Will judge the swindler from Dnepr who lured out more than 800 thousand on a dating site


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Employees of the State Bureau of Investigation in cooperation with the Cyber Police Department have completed a pre-trial investigation against a former cadet of one of the law enforcement universities in Dnipropetrovsk region. It deceived the inhabitant of Dnepr more than on 800 thousand hryvnias.

The indictment was sent to the court.

The girl entered a specialized university in 2020. In her second year, she registered a fake profile on a dating site under a man's name, and stole a photo from a real person's page on one of the social networks.

After meeting another girl, she started writing romantic messages to her on behalf of a fictional guy. The victim, not suspecting who was really hiding behind the questionnaire, gave her phone number and began to actively correspond in messengers, as well as periodically communicate by phone.

In order for the boyfriend's voice not to betray deception, the cadet explained in telephone conversations that she had had surgery on her vocal cords as a child, so she talks like this.

Subsequently, the "boyfriend" wrote that he had joined the army and was in a combat zone, which is why it will not be possible to meet live in the near future, but promised to periodically send gifts to the girl through his niece. The so-called niece, who often brought gifts, was the suspect herself.

At one point, the "fighter" reported that he came under enemy fire near Bakhmut and was seriously wounded in battle, and began to ask for money for the operation.

Also, the cadet began to actively threaten the victim when she hesitated with money. They say that she gave a lot of her savings to the operation of "uncles", so the debt must be returned. In case of delays, she promised considerable problems, because it seems that she had friends who could "knock out" this money.

The victim borrowed more than 800 thousand hryvnias from friends and relatives and sent them to the fraudster's account.

When the person involved was exposed by employees of the State Security Bureau, she took her documents from the Dnepropetrovsk university and moved to the capital. Here she entered the law enforcement academy, however, for a civilian position. After informing her about the suspicion, the girl was expelled from the school.

She is accused of fraud committed on a particularly large scale, and of extorting the transfer of someone else's property with the threat of violence (Part 4 of Article 190, Part 4 of Article 189 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 12 years with confiscation of property.

Procedural guidance is provided by the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office.

• Source: https://dbr.gov.ua/news/dbr-zaversh...rila-ponad-800-tis.-griven-na-sajti-znajomstv