This person is cheating to me my their $20 not to CC and a thief this and his contact ICQ nos 354140 name its wmz and this ññ (13.47): z128986573102 pay 7 $and I give ?? (2:33:50 PM 01-12-2010) 1 CC for test........................................ then to voltage OK this and have
prejudice at make atensione to this is the fraud cvvmasters deity ICQ number ICQ 554914762 its wmz and this cvvmasters (2.55): cvvmasters wmz account wmid: z272056080726 I or paid for CC but he miamandato nothing my done fraud not a serious vnditore in stolen 9 USD for 1 HP
fabrizio2 ?(19.23):
Without prejudice to all you tesione to this thief Fab scams of $10 he perhaps ICQ number is droca (485441262 name of Lota and Elisa number of wmz and this Elias (0.15): z767253499836 this my their 10 dollars to pay heroin him burns not dates money in this bucatino
prejudice at make atensione to this is the fraud cvvmasters deity ICQ number ICQ 554914762 its wmz and this cvvmasters (2.55): cvvmasters wmz account wmid: z272056080726 I or paid for CC but he miamandato nothing my done fraud not a serious vnditore in stolen 9 USD for 1 HP
mate i will like to register for just tell me what i need to do. thanks
hai i wanted to sell dumps on the forum and needed your approval to make a thread...
im more than open to escrow and all my dumps being verified before sale..i just hacked my friends works 250mb POS db and have at least several thousand dumps..200 verified so far!!
i was hoping to make a few bucks out of this and wanted to staqrt selling soon as possible...
could you approve my tthread?