What is the use of virtual fingerprint browser? Why are so many people using virtual fingerprint browsers?


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In today's digital age, where our behavior on the Internet is increasingly recorded and analyzed in detail, one technology that has received widespread attention is browser fingerprinting, a method of identifying unique characteristics of a user's device and browser by collecting them. Technology that creates personal identifiers. However, this seemingly innocuous technology hides some thought-provoking privacy issues.

Privacy issues caused by browser fingerprinting

Imagine that you often browse fashion clothing and accessories on a shopping website. The website uses browser fingerprinting technology to record the device information you use, browser version, operating system type, and product categories you often click on. Over time, websites accumulate large amounts of data about your preferences and interests. It's possible to create a profile that identifies you as a trendy young person interested in specific brands and styles. When you visit the site, you'll see ads and product recommendations tailored to you, increasing your chances of making a sale.

Therefore, browser fingerprinting technology is often used for website analysis, ad targeting and user identification. For ordinary users, when they retrieve relevant browsing information from the browser, they will passively receive a large number of advertising recommendations. However, for cross-border e-commerce merchants, if they use the same computer to log in to their accounts in batches repeatedly, they will If the system detects account association, the account will be banned at every turn, resulting in a lot of losses.

What is a fingerprint browser?

After understanding the risks and privacy issues of browsers recording "fingerprints", you will understand the role that fingerprint browsers play in protecting our privacy.

First, browsers and other Internet devices can be prevented from obtaining our fingerprint information. Secondly, new fingerprints can be "fake" and generated to "trick" your browser into collecting our information. The browsing environment can be randomly generated to generate random fingerprints for each online user, thereby obscuring the situation of the actual device.


BitBrowser is a professional browser for cross-border e-commerce users. It is committed to providing an isolated, pure and safe account environment for account matrix marketing in cross-border e-commerce, international social media and other scenarios. As a tool for cross-border people, its excellent performance makes BitBrowser the first choice tool for cross-border e-commerce companies to lay out their traffic matrix, improve marketing efficiency, and optimize business costs.

Advantages of BitBrowser

1. Technical advantages: BitBrowser provides Google and Firefox dual-core browsers to help you comprehensively reduce the risk of account matrix association. It is compatible with Windows and Mac multiple systems to meet more usage scenarios.

2. Fingerprint simulation environment: The fingerprint simulation environment can be said to be the most basic and core function of any fingerprint browser. BitBrowser provides a secure account environment for each account by changing or simulating fingerprints to better protect account privacy and security. It can also simulate iOS and Android devices to perform multi-dimensional anthropomorphic operations, effectively reducing the labor cost of daily traffic matrix layout.

3. Window synchronization function: BitBrowser can realize the synchronization operation function of multiple browser windows, supports the operation synchronization of sub-windows and plug-in pop-up windows, and also supports cross-screen synchronization, and is constantly iteratively optimized.

4. Automation functions: BitBrowser’s automation functions include API interfaces and RPA. The API interface can programmatically read and write account configuration information, start and close the browser, etc. RPA automatically handles many repetitive tasks and reduces human resource investment.

5. Team collaboration function: BitBrowser provides team collaboration function and supports multiple users to use the system collaboratively at the same time. Administrators can manage accounts in the system through group classification and authorize different groups to different sub-users. In addition, you can also perform permission management on system functions, authorize different functions to different user groups, monitor the operational activities of all members, and avoid fraud.

6. Data security: In terms of data security, BitBrowser adopts data encryption, SSL communication encryption, storage encryption and other safeguard measures to ensure that only you can read your data. We have also implemented multiple security measures such as two-factor authentication, whitelisting, and remote login reminders to improve the security level of your account.

In the digital age, our various activities are increasingly dependent on the Internet, but we also face additional challenges in privacy and security. In particular, browser fingerprinting privacy risks have brought many challenges, which has brought great challenges to people's cross-border business development. brought obstacles. Therefore, choose BitBrowser to reduce privacy leaks, ensure data security, and grow your business with confidence.