The leader of LockBit is finally exposed: who is behind the extortionate cyber empire


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The man has already been sanctioned by the UK, US and Australia. His arrest is only a matter of time.

British authorities have identified the alleged leader of the once-largest cybercrime group LockBit, who operated under the pseudonym LockBitSupp. According to law enforcement, it turned out to be a certain Dmitry Khoroshev.


Data about the man was obtained after law enforcement agencies at the international level seized the LockBit infrastructure in February of this year. The UK, US and Australian authorities have already imposed a substantial package of sanctions on him.

Graeme Biggar, director general of the UK's National Crime Agency (NCA), stressed the significance of the sanctions imposed, saying they "show that there are no safe havens for cybercriminals". According to him, the successful operation significantly reduced the capabilities and reputation of LockBit in the cybercrime community, which significantly weakened the group.

Tom Tagendhat, the UK's security minister, added that exposing one of LockBit's leaders sends a clear message to cybercriminals: "You can't hide. Justice awaits you."

From the information published by the NCA, it became known that many of the LockBit partners never received payment for their services, despite the impressive amounts paid for membership in the group. Moreover, the group's promises to its victims to delete stolen data after receiving a ransom were also false, which is confirmed by the findings of law enforcement officers on the group's servers.

LockBitSupp itself, shortly after the February takeover of the group's infrastructure, published a long message sent to both law enforcement and ordinary people. In his tirade, the leader of LockBit ridiculed the actions of "the FBI and their partners" and said that he had never cooperated with the investigation, as British law enforcement officers wrote about it. The man also said that each such attack on the LockBit infrastructure will only make the group stronger.

According to sources, the alleged leader of LockBit is still at large and will probably continue to remain out of the reach of law enforcement agencies for some time.