Carding tutorial (ketusa)


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hello comrades, this is a series of tutorials that I will be posting that I have found on my old harddrive that I have now got to work. (they were from other VIP boards that now don't exist no more)

this is not my work -- all credits to the author. just posting to help

This tutorial is written only for your knowledge not for illegal stuff or comp crime.
This tutorial took me(ketusa) short time to write it’s , better than nothing
If you are an old carder and find that nothing is new please don’t posts sh*t comments!
There are a lot of beginners and they will profit and enlarge their knowledge reading this.

But you will know my ways of carding,
as Live in black listed counrty and carding all days.


This text tutorial is written by me(ketusa), am not perfect in English as it's the the third language here, but I write also French Arabic and German if you are from there. Msg / email me to give you your text with your language.

I really advice all people who have difficulties speaking English to improve their languages
By reading all the times using translators and chatting with carders / newbie’s and reading carding dictionary, think there’s a good post for it here in the forum.

I really want to help people who want to card and dream to get something from internet coz really we was all like them, I started to get free stuff from Websites now I have laptop, mp3, cams, nice clothes but am always anxious and sometimes when the door knocks I though that it’s the police I sometimes don’t want to open the door and I think that all of the carders feel that.
But lot of things have changed I didn’t never imagine that I can get a laptop, because am poor and I do carding for only one reason that I want to get a lot of stuff that I can’t buy them with my money which is very few, the fact that am poor and seeing others rich, the fact that there’s no originals CD’shere, or Hip hop clothes that I want in this country; pushed me to into this carding world and here to write you lot of things.

The first thing that I have got From internet was a book from and it was few years ago
I really like websites who ships internationally and I am not ok with people who say that it’s very hard to find website that ships nice stuff internationally,
I used to card from a website that once your cc is processed your stuff is automatically shipped within 24 hours , so what you have to do is to try to get their merchant name and try in Google to find websites that use the same merchant and try to card from them, and that works 40 % of the time.
Note that websites have upgraded their merchants and shopping systems so it’s more difficult now to shop from them .I kept after that trying to card the site but all orders have been rejected,
It’s easy to card the sites the first time and it’s difficult the second time, so you have to do lot of things that make you appear as new customer and like a normal customer,
The first thing that you have to do is to use a proxy not any proxy and it’s the important thing
There are many proxies in internet but they are not perfect, I use socks with 6 port numbers
And check my anonymity and my informations here :
As my country so a censorship and blocks 80 1080, ports, …. Due to sex/politic reasons...
If you are connecting from a Cyber Café you can’t use proxies you can only use web proxies
Like this one ****s://***
You can find a lot of webproxies in internet try to find’em with Google with
After checking your anonymity try to clean all cookies and every thing , disable java and uninstall it from control panel , use a firewall (like Norton) also thy block a lot of information
So now you have your cc/cvv2 list try to use a cc which is from the same country /state of you proxy, or vice versa if you don’t have a lot of ccs,
Verifying your cc: there are a lot of sites in internet that check your cc without charging it
A good expel was given by member and the site was try to figure how to do that.
You have to check your proxy location with ***

(Note that pple who use cyber net café cannot benefit from using proxies so they have less chance to card )

Now check you address if it’s correct here, the phone number also must be from the same place: ****://***
Well with all of this I think that you are like the owner of the credit card you are using
Now put your shipping, cc billing and don’t put the exact phone number of the cc change the last digit , coz some shop owners phone to the cc holder and verify the sh*t .
The email, I don’t use (hotmail, yahoo, excite,) the known emails, I use emails which are unknown,
Try to logout from your email, coz they will scan your in formations through the email (SMTP, POP,…)I always say that anonymity is the way of success.
Always imagine your self like you’re the owner of the cc and do the max and you will see.
Now your order is placed so you know through the FAQ … when your order will ship…
Do never try to card that site until your order is shipped, if it’s shipped your are good customer, don’t abuse the cc you have used in other websites coz maybe other shops will contact the bank to block it
If your order is shipped and your cc still valid shop another time from that websites using the same information, if your order is not shipped then you have to change your cc, your infos , you will change your shipping the max as you can , coz they will block it , so your name is Mark , change it Marc , Mark-k your address your zip code if it’s 5447 put 05447 or 005447

All the things that I have talked about are for sites that use AVS (address verification system and don’t succeed putting same bill ship) or somth like that
Same bill ship is the fact that you put your infos as billing and shipping,
So here you are the owner of the cc you don’t have to use proxy of the cc country but you can use proxy just for securing your self, most of the sites will verify your credit card , so if you are shopping from a USA site use an International cc , I mean cc from other country, and vice versa , you can card some sites also even of you use USA site with cc from USA ,but not a lot.

I always try to card the site with same bill ship from an intrl cc first, then if it doesn’t succeed I try to change my method.

Finding cardable sites: everyone has it’s attitude to find cardable sites , For me am lucky when I try sites from magazines , try and tell me !
Last summer I worked as entertainment (animation) in hotel, contacting alot of people and having freinds from allover the world and giving emails , was nice so now i have lot of drops , (france uk canada... ) talking to tourists in the streetz is also good , if ya don't have tourists then am sorry
I hate most Irc channels , all fu*king rippers.
Go To FAQ’s, customers sections , maybe they have live help , chat with ‘em and try to figure if they need copy of ccs or a max amount … it will help you ,

(Me: now I ship evrything TO France, if you have a drop in france i can ship good mobile phones, cams, mp3,.... so msg me or email me if you want)

note :If You find a web site and you like it , but your country is not listed there , then you don’t exit it , but simply put any other country of the list and put you country somewhere down in city …post services will figure that and you stuff will be shipped .
Gathering informations + tools +luck will take you to the success


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im in france, if you want make easy money contact me bro


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Very nice tutorial.
Hope to see more :)