Why casino gives bonuses? (Tale about Russian bonus-hunting).

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Answer this question seems is easy: to attract new players. For about 7-8 years ago when gambling business in the Internet just began to promote it was so. For carders working with casino it was “gold time”. Casino from microgambling accept any payments from credit cards with pleasure. Even CVV wasn’t required, Russian IPs didn’t blocked – you can work even without proxies.
So there was special category of “legit” players which are called “bonus-hunters”. They were law-following civilians which as a rule play on free non-deposit bonuses. It was usually $10-$20. Russian bonus-hunters registered accounts one after another and play till they can up bonus to minimum withdrawal amount. Lucky guys could get $100 or $200. Won money was sent usually by check on their Russian address. As such hunters were quick blacklisted they had to use another tricks. Non-deposit bonus was given only one time, soon after registration, further bonuses was only in % from deposit, For example player deposited $50, player could receive on his account $200 for free. But casinos not such stupid to give money for free. You had to “play” this bonus. What does it mean? – It contains task to attract players in game. Speaking simple – it’s money you can play on but can’t withdraw. All bonus policy follows on the one term: wagered money (amount of the whole money which was betted during the game not depend of if it was won or not). Key phrase in Terms and conditions: you must wager (further goes how much a player must bet). As a rule it’s amount of deposit + given bonus, multiplied on 5,10 (15, 20, sometimes 60!). So every bonus has it’s own rules, especially “special promotions” which are regularly sending to registered players. So before dancing due to free money, explore attentively Terms and conditions. Good “playing” with bonuses became the main topic of forums about bonus-hunting. It was recommended to play roulette or traditional black-jack. Less than an year after their opening, many casinos got a lot of charge backs, due to carders and multy-accounting from bonus-hunters, they began to block Russian IPs and accept harder policy of withdraw.
It’s difficult to say what more casinos fought with: carding or bonus-hunting. Seems bonus-hunters became enemy №1 for casinos. At the present time casinos actively use bonus policy in their mercenary purposes. Bonus requirements grow fast. And how it would be funny there is country discrimination. Of course there was no in terms and conditions but there were some great banners, advertising bonuses. For bonus withdrawal: for Americans: 20x bonus, East-Europe: 40x bonus, Vietnamese, Thais – 50x bonus and Chinese: 60x bonus!!! Our sorry to Chinese comrades! )) I imagine poor Chinese family whose members one after another try to “play” bonus for withdrawal.
Second casino’s trick: most of the games (as roulette, black jack, baccarat etc) are removed from list of games of bonus playing. Play black jack as much as you want – there won’t be a reason. During withdrawal attempt you’ll find that the money are in the casino again. In support you’ll be told politely that you must play till dying or money loosing as you can play slots only or you won’t see your bonus, Who played slot knows that there is no game more boring and stupid in casino.
Sometimes bonus policy reaches to the point of irrationality. Often bonus are giving automatically. May be you don’t care bout this bonus – anyway you’ll receive it, of course with a withdrawal restrictions. Such bonuses are the problem as for legit players as for carders. Usually after big deposits you receive huge bonus ($100-500) and it happens usually some hours later after the deposit. As a result: you played some hours, won $1000-$1500. You’re happy and you’ll request withdraw of your money. A week passes. There is no answer from casino except spam and different promotions. You enter to chat and contact with support:
- where is the money?
- Your money are on your account;
- Wtf? I ordered withdraw a week ago!
- We returned them to your account as you received bonus and didn’t do tasks for its withdrawal;
- What a fuck! Which fucking bonus? I didn’t want it! Eat it and give me my money!
- We’re so sorry but you’ve won them after bonus receiving so you can’t take your money.

That it is. You’re entering to look Terms and conditions of bonus withdrawal and see this: your first deposit (it was $500) plus bonus ($200) * 10 (slots only) and for your favourite black jack, roulette or power poker *20 ((500+200)*20=$14000). So you need to bet $14000 to withdraw your money!! ))) And it’s not the worst example. It’s possible that you’ll have to play slots only.

Another example from reality. As I know different bonus tricks, I asked to take bonus back right before playing. Support answered ok and that bonus will be removed automatically after money taking if I won’t win it. After winning $2000 I ordered withdraw. Check account 3 days later – money is still there! Contact with support. It answered that the bonus was removed but they gave another bonus and also automatically – so I must “win” it before I can order withdraw. I told that I don’t want to play in such fkn casino and just want to get my money. So I could only return my deposit’s amount or try to play bonus. There are 3 hours was spent for trying so I’ve lost the whole amount deposit and winnings.

So beware of casino brining bonuses!