the sites that search by name.

Anonymity and security
The main thing to pay attention to is safety and anonymity when doing clothing carding. When ordering a product in an online store, special scripts can find out additional information about the user. So, for example, if you work with American online stores, then your computer should also look like the computer of a typical American.
This means that the installed operating system must be English from beginning to end, because the store may be alerted even by the presence of the language for keyboard input. Your time zone should not just be American, but correspond to the local time zone of your drop (the person who receives the goods from the store and sends it to you). When ordering from the online store, it is mandatory to use an anonymous proxy server. And it is highly desirable that the IP of this proxy server corresponds to the state of your drop, and even better to the city.

Clothing carding scheme
Carder, having previously organized his security and anonymity on the Web, places an order in the online store.
The store may ask to call and / or send a scanned credit card. A scan of a credit card is drawn by a special person. The call to the store is also made by a person with anti-AON, so that everything looks as if the legitimate owner of the card is calling.
The store sends the purchase to your person (drop) in the country where the online store is located.
The drop sells the goods on the spot, keeping some of the money for himself, or sends the goods to you.

How much do carders earn?
Do not think that from the very beginning of your carder career, you will earn millions. The question of earnings rests directly on your skills, knowledge, experience and diligence.
At the initial stage, when you are still completely "green", you can count on $ 1000-10000 per month. Accordingly, developing in this area, improving the skills and methods of driving, it is quite possible to reach $ 5000-15000 of monthly income in 2-3 months of work.
So, the topic of cashout money from the CC, no one just will not shoot. There are public topics, and there are private topics that you need to get to yourself. Yes, theme sell, there are also decent, the price spread lasts from $ 100-10000. Only a catch, incl. having bought a theme, even if through a escrow service, no one will give you a guarantee that the theme will not die the next day. Another thing is training in carding from professionals who have been working in this topic for more than one year.
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Check my postings, wrote a thread on how to fix this because i was in that situation too.

Carding has become too hard in my opinion, thats why we need to adapt to new methods which counter the counter methods which make carding difficult today.Its really easy and made for People who dont know sht about the tech side for example (they have their own chromium based browser where you can directly upload the cookies, connect to socks5 etc.).


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
there are shops where you can buy $2 cc. and there might be a balance more than $10k. E.g they are recommended by and i bought some cards from them last week and where all legit. You can try your luck with them.


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Does a person's good financial situation always mean that he is on the right track? Can a person develop in his business, but not be very rich? Conversely, can people with huge profits be out of their way?
Money, of course, is the criterion for the integrity of the individual. A harmonious person will not necessarily be a billionaire or an oligarch, but he will definitely not be poor, since he has all the necessary resources to be useful to society. It may be that a person is in his business, but he has no money. This suggests that it is still not harmonious enough, in particular, in the material environment.
There are many talented, capable craftsmen and worthy professionals who do not have enough money because they do not have a well-established positioning of their skills and abilities. With the right presentation, a person, being a smart and cool specialist, receives a good level of financial reward. There are, of course, very rich people in power who did not come to this in the most honest way. But they, as a rule, are unhappy and more often than not they simply spend their karmic potential, wasting those abilities that they had.


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You should try trading methods to improve your financial situation. I would advise you not to pay attention to advertising but to trust experience. Talk to the traders, it is profitable for them to work with you. Everyone profits by attracting newbies. Do not listen to anyone saying that this is a trick or a scam. I've worked with platform trading in forex and there are a huge number of them out there. Personally I haven't come across any trickery or confusion to drop everything and go trading batteries in a shop.
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