tachcard: merchants no longer need POS terminals


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From now on, with only a smartphone with an application in hand, a merchant will be able to accept payments from contactless cards

The Ukrainian mobile payment provider tachcard continues to produce non-standard solutions for cashless payments.

Tachcard has released a revolutionary release of an application for Android smartphones. Now, having only a smartphone with an application in hand, the user will be able to accept payments from contactless cards. And these are all Visa PayWave and MasterCard PayPass cards, the owners of which are already accustomed to applying them to POS terminals at the cash desks of retail outlets.

As in the case of the terminal, the interaction of the card with the smartphone occurs using NFC technology. Only the seller does not need to pay for the rental of the terminal, its maintenance, - no extra costs. This is an undoubted advantage for small and medium-sized businesses wishing to optimize costs and be flexible.


Understanding the specifics of NFC operation, you can make sure that the cardholder is generally protected from accidental unauthorized reading of the card, for example, in a crowded place. The fact is that in order to establish contact between the card and the phone, a number of conditions must be met. First, the sensing distance is 1-2 mm. Secondly, for the card to be triggered, it must be stationary for at least 3 seconds. Thirdly, not the entire surface of the card and not the entire surface of the smartphone is suitable for interaction - the NFC chip of the card and the NFC module of the smartphone must contact. These conditions make this kind of fraud unlikely.

The application also sets limits on the amount of transactions per day, the number of transactions for one card per day, etc. These measures minimize damage in case of loss of the card or in other unforeseen cases. The developers report that they have set fairly low limits for the "break-in" period and will change them as the technology is developed.

As for the bank verification code (3DS), which the bank sends via SMS to authorize the payment from the card, starting from a certain amount, this is also taken into account in the presented solution. In this case, a bank form for entering the code opens on the smartphone, and the code itself is sent via SMS to the cardholder's number. This functionality will be available in the next release of the application.

Earlier we wrote about how the British processing company Worldpay is testing a new method of accepting payments via NFC using a smartphone. A similar decision was recently presented in Australia. Well, today it is already a reality for Ukraine. We look forward to hearing from tachcard on the first use of the technology in combat.