How to protect yourself from SMS bomber?


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As you already understood, we will talk about a bot that can easily reach anyone, anytime. I'm not going to teach you this, so that you would deprive you of your personal time or peace of mind for the sake of someone, so don't expect any links or advertisements, this is purely an article about protection from such "funny" friends.


Already by the name it can be understood that SMS bomber is a software for spamming messages and calls to absolutely any number. The purpose of such spam is obvious - to take revenge on the offender, or to spoil an innocent victim, fray a person's nerves and simply make him suffer. SMS spam, although it seems harmless, is a very effective tool to piss off a person. Just imagine your phone making an annoying notification sound every 30 seconds. Just creepy. I would like to immediately throw the phone in the trash. Anyone can become a victim, and the intensity of spam can depend on several factors:

Mobile operator - some operators can block suspicious traffic and the case will be limited to just a few messages

Bomber quality - most bomber jackets are bullshit and perform poorly, send a maximum message every 10 minutes. Nevertheless, there are also very high-quality paid software, the capacity of which reaches 10 messages per minute, which is already quite unpleasant. They cost mere pennies - about 200 rubles, so they are available to anyone.

The intentions of the attacker - if this is your friend who just decided to be funny, then it is unlikely that he will scoff at you for more than an hour. But if your number was attacked by a sworn enemy, it may come to a number change.

Bombers have been around since the early 2000s. There are hundreds of them and they work both in a regular browser tab and in the form of a full-fledged desktop application. The reason for the sharp rise in popularity of bombers is their affordability. Now the bomber can be found in any messenger, especially in our favorite telegram. They are often free, so it will be very helpful to know how to defend against this kind of attack.

How does it work?
There are many ways to carry out spam attacks, but today we will analyze the most common and popular. This is spam through activation codes of any account. We all have ever registered on popular Internet resources and in order to confirm your account, you had to enter the code sent by SMS. So, attackers have learned how to make scripts that parasitize the traffic of large companies and force them to spam with these activation codes hundreds of times. Moreover, spam will come from several dozen numbers at the same time. The main victims of this activity ultimately become companies, because bombers literally devour their SMS traffic, which can amount to tens of thousands of rubles.

How to protect yourself?
Defending against a bomber is pretty simple. You just need to throw your phone into the nearest river. Kidding. You just need to block all the numbers from which spam originates. This will work, since bombers often use a limited pool of numbers, which is only a few dozen accounts. You can also try to act proactively and activate several popular bombers in advance to your own number in order to subsequently re-ban all spam numbers. However, there is a small nuance in the case of a ban. Sooner or later you will have to register at some large site, so you may need to manually select the desired number from the black list. As for companies that want to save themselves from unexpected expenses, there is just one way out. You need to install the captcha on the wanderer with the sending of the code.

How to identify an intruder?
Unfortunately, no way, since the spam itself will come from neutral numbers. Unless you know a person whom you recently pretty annoyed, ready to take such methods of revenge. In conclusion, I would like to add a few important points. First, don't be afraid of SMS bombers. They will not harm you in any way, except that they will screw up your phone and pretty much ruffle your nerves. Second, do not use SMS bombers, this is a disgusting tool, regardless of the ultimate goal.