Safe Carders Life Guide


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I will tell you how I have been traveling in Russia for almost a year now. Well, as I travel. This guide is designed for the hell-bent paranoid and people involved in illegal activities on the Web and not only.

I deal with gray and black income schemes. I won't specify which ones exactly. Anonymity is a thing that gets harder and harder every year. Due to the duty of work, you sometimes have to tear your claws (paranoia), or just tactically relocate.

But before we go directly to the " Disturbing Bag”, first we will voice the rules of life in modern society, according to the version of a normal person (paranoid psycho):

1) Get the hell out of your smartphone.

Buy yourself a simple "old model phone" and a left SIM card from the hands of Tajiks in the metro. Or ask some drunk with a passport. They will almost kill for a bottle.

2) If you really can't do without music, then buy a player.

NOT IPODS! Take players that you can easily insert an sd card into and just play music. Without any iTunes. I recommend RUIZU x06. A Lifehacker wrote about it not so long ago. This thing, at a price of $ 20, produces very high-quality sound, has 4GB of internal memory and support for SD cards up to, attention, 64GB! At least pump up Flac.

3) If you wear a watch – handsome. If you don't wear it, start. This way you can find out the time much faster, especially when it comes to seconds. JUST DON'T BUY E****E SMART WATCH. And it is better to take shockproof, ala G-shock series from Casio.

4) Regarding the computer.

FORGET STATIONARY CARS AND VIDEO GAME CONSOLES. The games are over, man. At least – heavy shooting games and tanks. Yes, yes, go play your favorite battle online for the last time and come back. From now on, your choice is 13-15-inch ultrabooks. Yes, they cost a lot of money, but they have very kosher performance and battery life. If you are not engaged in brute-forcing and other things that require graphics accelerators-take laptops with built-in graphics. Better – on the basis of Intel. They are not as noisy and heated as amd.

5) The operating system.

The operating system is a very important part of any laptop. Forget about Windows. Or rather, leave it purely for minimalistic toys and creating VOGUE. I'll explain what VOG is later. No, it's not whitefish, you smoking bastard. Back to the operating system. Linux is your bro. Any distributions, whatever you want. By virtue of my profession, I use Kali Linux. But for a beginner, it will be difficult. Start with Ubuntu or Debian. They are very user-friendly and easy to install. Also, learn what a VM is and what it is used for. A very useful thing, which we'll talk about next time.

6) AOC – an abbreviation that stands for "Appearance of an Ordinary Citizen”.

In a nutshell, what is this nah and what it is eaten with.

So. First of all, after you ran away from your mother with a folder, make up your own life story. Who played the Sims, he remembers that when creating the Persian, you can paint its history, almost in two volumes War and Peace.

It's the same here. But remember one rule. No matter what anyone says, never, you hear, NEVER get a legal job. Once again, throwing documents around – oh, how not cool. However, if there is an option to play 2/2 somewhere, without official registration-you can. Still, the best rest is a change of activities.

For your neighbors in the hut or in the stairwell, come up with a cool story, depending on the type of activity. If you hack or code something bad, say that you are a freelance programmer and work for yourself. Do you sell guns? Look for offices in a new city that sell something and tell them that you are a freelance sales manager, sitting at home on the phone. Get your head around it, man.

It is better to rent an apartment in residential areas. Do not shoot directly in the slums or in elite areas. Both are pale yellow for various reasons. Standard sleeping area, standard one-bedroom apartment and everything is cool. Talk less to people, but be polite. The main thing is that people remember you sooo poorly, and it's better that they don't remember you at all. Well, include politeness, so that suspicious old women on the benches do not complain to the district police about your shoals, which were not there.

Next, why did I ask you to leave Windows… Periodically, however, turn it on. Get a separate account on YouTube, Instagram, and other social-fucking services. Subscribe to random bloggers, sometimes include their videos, upload food to your profile, and so on. Just don't get carried away, otherwise I guarantee procrastination.

7) Style and image.

Well, first of all-forget about bright clothes and a haircut. Gray, black and other dark shades – now your style of clothing. But don't flaunt your bow tie suit, asshole. As for the haircut-you can decide for yourself, but the hair must be accurate. This is just in case you go from one city to another. There, from the " object with a short haircut”, you will turn into a bald bad guy. By the way, facial hair is also welcome. After shaving, many guys change a lot in appearance.

8) Health.

I'm not the Ministry of Health, but I warn you-stop smoking, guys. During the run and many hours of wandering, you will need ALL the stamina that you have. And smoking is a very bad factor for lung capacity.

I will also keep silent about alcohol and substances.

Get involved in sports. It is not necessary to enroll in all sorts of rocking chairs, sections, and so on. Everything is simple – a morning jog, classes on street turnstiles, push-ups and pull-ups of the press. And everything. This is quite enough to keep the body in good shape and have a good supply of strength. You can find training programs and other things yourself. And, by the way, physical activity has a beneficial effect on your mental potential.

9) Crowded places.

Behave calmly and evenly. Keep your eyes on the floor, but sometimes look around in search of police and surveillance teams. It is also advisable to wear a bandana on your face, but it will not always look kosher. Although, if you are brought to rock festivals – you will easily blend in with the crowd, this way.

10) Always surf the Internet through a VPN. Buying a VPN, in our time, is a matter of two minutes and five bucks. And don't limit yourself to just one server. Especially if you are engaged in carding or something related to financial fraud.

Now I have listed the basic rules for the survival of an illegal citizen. There are still many nuances, but over time, you will understand them yourself. The main thing is to think with your head, and not with other parts of your body.

Now, a little instruction on how to behave when you arrive in a new city.

To begin with, the best option for traveling is hitchhiking. It is not tracked by anyone, it is quite cheap (and if the language is suspended, it is generally free), and there is a romance of its own. On electric trains can too. No trains, because you need to show your passport there, and we need it? Right.

After you have already left the station building and passed all the checks, sit down in the nearest cafe and think about the whole situation.

If it's your first time in a new city, and not just another paranoid escape, then you don't really need a haircut. First, learn more about the city. You should do this in advance, actually, but if we are talking about* * ali all polymers, as they say, we will solve problems as they become available. Estimate the approximate topography, location of places with public Wi-Fi, and so on. Also, check out local forums and websites where you can often find ads for apartments to rent.

And, most often, these are the apartments we need. Not every owner wants to ***t with the registration of a lease agreement, and therefore, everything happens in words. But he'll probably take a copy of his passport. However, you can easily edit a copy in Photoshop and hand it over to the owner. If you don't know how to use Photoshop, hire a freelancer. For a couple of bucks – any data will be entered. Believe me, if you shoot from elderly people or from those who are not particularly distant in mind – it will work with a 99% probability.

The main thing when renting an apartment-be calm. Calm, I say! EVEN CALMER, MOTHERFUCKER, YOUR HANDS ARE SHAKING LIKE YOU'VE BEEN DRINKING FOR A WEEK?! Keep your eyes straight, keep your nose in the wind and be more cheerful. Agree, it is better to pass for a cheerful fool than to look in the eyes of the owner of the hut as a strange guy, with shaking hands and stammering speech.

The most important thing is that you should never delay payments on your hut. Sounds logical, right? But I will explain why this should not be allowed… People tend to remember shoals and miss all the organs of touch for good deeds. Therefore, get yourself a separate box and store your apartment money there. This box is your Untouchable Supply, which you SHOULD NEVER TOUCH. Even if you have a Playboy model lying on your bed and you don't have any money left for contraception, you'd better fuck the model, but pay for the hat on time.