Nick : fiat ICQ 113032362 ripped me $7500 my share


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This guy fiat ripped me on a wire transfer I did to his drop for $15.5k. Thats his profile link on this forum.

He is also on .su forum with same nick so I request Ninja to give him ripper status their as well.

I sent him 15.5k wire on Monday which was reflected instantly to his chase drop. I'm not going to post his drop details or other sensitive information. All the logs can prove that he owes me and he should be labelled as ripper on both forums. His ICQ is 113032362. Here are the logs from tuesday. Don't want to paste Monday's log with sensitive info cuz thats the day when I wired the money.

(10:40:44 PM) Forensic: Whats the news?
(10:53:35 PM) Forensic: 10k cashed I see.
(10:53:49 PM) Forensic: Just checked it from phone access :)
(10:53:52 PM) shatranjcutthroat: hi
(10:53:55 PM) shatranjcutthroat: yep
(10:54:02 PM) shatranjcutthroat: we are getting another 3k
(10:54:12 PM) Forensic: Get all out today bro.
(10:54:19 PM) Forensic: So we can do 30k wire today.
(10:54:28 PM) shatranjcutthroat: we will try to do the rest by today , if wr can raise the POS limit on the debit card
(10:54:51 PM) shatranjcutthroat: but like yesterday some time in the late after noon
(10:54:58 PM) shatranjcutthroat: btw ..
(10:55:11 PM) shatranjcutthroat: i was having a word with the 500k+ biz drop owner
(10:55:26 PM) shatranjcutthroat: its a prime acct ! so it would easy lets uegt a all the money easily
(10:55:55 PM) shatranjcutthroat: but the owner including us doesnt not want to use it if we dont make ay thing less than 500k
(10:56:12 PM) shatranjcutthroat: so is it possible for $100k * multiple xfer same day
(10:56:23 PM) shatranjcutthroat: none of us want to burn it for even $100k
(10:56:29 PM) Forensic: Hmmmm...
(10:56:35 PM) Forensic: I guess it can be possible.
(10:56:44 PM) Forensic: But it would raise alert on ur drop.
(10:56:55 PM) Forensic: I mean wiring these amounts from different citibank accounts..
(10:57:04 PM) shatranjcutthroat: i understood that
(10:57:31 PM) shatranjcutthroat: ok thts still pending discussion
(10:57:45 PM) shatranjcutthroat: lets get this smaller amnts done and settles this week , and we can think of that next week
(10:57:57 PM) shatranjcutthroat: brb in 15 mins

Then today after midnight USA time this conversation...

