Who are hackers, crackers, phreakers, carders, cryptors, fraudsters, scammers and what is their difference?


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The concept of hacker is the most common concept among ordinary users who have ever encountered hacking. It doesn't matter if a virus attack or data theft is all the work of hackers, but this is not the case at all.

We need to separate other concepts in cybercrime, as well as explain more clearly who hackers are and how they operate.

At the moment, the exact origin of the word hacker is still not known, and experts agreed that it sounded back in the 60s at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

According to some sources, programmers borrowed this name from hippies, where "to hack" meant something like think or get it right. Accordingly, at that time, this was exactly how hackers were represented, deep-rooted people.

Hackers should be described as true researchers and scientists in the IT field, whose goals do not include profit or committing a crime, but only testing knowledge on any system that copes with hacking or not.

One of the representatives of this field of activity designed and assembled a device called "blue box", with which he deceived the operators of telephone networks and got through to the Pope himself.

Hackers may use their knowledge to achieve their own goals, but they are not interested in causing damage to systems and computers.

Hackers like Steve Wozniak or Bill Gates can be singled out from the representatives.

Now let's list other types of hackers:
  1. Crackers are programmers who hack servers, programs and their license protection for profit and earnings.
  2. Phreakers are specialists who have reached the highest level of hacking into telephone networks.
  3. Carders use your bank accounts and steal funds when paying for services electronically.
  4. Virus writers are a separate caste that creates and distributes malware.
  5. Virmakers are hackers who write code.
  6. Cryptors are busy packaging and encrypting malicious applications.
  7. Vparivatel distribute the created viruses to ordinary users.
  8. Bot owners work on the darknet and offer their bots for hacking or cyber attacks.
  9. Fraudsters create a socially trusting site, through which they extort money from users.
  10. Scammers will take your personal information and extort and deceive you until they get the right amount.
  11. Well-known spammers who send out unwanted messages.
  12. Cybercriminals are interested in obtaining unauthorized access to computer systems.
The concept of hacker has become so widely applicable because of non-knowledgeable journalists who have reduced these computer scientists to the level of cyber criminals and villains.

All IT professionals, professionals and just experts in their field of activity are a little bit hackers, regardless of their profession, whether they are system administrators or talented developers.