Shoplifting in 2024. Interview.


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Hello! We prepared a mini-interview with the shoplifter and learned a lot of interesting things. Enjoy your learning!

Shoplifting is a special type of theft that involves unarmed (conflict-free) theft of goods in retail stores.
  • Tell me about yourself
  • How much maximum did you endure?
  • What do you need to get started?
  • What was the most unusual thing about the work?
  • How did you get caught those 2 times?
  • What can you recommend?

Tell me about yourself​

I've been doing shoplifting for more than 4 years. During this time, I came across only 2 times. I decided to start, because I was tired of buying in the store every time for 3k+, I tried it and it went away. In most cases, he took it out for food. I don't work in my own city, I go to neighboring regions.

How much maximum did you endure?​

I started taking out small items like chocolate bars, cheese, dezik, toothpaste, etc.Over time, I learned to find blind spots in stores faster, and then the topic got more specific. I began to take out several sticks/packages of sausage, packages of dumplings, boxes of chocolate, alcohol, caviar, well, whatever caught my eye with a large price tag.

What do you need to get started?​

From the "equipment" you will need a neodymium magnet, for starters this will be enough.

Over time, you can make bags out of foil (this is if it's the cheapest thing you can do).

If you can invest money — 2-layer bags made of carbon fabric, gate jammers, anti-theft devices.

What was the most unusual thing about the work?​

The most unusual thing was what the intermediate warehouse of the design bureau took out.

How did I find it? I was sitting in the tg channel on this topic and they wrote there that they would sell the place of an intermediate kb warehouse. It cost me only 5k.
For 2 days I just watched this place, looked for cameras around, followed the working hours of employees (what time do they come, when do they leave).

X-day has arrived. On the well-known site with the letter A, I found a rental gazelle, covered up the numbers with mud and went to work.

I arrive at the warehouse and realize that I didn't even think about how I would open the lock. I think it's a bummer, but no...

I walked around the building and found a door. And how I felt when it was opened.

In a few hours of hard alcohol transfer, I filled the entire gazelle almost to the top.

After that, the question arose "where to put all this?". The idea came to me after 1-2 days of thinking. I found a town with a population of 200k people, found a group of the institute in the VK and started writing to all participants that I can sell alcohol at a discount. Everything was sorted out literally in 2 weeks.

How did you get caught those 2 times?​

I once came to a store with an attractive name with the letter M, took out half a travel bag of groceries. I left the store, got distracted by something and forgot that my bag was full.

I go to the store for excellent students ' grades, pick up a cart there and put a little more in my bag. And then 3 store employees come up to me and say that they complained about me because some grandmother thought I was stealing.

I began to deny yes not, it seemed to her and so on. They say let us check you out and if there is nothing, then we let you go. I'm starting to say yes, you know what, who does this, I suggest you look at the cameras.

They agreed to view the cameras right away — they went to look, saw nothing, and I left the store with the product in my bag, without buying anything.

The second time I was caught was this early winter. I went back to the store, picked up a whole basket, threw 1/3 in my backpack. I look at the counters, choose goods, literally in a minute two hippos on saleswomen approach me and say with" terrible "(kick-ass what funny) faces - "we get it! we get it! we get it!", I didn't even pay attention to them at first.

But I knew how to get out of these situations. I ask: "what's wrong? what should I get? " — what I put in my backpack. I say what do you think I'm stealing? "YEAH!

I reply that my shopping cart has run out, and I would have taken it out at the checkout and paid for it. After that, they left and I noticed that I didn't see the camera... such a bummer. I walked through the sales area, threw something on my jacket, on my pants. I paid for it at the checkout, it was up to 1.5 k, and I left with the product I bought and not only that.

What can you recommend?​

  • Use only cash;
  • Take money for "ransom"with you;
  • It is best to work in winter;
  • Buy a counterfeit coin;
  • Buy singe wallet LV;
  • Use the second phone and the left SIM card.