How to earn in carding to beginner


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To begin with I will explain, who such beginner for whom article is written. It not Petja to whom the neighbor has told that its big brother «has abruptly earned on carding», and got out in a network to ask all idiotic questions. The beginner is a person, registered on cores carding forums, attentively read all FAQs, found on them, owning basic terminology (not confusing dump with acc), but without the slightest operational experience and practically without money in a pocket.

The first that it is necessary to remember – beginners in carding do not love. Do not love actively and frequently all crowd, therefore a phrase «excuse, I the beginner.» Should disappear completely from your lexicon. Matter is not that carders – vile rough animals, it is simple type questions «at me is enroll with pin, how it cashout?» Enrage very many. And in general, as in any business connected with money, prefer to work with the checked up people. C’est la vie, there's nothing to be done. The second – from anybody ask nothing. Remember, for all these people at forums you anybody and to call you in any way. Nobody will help free of charge to you, later itself will understand why.

Further that it is required to you. Aforementioned register at forums is time. The necessary software, the adjusted computer (I will not paint if read corresponding FAQ – itself you you know) are two. A Webmoney - purse about a minimum 20 wmz on the account. These are copecks which will instantly pay off, therefore be not greedy, save on beer.

I think, nobody will argue that the fastest way to rise to the sensible beginner – stuff carding. You already know that this such and in general represent a work principle droper, therefore I will not begin to repeat already written to me and I will pinpoint the important points.

So, it is unimportant that you search: whether seller энролла, droper or call service – do not throw a post «I Search bla-bla-bla». The maximum that you will receive – several threw in icq. They can suggest to work to you through the guarantor, to give favorable conditions – to it the main thing that you have agreed. At the moment of the transaction "their" guarantor will be in off, with yours they will not work – there will be a sea, and result one – you will appear in a deep financial and moral ass, will lose faith in people and will go to work on factory. Remember the main thing – search for people herself. The keystone to success – the paid advertising at a forum (small threw will not hang up banner for 100 dollars), responses from known people. Also forget for long time about transactions with people from anywhere, with one-two recommendations from users with monthly register.

So, you have bought at checked up enroll seller, have come on a bank site, have checked up it, pleasantly were glad to balance on the account and have obscenely grinned. Money – here they, it is necessary to extend them therefrom. You Contact checked up droper, you ask, whether is drops under stuff, you find out conditions (usually 20-30 % from a floor price on, payment within a week after goods delivery), you write down address and you drive in it on a site of bank instead of the address of the owner enrolled cards. You wait for day three-four, you check enroll – if all chiki-bunches it is time to order the goods.

It is for this purpose quite good to find a shop sending without a proring. Here there are variants. Personally I have learnt the first shop in general from droper, having untwisted it on type conversation «Now antifraud have flown into a rage, at me two sending shops were bent, a proring now demand. Well, etc. Dream. If is still dollars 10, you can buy a little simple cc+cvv cards and peg them on such in google, ordering on cardholder address. Why not on drop? Because the shops sending on the address distinct from billing-address remains a little and hardly to you such will get, and here if you see that ordered camera have successfully reached the surprised owner of a card – means, can safely drive in into this enroll shop – children work without a proring. Despite it, it is better to be reinsured a little and as phone of the addressee to specify taken not from a head or base-is eternal-occupied-phones (all for a long time in the black list), and phone received from googling by inquiry of <ZIP-address> fax. Number of any left fax in a city of address.

So, at us is enroll with drop address, there is a sending shop, it is necessary to choose competently only the goods and to hammer a card. Concerning the first – be not greedy, to order notebook for 2 kilodollars – not the most good idea. Digital camera for 600 dollars for the first time – most that. About having hammered already should know itself – system time is translated on American, proxy is chosen under staff, the Windows is adjusted, as Russian spirit anywhere does not smell – well, yes will help you F1, to will keep you F2.

After do not miss, if there was money for a purse – buy still a beater, order in other shops, on others дроповодов – it is not necessary to hold all eggs in one basket. If all has made correctly in some days the first fee will fall down you. Now the main thing – not to spend on drink it on pleasures, and to put on use: to buy an account on a proxy-service, not to search for the necessary proxy in free sheets (business dreary and ungrateful) and to choose from the list. Dollars 30-40 for it you will spend. As much again – on vpn. Expensively? On safety do not save, it too I advise to remember very firmly.

On other money you can buy still enroll, call service, in general – money is, experiment. If you will not be lazy, by the end of month you will have a first kilodollar. On-extreme measure, at me was.

It can't be that hard – and enroll they do too not. Enroll you can do independently and will manage to you it is dollars in 7, instead of 20-25 at seller, at the beginning will fine save. Then you will grow lazy and you will buy again at sellers and in the beginning. You Learn that is necessary for enroll cards XYZ of bank (it is usually written on a site of this bank), more often SSN/DOB, happens MMN. You buy at seller a little cc this bank, you punch necessary info and you are registered with this info on a bank site).

