"Super Offer - Half Price Cruise"


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I had a dream - to go with the whole family on a sea cruise. But for me it is too expensive a pleasure, and the dream remained a dream. Suddenly, a neighbor said that her friend had found a super offer - a cruise at half price. However, there are two conditions. First, the money must be paid in installments and in advance - $ 100 per month. Secondly, it is necessary to persuade five more people to buy the same voucher.
I went to the office of the company - it was very beautiful there, I was shown photographs of the liner, seascapes, cities where the ship enters. The employee said that this is a promotion for the company's birthday, there will be no more such lucrative offers.
In addition, you can not only save money, but also earn. If I bring more than five people, then for each additional one I get another $ 50. They will go towards paying for my cruise.
I believed. I made contributions for several months, persuaded five girlfriends to go on a cruise together - others refused. The cherished date of the trip was getting closer. I wrote to the companies in a chat and asked when they would apply for visas, but no one answered me. She began to call - also silence. I got worried and went to the office. And on its windows there is a sign - "For Rent". I went online and found a group on social networks where there were victims like me. The only thing we agreed on there was to write a statement to the police together.
I am terribly sorry for the money, but it is even more offensive that because of this "cruise" I quarreled with my friends whom I dragged into the scam.

Financial Culture Expert:
Bob faced a pyramid-like fraudulent scheme: depositors must deposit money and bring friends. But the difference is that they didn’t do it for profit, as in the case of the pyramids, but for a profitable cruise trip.
In fact, the trip was just a gimmick. The scammers pursued only one goal - to convince as many people as possible to bring them their money. The attackers registered a fly-by-night company and rented a temporary office. As soon as they collected the required amount, they disappeared. Perhaps they went on a cruise themselves.

Fraudsters can pretend to be any company they want. To recognize fraud, it is important to follow the basic rules of financial security:
  • Do not blindly trust advertising. Under the loud and tempting promotions, dubious offers are often hidden, which in fact do not bring benefits.
  • Check company details. Find information about it on the website of the Federal Tax Service (FTS) - there is information about all companies registered in Russia. To do this, go to the section "Business risks: check yourself and the counterparty." Pay attention to the main activity of the company, the date of its creation, check the information on the FTS website and on the website of the organization itself.
  • Find the company in the official registers. For example, a financial institution must be in the register of the Bank of Russia. The tour operator is in the register of the Federal Tourism Agency.
  • Study the reviews about the company on the Internet, read the news to see if it is featured in scandals.
  • Read the contract carefully. Before giving money, make sure that you understand each paragraph of the document. Examine what obligations the company makes and what will happen if it does not fulfill them.
If you still fell for the bait of scammers and lost money, write a statement to the police.
For more information on how to recognize the tricks of criminals, read the article "How to protect yourself and your loved ones from financial fraud.