Nissan hacked: possible access to personal data increases the risk of fraud


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The company's clients will have to fight to preserve their digital identity.

Japanese automaker Nissan is investigating a cyberattack that targeted its systems in Australia and New Zealand. As a result of this incident, access to personal data of customers may have been made.

The company has warned customers of its Nissan Oceania division of a potential data breach, pointing out the risk of fraudulent activity in the coming days. Nissan Oceania is the regional division of the renowned Japanese automaker, covering distribution, marketing, sales and service in Australia and New Zealand.

On the main pages of websites "" and "" the company issued a statement saying that the systems of the Australian and New Zealand branches of Nissan Corporation and Financial Services were subjected to a cyber incident.

According to the notice, the company has engaged its global incident response team to assess the impact of the cyberattack. Nissan is working with this team and other stakeholders to investigate the scale of the incident and determine whether customers ' personal information was accessed.

Due to the serious risk of compromising customer data, Nissan warns of potential fraudulent attacks targeting account holders, as well as the possibility of account theft.

Although the functionality of the websites does not appear to be affected, Nissan confirms that work is underway to restore the affected systems. The company asks customers to be patient during this process.

Nissan also clarifies that its dealer network was not affected by the incident, and all requests related to vehicles and service will be processed without delay.

Government agencies in Australia and New Zealand, which are tasked with improving cyber resilience, have been notified of the incident, but have not made any official statements at the time of publication.