Here, by the way, the second variant of earnings practically from zero – trade enroll. At the same time and with people you will get acquainted also responses / recommendations will be.


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[email protected]
Has decided to write the next article about rise of our beginners, how to move with points. A dead point I назваю the moment when the money put up by you in any theme beats off and make at least the minimum profit. I do not speak about the money enclosed by you in general. They it is far not at once.
What advise almost in all articles? To drive in in adult? To be engaged stuff carding? In adult yes, would not prevent carding, hand to fill. But it is not necessary to perceive adult literally as "adult", under this name disappears simply having hammered cc everywhere where it is possible to hammer it. To get used, understand what antifraud happen on a cardboard. Further according to plan of all "successful beginners" goes stuff carding. And usa, where it still our great-grandfathers. Stuff carding in юса is a debauchery in the perverted form. I do not say that it is unreal also money there to earn too not probably, but will make it ооочень difficultly. As already wrote Synax in one of pregoing articles (for article респект, it from what are called "to perusal is obligatory!" ), without the starting capital you can not twitch at all. At the best you will become ripper. But further... What to do with the starting capital? And here further to you offer only one variant - stuff carding. And there money and forces вкидывать it is necessary much. You should get into the first in absolutely unknown and to put it mildly not an easy theme. And to get into a theme always it is difficult therefore how to sit over a forum and to smoke to you very assiduously. Particularly for stuff carding: to learn normal banks, at least a bit live, to find the normal seller of a beater, to buy a normal beater, to find good call services, to find a shop eventually. And it only the basic problems which it is necessary to face. I even will not consider here how many money at you will departure.
I offer other variant, to buy on this money of dens. And further already with them to work. To sit night, to see them manually, going on sites, to look what at you there were logins and passwords. First at you to appear the material for work. Secondly you alive can see that these accs from themselves represent. And you at least will find a PayPal, pair in normal broad gulls bank accs and something can is more interesting. I do not say that at once it is necessary to come into "banks" and to write a heap of ridiculous questions. All is simply possible it in live to look and feel. Remember, any theory, how many it should will replace practice! Secondly at a forum many people buy up necessary to them accs. It is possible to look that is bought up, to check up the broad gulls on presence necessary accs and to sell them. Usually from you it is not required any special knowledge for this purpose, if from you good acc it from you will take away from that, newbie you or not. V-tretih, you more or less will get acquainted with people, learn to communicate, carry out transactions. V-chetvrtyh it is possible to look that in general people buy, what acc take, on what themes work, instead of it is stupid to break in icq in hope that to you will throw themes. Also believe, a theme for work by itself, not at once! At least at you already will be more than food for reflexions. It is just necessary to read attentively a forum, to analyze any information, after all it is simple so it is bought nothing also nothing is on sale.
PS like everything, I wish only in the end to add that as well as everywhere here too there will be no easy ways that here too it is possible вкинуть $$$ and to receive nothing, but my firm - so to you will rise much easier. A choice for you.


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Always clear your history and clean cookies and change mac address.

Always clear your flesh cookies.
Vpn is not good for carding now as most of the ip of vpn have been blacklisted by Good shops.

Always use socks5 which is live and not blacklisted.
you should match the ip of same state and city.

Always match the timezone of cc same state.

Always try to type the details of cc as many site now have script to check copy paste of cc details as most of the time carders copy paste the details of cc.

Actual owner always type all details.

Get the maximum information of cc owner from background check sites there you can found DOB, MMN and sometimes SSN. Most of these sites are cardable with public cc.

If you want to be a pro carder than stop using free email sites as yahoo, gmail, aol etc.

Better solution is first card a domain and hosting and make a small site and then create a email of cc owner their of the same name on cc.

you can also use free domain or sub domain sites but carding your host & domain is better. While

carding domain and hosting you should use Amex cc as there is less chances of chargeback.

Check the cc live before using site not on checker as sometimes it kills cc. Find a most easy cardable site and make a bogus account and checkout for small amount like 2$ if it work then go to original site.

Always study the site carefully which you want to card and its seller. Most of the time seller who sell refurnished Mobiles etc are in hurry to ship the item. So search them.

When you card some big Items of a new account from site it is suspicious.

So you can make new a new account and leave it for some months after that card small items and always give good feedback. But the better way is to buy old accounts of the site with good feedback.

Always Use Skype ac with credit and call forwarding services. If you call the shop with the number of cc owner and ask customer care of site some help before filling cc details your chances of success or much higher. You should always use it if you want to card high value items.

Always Use Trusted drop of same country if you are carding a international Site. Because shipping to another country is always suspicious.

Always try to carding on Weekends as shops not able to contact and verify extra details from bank by calling them. You can also check closing time of bank and card after closing timing of bank.

Always Send a Email instantly to seller after order complete to ship order fast as you need it urgent as there is some function in your house.
Don't use a cc at Same Site from different Accounts.Use it at one account maximum 3-4 Times.