TOP 10 unusual facts about money


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Perhaps some of them will surprise you


TOP 10 unusual facts about money.

Money accompanies us throughout our lives. Cash, non-cash - for some they are the main motivators, for others - the goal. Others use money to fulfill their desires or simply to survive. We are sure you know a lot about money. And still, we have collected some interesting and unusual facts about them.

1. Today, there are more than 3 million ATMs operating in the world. Somewhere ATMs are installed at every step, and somewhere (for example, in Antarctica) there are only / as many as two for the entire continent. Both are owned by the American bank Wells Fargo. Earlier, we have already made a selection of ATMs in the most remote corners of the planet.

2. Continuing the topic of ATMs. It has already been half a century since the British bank Barclays installed the first cash dispenser in one of its London branches in 1967.

But credit cards were invented in 1949 quite by accident - thanks to the forgetfulness of New York businessman Frank McNamara. One day after a business dinner, Mr. McNamara found that he had forgotten his wallet in his other jacket. He suggested that the restaurant's administration accept for payment a small cardboard card with the specified obligation to pay the owner of the restaurant the debt within a certain period. Following a successful deal, Frank McNamara founded Diners Club, a plastic card company. Diners Club is now owned by Discover Financial.


Credit cards were invented by accident in 1949.

3. Each of us at least once asked the question: how much money is there in the world? According to research by American analytical companies, the value of all banknotes and coins in the world is approximately $ 5 trillion. If we also include non-cash funds, then the amount will be $ 80.9 trillion. At the same time, the global debt is $ 199 trillion, which is approximately $ 27,000 per person.

4. It is hardly news to you that various bacteria live on banknotes and coins. The most common bacteria found on paper money are Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus (a bacterium that can cause diseases ranging from skin infections to pneumonia), and Klebsiella pneumoniae (another common causative agent of pneumonia).

Another interesting fact was revealed by American scientists several years ago. It turns out that up to 90% of US dollar bills have traces of cocaine on them. Most often, cocaine is found on bills in denominations of 5, 10, 20 and 50 dollars.


Up to 90% of US dollar bills have traces of cocaine on them. Photo: Pinterest

5. Surprisingly, while the US prints $ 974 million annually, Parker Brothers prints $ 30 billion for their famous game, Monopoly.

6. Currently, there are 157 types of currencies in 194 countries around the world. The most popular currency name in the world is the franc. Francs are calculated in 34 countries of the world. And the Swiss franc is also one of the most reliable and stable currencies in the world.

7. Record inflation was recorded in Zimbabwe in the 2000s, reaching 231 million percent a year. And this is according to official figures. According to unofficial data, the figure is even higher. Prices doubled approximately every 1.5 hours.


Record inflation was recorded in Zimbabwe in the 2000s. Photo:

8. In China, young people who want to get married often write brief information about themselves and the requirements for a partner on banknotes. These marriage announcements move freely around the country and even in many cases achieve the goal. After that, such a banknote becomes a family heirloom.

9. A few facts are also about coins. What do you think the coins have ribbed edges? Initially, the coin denomination was based on the amount of gold and silver in its composition. However, the scammers began to cut the coins around the edges in order to remelt these scraps later. To prevent this, they came up with the application of grooves. Nowadays, coins are no longer made from gold or silver, but the grooves are applied as before.

By the way, the first ruler who began to mint coins with his image was Alexander the Great.


More than one billion people live on less than one dollar a day. Photo: The Huffington Post

10. We conclude the selection on a negative note. However, facts remain facts. Half of the world's population lives on just $ 2 a day, and more than one billion people live on less than $ 1 a day.


Cashless payments are gradually gaining popularity all over the world. Some countries completely forget what banknotes and coins look like, others are slowly but surely introducing innovative technologies that will allow them to abandon cash.


Several years ago, in one of the cathedrals in Italy, it became possible to light a candle with a credit card. Photo: Il Corriere del Mezzogiomo