(1:55:13 PM) shatranjcutthroat: well drop got detained by bank : authorities called in and a formal case filed
(1:55:24 PM) shatranjcutthroat: i am getting my law guys to take care of it and bail him
(1:55:53 PM) Forensic: LOL.
(1:56:02 PM) Forensic: Man the login is STILL FUCKING GOOD!!!
(1:56:10 PM) shatranjcutthroat: now if it was the bank or the origin going bad
(1:56:16 PM) shatranjcutthroat: can i have a SS shot of that please
(1:56:16 PM) shatranjcutthroat: ?
(1:56:18 PM) Forensic: Drop cashed out.
(1:56:26 PM) Forensic: And went outta bank safely.
(1:56:31 PM) shatranjcutthroat: drop didnt cash out the rest 5k
(1:56:32 PM) Forensic: He can't be caught JUST LIKE THAT!!!
(1:56:42 PM) Forensic: If he was detained by the bank..
(1:56:56 PM) Forensic: Then the login would be blocked PLUS ur drop account would be blocked.
(1:56:59 PM) shatranjcutthroat: can i have SS shot of the acct summary plz , if uc an
(1:57:02 PM) Forensic: So STOP FUCKING MAKING UP STORIES with me.
(1:57:02 PM) shatranjcutthroat: then post me to the forums
(1:57:09 PM) shatranjcutthroat: untill i send u money to undo that !
(1:57:45 PM) shatranjcutthroat: i am not requesting u not to put me on black list
(1:58:05 PM) shatranjcutthroat: you do that , but provide the SS if you can
(1:59:46 PM) Forensic: FOR WHAT u need screenshot?
(2:00:32 PM) shatranjcutthroat: just to assurted its not the origin of the funds tht was the reason
(2:00:42 PM) shatranjcutthroat: not going to do anything with that
(2:00:58 PM) shatranjcutthroat: other wise
(2:01:44 PM) Forensic: AFTER the $ are fucking cashed out man, He can't be "detained" by the bank JUST LIKE THAT!!!!
(2:02:07 PM) Forensic: Like I said, IF even he was, The account would be negative 9999999999 balance in checkings.
(2:02:23 PM) Forensic: It's that simple.
(2:03:19 PM) shatranjcutthroat: no its not always tht ! see the Rest $5k wasnt cashed out . he could have done that if he was out in the open .. he would have easily cshed out $3000+
(2:03:21 PM) shatranjcutthroat: $500 more
(2:03:22 PM) shatranjcutthroat: easily
(2:03:48 PM) shatranjcutthroat: i am willing to go to blacklist and pay u from my own Reserve everything ,
(2:04:13 PM) shatranjcutthroat: i am just asking can you provide me the SS once ! its not a big thing .. u just log in and take a ss !
(2:04:41 PM) shatranjcutthroat: pal i still want to be associated with u ! i have got better drops .. Biz drops ! so i know if we can solve this out i stand to gain more
(2:05:14 PM) shatranjcutthroat: a single op going bad doesnt mean i wanted to rip u from day one or just ripped u !!!
(2:05:31 PM) shatranjcutthroat: i have been here and around for long , i am sure u didnt see me with any negative feed back earlier
(2:08:44 PM) Forensic: Man you got time to do ur job, I sent wire day b4 yesterday.
(2:09:08 PM) Forensic: Monday wire was sent.
(2:09:23 PM) Forensic: But its ok.
(2:09:26 PM) Forensic: Lemme check the acc.
(2:09:28 PM) shatranjcutthroat: pal monday wire was sent around 4:30 bank branch shus down by 5:00
(2:09:50 PM) shatranjcutthroat: see pal if i wanted to rip i would have taken up at least $3500 the very fast day using debit +pos
(2:10:15 PM) Forensic: Bro ur guy could've cashed out from POS or some shit on Monday when wire hit.
(2:10:27 PM) Forensic: Anyways like I said, U have to pay $7500 today.
(2:11:00 PM) Forensic: If ur not going to pay this then lemme know and I'll go ahead post u in blacklist.
(2:11:25 PM) shatranjcutthroat: i am telling u the Ground Realities , just that
(2:11:29 PM) Forensic: 11/05/10 3090638658 CITIBANK N.A. 15,500.00 Jermaine Jones
(2:14:05 PM) shatranjcutthroat: can i have a screen shot ?
(2:14:10 PM) Forensic: Again what matters is that ur guy CASHED OUT as money was cleared.
(2:16:37 PM) Forensic: Can I have $7500 GUARANTEE that u will pay it to me TODAY?
(2:17:14 PM) Forensic: U should ask for these screenshots and all thing BEFORE, NOT after.
(2:17:29 PM) shatranjcutthroat: yeah Tths true , i am nto saying tht $7500 wasnt taken out of the acct
(2:17:41 PM) shatranjcutthroat: but hes detained as a m telling u
(2:18:08 PM) shatranjcutthroat: he had gone to bank to withdraw the rest since debit only supported $3500
(2:18:59 PM) shatranjcutthroat: If u have the login intact liek u said yesterday and it had $200,000 , can you just gimme a SS . its not to prove that drop didnt cash out $10k . but for me to verify
