Insta Reels - how to pour?


Reaction score
Hello! Given the large amount of traffic, it would be a mistake not to use Instagram Reels to earn money. Prepare for a detailed analysis.

developers have implemented a short video format in their app to compete with TikTok and YouTube Shorts. In the CIS countries, the "Videos" feature appeared in 2021, and in other countries it became available a year earlier.

In the help section of Instagram, it is indicated that "Videos" are created for the entertainment of users. The main feature of this format is that users see content from authors they don't subscribe to. First, algorithms find videos that may be interesting to viewers, and then add them to the feed.

Algorithms for ranking "Videos" take into account the following parameters:
  1. User activity. Neural networks analyze the content that the user likes and comments on. These signals help you determine the user's interests and create a relevant feed for them.
  2. History of interaction with the author. Most of the" Videos " in recommendations are videos about unfamiliar bloggers. However, if the user has a history of interaction with the author, the algorithms understand how much they are interested in this content.
  3. Information about "Commercials". Algorithms analyze the audio track, frames from the video, and its popularity.
  4. Information about the author. Instagram takes into account the author's popularity, but this is not the main factor. The social network aims to give every user a chance to find their audience.
Reels has hashtags that also affect whether a video gets to the TOP. Properly selected tags improve video promotion and help you get your initial impressions faster.

Recommendations don't include videos with low resolution, watermarks, muted sound, and redundant text. To get shareware traffic, you should avoid these disadvantages. Users periodically see a video quality assessment form after watching the video, where they note how interesting the video was or whether they missed the content due to low relevance.

The format of short videos in social networks is designed to create a sticky effect. Ideally, each user should watch at least 5-10 videos before leaving the feed. A user can spend a long time in recommendations if relevant content is presented there. Therefore, the effectiveness of videos depends on the approach to creating a recommendation feed.

An analysis of several dozen Reels videos showed that the recommendations include videos with a time limit of up to 30 seconds, bright visual effects, the effect of understatement, and good dynamics. Reels ranks movie clips well. Promo codes from bookmakers and casinos are often inserted into videos. The conversion rate of such traffic may be low due to low relevance, but with high traffic volumes, you can still earn money.

There are also a lot of videos about working on the Internet. Short videos perfectly warm up the audience's interest. Users watch the video, go to the profile, and then get into the telegram channel.

In Telegram, subscribers are shown elements of a beautiful life and offered to download various training materials for free. And after a while, they release paid information products.

Most Instagram pages under UBT are sharpened under Telegram. Users are shown beautiful photos in Insta, added a link to the Cart to their profile, and warmed up to move on to the next stage of the funnel.

What does the general overflow algorithm look like?

By points
  1. Purchase of trust accounts in stores.
    It is advisable to take profiles with an age of 6+ months, a completed profile and a minimum activity history
  2. Gradual promotion of the audience. Users are more likely to subscribe to accounts that have several thousand followers.
  3. Active video posting.
    It is better to fill in the video in batches and after a couple of days analyze which approaches will catch on better. You can work with dozens of profiles at the same time, but it's best not to hang one proxy on more than two accounts.
  4. Cheat reactions.
    Recommendations include videos with likes, comments, reposts, and views. The video may fly in without cheating, but it is better to carefully add several hundred views and likes after filling the video.
  5. Traffic overflow.
    Telegram is best suited for this purpose. The channel should contain entertaining and useful content. And be sure to warm up for a specific offer.
  6. Scaling of bundles.
    It is unlikely that you will be able to build an effective traffic monetization funnel the first time, but as soon as traffic starts moving, you should scale the approach.
Insta has a target audience for almost every category of offers. The main thing is to create an account correctly and show your followers its specialization. For example, if your profile is designed to drain traffic to the BC, then showing a promo from the casino will be inappropriate.

To save time on filling videos, you can use deferred posting services. SMMplanner is considered the niche leader, but if you want, you can consider alternative options.

What if I'm a fucker and I don't understand anything at all? How to earn a dime?
You upload videos to insta and send all traffic to your group in TG.

Even if you are just beginning to understand this terrible, but monetary sphere of traffic, try at least to merge to the referral of your bank.

With the right approach, the result will surprise you very much

Well, that's it. All bye.