Reasons for rejecting credit cards


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When a carders pays for a product or service with a credit card, but the payment is rejected, this is not the best news for the seller.
Why is this happening? After all, card rejection is solely the client's problem.
Unfortunately for companies, no. After all, very often many customers simply have no alternative but to pay with a payment card. They don't have any money in their e-wallets, and they don't have any cash on them. As a result, if a customer can only pay with a bank card, but the payment is rejected, the company may lose its customer forever. When a customer solves a problem with paying with a plastic card, they can find more favorable terms for purchasing goods than your company offers
This is why it is so important to know the reasons why a payment using a bank card may be rejected. Let's look at them right now.

Reasons for rejecting a payment card
  1. One of the most common reasons for rejecting a bank card is if you enter an incorrect PIN code. In this case, the company definitely can't help the client in any way, since the pin code is confidential information. If the customer has forgotten the PIN code, they should call the bank and request a reset of the pin code.
  2. The second most popular reason is exceeding the withdrawal limit. Surprisingly, many bank customers do not even know about the existence of this limit. The solution to the problem is to increase it. To do this, the client needs to call the bank or use the Internet banking service to change the limit independently, if possible.
  3. Another reason for rejecting the card is the introduction of incorrect personal data. This problem is very common when paying online. Before making an online purchase using a bank card, it is important to make sure that the customer provides information that matches their card details.
  4. A possible reason for rejecting the card may also be its expiration date. In this case, the problem is solved by contacting the bank and replacing the card. In most cases, a plastic card is issued to the client immediately.
  5. The client performs an unusual operation. How can this cause the payment to be rejected? Yes. What does “a client performs an unusual operation " mean? For example, previously a customer didn't spend more than $ 100 a day with a bank card, when suddenly they pay for a car purchase with the card or purchase other expensive goods. In this case, the bank may reject this transaction for security reasons. To solve this problem, the client will need to call the bank and confirm that they are actually making a payment for the specified amount, specifying the purpose of the payment.
  6. The card may also be rejected for technical reasons. For example, during a card payment, the Internet connection was lost or there was a problem on the bank's side, which had to process a huge number of transactions at the same time. If the customer pays with a card at a terminal, they can ask the merchant to use a different terminal. In other cases, they will simply have to wait and then try to pay with the card again.
  7. A credit card may also be rejected if the customer exceeds the limit for using credit funds. If the credit limit is exceeded, the bank will not allow the customer to pay with a credit card. In order not to get into such a situation, the client is recommended to install the bank's mobile application, where they will be able to control the balance of funds on the credit account.

How can companies help carders solve this problem?
The obvious answer is to offer them as many alternatives to paying with credit and debit cards as possible. It is not so difficult to do this, just choose a payment processor that will offer you a wide range of features and loyal rates. Your customers will be happy to know that they can make a payment not only using debit and credit cards, but also using more than 300 alternative methods.