What happens when you get caught


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Okay I have read several of posts by different guys telling you how not to get caught. Well let me put a bug in your ear as to what can or what happens when you get caught. If any other members can input on this please do.

Okay first let me talking about what LE (Law Enforcement for you new guys) looks for when it comes to in-store carding. Online carding I don't have experience in and maybe some other member can post about what happens.There are two ways to learn in life, from your own mistake or somebody else, you figure out how you wanna learn.

Now what they look for is anything out of the ordinary. Your plastic, id's, items you bought, and how you act. Remember they don't have a clue as to what is going on, unless they have been onto you and following you for a few months. That only for the vets in this game, new guys your safe for now. What happens next is they examine your plastic really closely. If it looks like a real bank card you should be okay, if they are persistent they will start looking at the smallest of details. And if they don't like what they are seeing they start making a few calls. LE has a fraud dept with connects to any bank in that country. They will run the card number and see what comes up, run the name of the person who own the card, and run your name. So I hope the card your using is yours or really well printed and fake id to match. Even though your well prepared you can end up fucking yourself hard. Believe it or not have some crap not matching can be sort-of-kind-of good.

Now they ran everything and see that your not who you claim to be, they start looking at how much damage you did. O yea I forgot to mention if your a runner and don't wanna chance going to jail you should run by the time they start making calls or your fucked. Now back to the story, if you did damage or not really you should always drop off what you bought. Never ever fucking ever ride with all that crap because it will become evidence. Okay, if you did drop your shit off and have nothing or a few things it could be the difference from one felony to a few felonies. Now, even though you may think your fucked because you got caught its not all to bad. So then next they take you in for questioning.

Okay, now your in the station for question, this is where and when they will start putting together what they found you with, what you were doing, where you were doing it, and how.

Key points: (1) If you are carding have one card on you, two max. Why? Because if you are caught with four or more fraud cards it can turn into a fed case.

(2) If you have your own hardware to make cards (laptop, reader/writer, and skimmer) leave that shit where ever you do your biz. Don't ever ride with it to make cards when you run out, if your caught with those things at once that's an auto fed case. Trust me when I say you will be fucked.

(3) YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can not stress the importance of this. Sometimes it can mean years in prison to a few months. LE will always try and seem like they trying to help you help yourself by telling them what happened and making it seem your sorry and will get a slap on the wrist if you just say what happen. Lets get back to this later on with the main story.

Now at the station for questioning. They basically want a confession and more info from you. If you card by yourself then I suggest you get a story and shit together before you step foot in a store if you card with a partner I hope you guys trust each because they will make it seem that the other guy is snitching when he probably is not. And keep it consistent, make sure your telling them the same shit all the time. They will start poking at you for more info as well, to see where else you been, how long, why have you done it, and who your working with. No matter how much pressure they put on you to talk remember only you knows what is going on, they don't so only let them know what they can figure by what they already have other then that you don't know shit.

Okay now if you don't confess or don't basically snitch on yourself they will get fed up and just taking you with what they have. Remember when I said not have everything in order is sort of good well here you can be charged with identity theft ( cards, id's to match) credit card fraud/forgery (cards with matching numbers) or theft (if they really don't have shit on you but this won't hold up in court because the items were actually purchased). When it comes to court even if its feds or smaller they have to prove a lot of shit in order to win. Like if you knew that the cards were fraud ( which is hard to say no to when they have cards with a matching id with your face on it and your not that person) if you made the cards, you can say you bought them from a back alley dealer and you didn't know better and other shit that I am not to aware of.

Well like I said this is just for in-store, there are a lot of shit that can happen and shit is different for other people but some shit still stays they same. I hope I have helped some people in some way, I am no expert. I am just telling you so you can know what can happen and how to make your own plan according to how you work. Please guys if you can help out with this or with your own. Thank you. (crap this took long pm me if you got questions for me)