(2:19:56 PM) shatranjcutthroat: these are all street guys tht i pick up for ops , procide them with id and documentations to open bank accts and use them to run the errands ! i need to take care of them also but i wouldnt take care of them if they are lieing to me or .. they are playing around
(2:20:01 PM) shatranjcutthroat: like u wont leave me for a glitch
(2:20:09 PM) Forensic: The account is DEAD as of RIGHT NOW!!! This doesn't mean u won't pay me what u owe me.
(2:20:18 PM) Forensic: Happy?
(2:20:51 PM) shatranjcutthroat: i am asking u to help me so that i can get to him and as for ur money , i wil pay through my own pocket
(2:20:56 PM) shatranjcutthroat: or make an arrangement
(2:21:15 PM) Forensic: I can't help u when the account is dead now.
(2:22:15 PM) shatranjcutthroat: well i ca understand , that !
(2:22:22 PM) shatranjcutthroat: i have to find a way to pay u !
(2:22:43 PM) shatranjcutthroat: but so it explains my drop wasnt lying to me
(2:23:04 PM) shatranjcutthroat: he must have been detained , reason why he couldnt cash the rest $5k
(2:24:06 PM) shatranjcutthroat: i have to get him out and at the same time work on a payment schedule to u ! in the mean time u can post me to black list
(2:25:06 PM) shatranjcutthroat: or we can move on and do better things , some time shit happnes unintentionally
(2:25:25 PM) Forensic: No we can't move on like this.
(2:25:31 PM) Forensic: U pay and we move on.
(2:25:36 PM) Forensic: Thats how it is gonna be.
(2:25:47 PM) Forensic: I'll go ahead and post u in blacklist.
(2:35:07 PM) Forensic: Its YOUR job to get the $ out for which ur taking ur %, So it should be who is going to pay us.
(2:35:25 PM) Forensic: going to be YOU
(2:36:03 PM) Forensic: I can send u screen if I want to photoshop it and lie to u.
(2:36:08 PM) Forensic: But I'm not lying.
(2:36:23 PM) Forensic: Because no benefit to me or u either.
(2:37:04 PM) Forensic: Anyways thats all I gotta say and will post logs now.
(2:37:54 PM) shatranjcutthroat: ok
(2:37:57 PM) shatranjcutthroat: as u wish
(2:38:01 PM) shatranjcutthroat: i will try to get it Resolved
(2:38:02 PM) shatranjcutthroat: soon
(2:38:47 PM) shatranjcutthroat: but it would have been faster , if we had moved on with work keeping in mind that i still need to pay u for the first op an amount equivalent to the amnt cashed out
(2:38:59 PM) shatranjcutthroat: it would have been easier for me and faster too
(2:39:25 PM) Forensic: Work with u???
(2:39:39 PM) Forensic: Man I WORKED with u already and I have seen the outcome.
(2:40:08 PM) Forensic: I can't rely on u with another wire AT ANY COST!!!!
(2:41:09 PM) shatranjcutthroat: u can ! u know not all work is 100 % here , we didi a fair job .. but it Bombed ! if u can understand that , i am sure u wouldnt shout at me like tht
(2:41:44 PM) shatranjcutthroat: every one knows there is a chance of things getting a lil hay wire in this line of BIZ , but as businessmen we can look beyond! am not telling i wont pay ur money
(2:41:52 PM) shatranjcutthroat: i have seen ur job abd i will tell u are good at it
(2:42:04 PM) shatranjcutthroat: so i wouldnt wanna lose it .. but if u can support it will be fair and easy for me
(2:43:42 PM) Forensic: Bro like I said to me in this business comfortability matters.
(2:43:54 PM) Forensic: I do these wires EVERY FUCKING DAY and will keep doing to good drops.
(2:44:32 PM) Forensic: But not to drops who fuck up, EVERYONE knows about me that if they fuck up they loose me and they gotta pay $ from their own pocket ONLY cuz the fuckup is from their side not my side.
(2:44:40 PM) Forensic: Like I told you b4 u gotta cashout FAST!!!!
(2:44:51 PM) Forensic: ALL my drops knows that and work according to that.
(2:45:03 PM) Forensic: I'm not experimenting further with u on this unless u payoff this debt.
(2:46:12 PM) Forensic: Don't think its fair here when the money is CASHED OUT!!!!
(2:47:20 PM) Forensic: U got 10k and u expect me to do another wire.
(2:47:24 PM) Forensic: NEVER man!!!!
(3:48:11 PM) shatranjcutthroat: so what do ya suggest , how to Resolve this ?
(3:48:44 PM) shatranjcutthroat: in a situation like this, i know i have to owe $5k at least to u to u
(3:49:18 PM) Forensic: Only when I get paid, We continue with wires. Thats how it can be resolved and I can start with the wire as of today.
(3:49:30 PM) shatranjcutthroat: got a Biz drop , so can We work on it .. and i will cash it same day so send ur share ! + what i owe from the first one
(3:50:26 PM) Forensic: Not like that. I havent done any business with u so I can't believe ur "words".
(3:50:31 PM) Forensic: U pay and we start.
(3:50:34 PM) Forensic: Thats how its gonna be.

