Patience - key to success


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Once an old carder said - "The more newcomers get desperate, the more rippers we get".
Its sorry to recognize, but its a fact. Rippers are around us. They had their status, and mostly because they cant use their fantasy, dont have the time to search for something new or from unsuccessful carding attemps.

In this article I would like to talk about effecive ways of making your first money.

P.S. In my opinion - the main weapon of a carder is the ability to PERSUADE and PATIENCE. If you do not have those 2 weapons, or dont know how to learn new things and patiently wait for something - you can end your carrer right now.

I would like to consider the fact that all methonds written below and tested personally by me

Method № 1:

On-line store.
This method is popular and has a lot of articles written on it. Most people do not treat online stores seriously, but they should.

Ill describe on process online store of woman clothing hxxp://

What do we have? We have a regular US store with woman clothing. When searching the store I found a few factors:
1. Store sells stuff by gift-cards.
2. Store ships to shipping address.
3. Store sends their invoice with the package.

Of course you can start carding right away on drops, but its not like brand shop, what will you have from it?

You can use a way like this:
1. You buy a domain close to the name e.g. You can card this, but dont be stingy and waste $9 to buy a full domain that will work for all long as you need to.
2. Buy a hostings, cheap one like fatcow or bluehost.
3. Making an internet-store, I will describe it better below.
On this day there are different engines for online shops. I recommend Prestashop, it is very nice and simple. Any newcomer would be able to set up his own shop in 10 minutes.
After you setup the shop, you need to find a good template for your shop.
Then you need to configure payment methods. You can choose LiqPay and PayPal, they are both good.
After this you can fill the shop with material from
I also recommend to set up a live-chat (LiveZilla works good enough, its also light)

So, we have a ready shop, and a oppurtunity to make some money. But we have no buyers.

You don't need to search too deep for them, look on facebook for example where you can easily card advertisement. Its easy, just pick any cc and do the work.

You can also use and get some SEO specialists. We pay them for their work with our carded money.

So, you have your first buyers, you will have them if you did everything correctly and developed my suggestions a little bit. After you got the order and the money, go to and card a gift card. With this gift card you can buy anything you need and send it to your customer. You may not be afraid of invoices, name of stores are identical.

With same way you can create a shop for anything - clothing, jewelry, gifts, flowers e.t.c., anything that you can buy.

Method № 2.

There is a beatiful Australian website -, where freelancers from around the world will work for you.
There's nothing to describe much, a lot of people worked in freelance or with it.

You make 2 accounts - workgiver and worker.

The workgiver opens a project where has all the details and selects the price for a project. After a few hours or a day choose the work with freelancers account and accept the work.
Then, you send the desired amount to account with PP and send it to developer.
After 2-3 days pretend that the work is done and ask the workgiver to release the money. After you do that, create a positive feedback for the freelancer.
Theres a little problem - first cashout is available only after 15 days, then by request.

When you start - don't "pay" more than $200 for rist projects, it will create suspicion.

Method № 3
This method is similar to method with the shop, but this one depends on buying from yourself. We need to create a shop that will accept cc, for this we will use paypal merchant.

To accept payments with pp, create a clean account registered on Poland or Romania. Verify the account with any VCC which you can buy online easily, upgrade account to business. Its suggested that you leave it to stay like that for a few weeks and create the documents which you may need to unlimit the pp, if something worst happens.

Then, everything is pretty easy. Open your shop, pay to yourself by cc using paypal processor. Chase bank goes well into this. There were a few disputes, from which a holder won several. The main thing is to get the right bins and get a track to holders address, which you can card from

I hope my suggestions will help somebody and he will find his profession in this hard business.

In the end I would like to say - dont forget about services like, sms billing, voip, creating software on and selling it on portals.

(c) strohys
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