ricky neutron
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  • This profile has been flagged for suspicious behaviour IN MY OPINION and potential scamming activities. Their comments and posts ALWAYS lack substance and seem more focused on boosting numbers rather than providing genuine help. Please exercise caution when interacting with this user. Verify any information they provide before acting on it.
    ricky neutron
    ricky neutron
    I don't understand the kind of human you are. you accused me of being a scammer first and ask @admin to ban me for a thread liked by him, when asked to provide proof you left that thread and went as far as posting on my profile that I'm a scammer for providing carding mentorship not for free. when confronted, you act like you are the victim here and say I'm causing unnecessary drama and I should act professional. @Skrein reported the same thread as scam and was asked to provide just like you were and he apologized and even apologize in my DM which I felt was unnecessary but that's respect. He reported your shop as scam for claiming to sell method and not being verified, something in his opinion is a scam, you wrote a long article like you always do just talking based on assumptions and again acting like someone was causing drama.

    You ask me to show evidence and results when you haven't shown any. Dude if you claim you "assist those who are serious, and u do it because u genuinely want to help people not because u need to scam them for a quick buck" you shouldn't be selling methods for even a cent bro.

    "Let’s keep this forum professional and focused on providing real value, not on tearing others down without cause" you say this when u are the one tearing me down without a cause. Bro!

    I'm not going to comment on this again. You can come and reply with a long message acting like you are the victim and I'm causing drama and acting unprofessional. its cool
    Ricky Neutron, I’m sorry to say, but your approach lacks authenticity. The guides you write on the forum often feel forced and not genuine. I never encourage anyone to buy anything from me unless they have strong carding skills. I provide methods and information that people can use to earn money, and my reputation speaks for itself in a market with over 1 million active users something that cannot be easily faked.

    Regarding your comments about Apple shops not being up to date, I can confirm that some are still functional, including smaller local shops with outdated 2D websites. As someone who claims to be a mentor, it’s surprising that you're not aware of this.

    This isn't about causing drama or making it personal. It’s about ensuring that people don’t lose money on advice from someone who may not be worth their trust. Genuine guidance is crucial, and it’s clear that your approach could use improvement.
    ricky neutron
    ricky neutron
    u are just a funny dude talking nonsense. u really got nothing doing than to writes long articles and thinking u are better than even moderators here. Now which apple comment are you talking about?
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