Panther, I request you to give him ripper status and Ninja, I request to give him ripper status on .su. I'm sick and tired of guys who pretend to act like they are FAST with these cashouts and accounts handle millions and shit. These guys are worthless to do business with and such a waste of time.


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Requesting again to Panther to please assign him ripper status and requesting Ninja to do the same to this nick on his forum as he is their as well.


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Didn't you read his topic about "500+", it was pretty obvious that he is a ripper...... No one can cash out that amount at once etc...
This is also very bad for the rest who wants to get any business !!!


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His nick on csu - same as here?


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fiat - ripper!closed.


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think before u act !

His nick on csu - same as here?

Yeah its the same .I need not change my nick on different forums . Now if u will set a ripper status to me its fine . But before that can you please explain why forensic has a different nick on while he had a different nick on and tht was labelled as ripper . So please let your good office decide what's wrong and what isn't . My cashout bombed not that i ripped!

here is the link csu on forensice, aka iceburg and on nile on icq !!! all same !Ninja you himself accorded him the ripper status on CSU.

the following link is for all to see !
so check and decide!


Never wanted to dig up so much , but when u are forced u go lengths !

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and any way .. @forensic u are no real Xferer , u are just a middle man between the real guys . The senders like for whom u scout for real drops provider like us !

Real ppl would understand the issues and problems all might face , but middlemen like you only care about their money !

prove me u arent a middleman!


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Cashout bombed? Its funny that AFTER 10K has been withdrawn it has been bombed. He's a fucking liar, He's trying to cover up his ripp by creating another topic so everyone would get diverted towards that. People who do business with me know my worth u low life jerk. Talk about "500k" shitty drops u got, U can't handle mere 15k. The problem with people like u is that they are looking for fast ways to be millionaires, Well mr Kiddo, U aint gonna be a millionaire by ripping and then creating an issue to divert everyone's attention from ur ripping so go ahead do whatever u gotta do. If I was a middle man, MANY jerks like u ripped me off, The person who "supposedly" doin wires for me would stop doin business with me. USE UR FUCKING HEAD b4 pin-pointing shit. Can't believe that a jerk like u is being mega jerk.


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u are being foul mouthed and shouting all over the place ! if u are business man , a true one a multi millionaire that you make it sound like , you should know there are losses at times . not that you have to forget about losses and move on but stay there and Recover . The street job are really hazardous at times . one op fails and u Start crying foul ! i am given the ripper status anyway , so it doesn't bother me now. But all i can say i wasn't trying to divert the topic or my own failure , but pointing at your own failure an year back !!!! what happened to that fella ???
that you owed money .. you cant just be 100 % success every time . u moved on so will your complains notwithstanding !

there could have been an amicable solution but u as i hear is not one for that coz of your foul mouth and the rush that you conjure up !


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Who told you I am a multi-millionaire? If I was, Would I be on the forums dealing with guys like u with big mouths who can't handle a 15k wire and yet expect someone to trust them for 500k wire? Be realistic. The people who CASHOUT successfully they are in business with me and will always be because they KNOW how to handle these wires unlike you. So go ahead and do whatever u gotta do.


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
forensic i pm u