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I am not here to beg for Vouches. If it takes time to get my 2 vouches, thats fine. I am willing to wait to use this forum. I had an account on this forum quite a while ago, but unfortunately after a big bust in my area I had to go off the grid. Dumped all accounts, burned laptops, and ditched the little gear I had. Sadly my actions to cover up was not fast enough, the damage was done. I was sentenced to 12 months in the state penitentiary. Lucky for me, police have my alias's information, and it was good enough to fool them for over a year xP

I now have a whole new identity including drivers license, birth certificate, generated job history, as well as faked tax receipts. I would prefer not to go into detail about my current and/or my previous alias's due to the fact I don't want any old issues brought up in my life, so don't even try to ask. I haven't been on this forum in over a year so i don't know how close the feds are to ya, so until i get adjusted don't expect to much out of me.

I have a lot to offer this forum if you all would like to accept me. I am sure you have MORE than enough card suppliers, but once I get back up and running I will be an honest, trusting, cheap source to get cards from. I will even run a few freebies here and there when needed.

I write great picture detailed guides, and can provide a good welcome to newcomers. To those of you who have been on the forum for a while, I can offer certain Identity solutions to you. I am not promising much, but I will promise to be a good Carder Pro member.

Since it is against the rules to beg or bribe your vouches, I am not asking, just simply stating my situation. It would be a big help if you could open your arms and bring me back into the community. I could really use the help starting myself up again. Your help in vouching me will not be forgotten.

Really tho, who do you want to vouch, someone saying "Durr... Vouch 4 me so I dnt have to pay" *No Insult to users that attempt this method* , or an explanation. I could go out and spend the money *I'm a little tight on money but I can manage*, but I would rather be introduced to Carder Pro a more humane way. The vouch method.

Thats all I have to say. Vouch if you wana help a bro out.