How to choose a payment system for a website?


Reaction score
To start accepting payments on the site, it is important to understand what payment systems are and how they differ. This article will help online store owners understand the variety of services and choose the best one.

  • Scheme of work
  • Basic concepts
    • Commission
    • Connection
    • Integration (CMS modules, API)
  • Types of payment systems
    • Internet acquiring
    • Internet wallets
    • Postal services
    • Internet banking
    • Payment from a mobile phone
    • Cash
    • Lending
  • Representatives

How it works?
In general, any system for accepting funds works like this:
  1. a request is received from the Internet resource with the amount of the payment (most often by the method of redirecting to the website of the payment instrument);
  2. the buyer enters his data and the system makes the payment;
  3. funds are transferred to the seller's accounts within a few days, minus the service commission.
To start accepting payments on the site, you need to select a payment acceptance system, conclude an agreement and carry out technical integration. It is important for an entrepreneur to understand how different payment methods work, as well as what influences their choice.

What do you need to know?

Of course, the services of payment acceptance systems are not free for the business owner. Usually a fixed% of the amount of each transaction is charged, on average 3%. However, depending on the type of your business, monthly turnover and the connected method, this rate may vary. For example, high-risk categories can connect payment by card on the site for at least 5-6% and not all payment partners, while a standard online store will most likely receive a rate of 3%.

It is also important to understand the restrictions on turnover: most large payment acceptance systems have special conditions for sites with a turnover of> 1 million rubles / month. And vice versa, you will not be able to connect to a large acquiring partner if only 50 thousand rubles pass through your site in a month.

Most often, the commission is charged from the online service, but some payment acceptance systems for online stores offer to set up a commission withdrawal from the buyer. Those. the amount of payment for you in the site catalog does not change in fact, and the buyer pays a little more.

Sometimes there are payment systems with a monthly fee, without% from each transaction. If purchases on your website are not made every day, we recommend that you bypass such solutions as they are absolutely not beneficial for you. Similar to a paid connection: often newcomers to retail go from partner to partner during the first time the site is open. Of course, you will not want to lose the amount spent at the start.

Regardless of the type of payment acceptance tool, there are several connection options to start accepting payments on the site.

A) Directly - you conclude an agreement with each payment system separately. This often allows you to access the best commission rates, but it takes more time if you need several different options.
B) Through an aggregator - you can conclude one contract, carry out one technical integration and start accepting payments on the site in several ways at once. Unfortunately, the commission rate in this case will be 0.5-1.5% higher than with a direct connection, but you will save time, as well as resources - often payment integrators have much better developed customer support, especially small businesses.

Technical integration
Integration does not in any way increase the cost of service in the payment acceptance system, the commission is charged only for payments. However, the integration option affects the convenience and conversion of the payment process on your site.

The easiest option would be to connect via redirection to the payment partner's website. With this option selected, your technicians will not have to configure almost anything - you can start accepting payments on the site in a few minutes! Note that this is the most inconvenient and distrustful option for the user, which will not have a very positive effect on the conversion into a successful payment.
However, if your site is implemented on one of the popular CMS, pay attention to systems or aggregators that have special modules. Thus, you will discover more possibilities for fine tuning (customization) of the payment process on your website.

And finally, if you have a staff of programmers and your site was written from scratch, it is reasonable to connect via the payment system API. This option will require more time to connect, but in the future it will allow you to maximize conversion through closer integration into your site: embedding a payment form into your page, entering part of the data for an operation in your interface, no redirects, and other options.

What payment systems are there on the market?
So, let's look at the main types of tools:

Internet acquiring
Acceptance of payments from bank cards. The most popular and convenient way to receive payments on the site. Direct connection to banks is almost impossible for small businesses. Therefore, we recommend using the services of aggregators or processing centers (in fact, a separate category of aggregators specializing in card transactions).
If you want to connect to the bank directly, compare the rates of banks for Internet acquiring. If you need a greater variety of payments, check out the TOP of payment aggregators.

Internet wallets
The most numerous class of payment systems. The user creates a "wallet" (account) in the system, specifies personal data and gets access to payment for goods, services, transfers of individuals. persons. If such a payment method is connected to the site, then upon payment, the payer is invoiced to the system for payment. During the payment process, Internet wallets may ask for additional confirmation of the transaction, similar to 3DSecure in acquiring transactions. For Internet wallets, there are legal restrictions on the amount of payment. for payers who have not gone through the identification procedure.
The most popular Internet wallets are WebMoney, QiwiWallet, WalletOne, EasyPay. The most famous international electronic currency is Bitcoin.

Payment terminals
A very expensive payment method: commission rates can exceed 10%! However, in remote settlements, it is often possible to pay for a purchase online only through an offline terminal. The most important parameter of the terminal network is coverage geography.

Please note that refunds for this payment method are very difficult and your customers will have to wait about a week for a refund. In addition, for terminal payments, there is also a limit on the amount of a one-time payment: $ 250. Nevertheless, there are cases when the connection of such a payment system for the site allows you to significantly expand business opportunities.

Postal services
An additional way to expand the geography of purchases is to connect the Post service or delivery services. Payment for the purchase occurs upon receipt of the order. It is more reasonable to implement such a method of making a payment through an aggregator: restrictions on the turnover are possible and are quite complex in terms of API implementation.

Internet banking
The payment method in terms of the payment process is very similar to Internet wallets, but it has a peculiarity: the invoice is not made to the wallet, but to the payer's bank account.
Many payers prefer this payment method, since they do not need to enter card details, which is not always secure. Unfortunately, direct connection is often not available for small stores due to the limited monthly turnover, similar to the Internet acquiring connection.

Payment from mobile phone balance
For small amounts of payments, it is very convenient to pay from the phone balance. This payment method is especially often used in gaming services. There are several payment options.
There are a number of mobile payment providers that act as intermediaries between the mobile operator and the seller of the service. Each provider has its own system of tariffs and settings for each operator and region. When connecting through an aggregator, the store becomes available to several payment gateways, depending on the needs of the business. For all types of payment from a mobile phone, there are limits on a one-time payment, usually in the range of $ 0.1-100.

Even taking into account the statistics of the increase in the turnover of card transactions in recent years, some still prefer to pay for goods and services in cash. Such services are often provided by communication salons.

A new payment method on the market for the site: buying goods on credit with confirmation of the issuance of a loan from the bank online. The store integrates with the service provider or aggregator. During the purchase process, the client provides all the data required by the bank and receives a preliminary loan approval. The contract is concluded within a few days without the participation of the store. After the successful issuance of a loan, the bank notifies the store via API, and the client receives his order.

So, we examined the basic concepts of accepting payments via the Internet. We recommend connecting only 2-3 popular payment systems, which will allow you to accept payments through the site from the largest part of your audience. Alas, novice business owners often make the same mistake: they spend a lot of time connecting all possible options, when they could only set up accepting payments from bank cards and start making a profit at the very beginning of the Internet service.

Special placement

Bank cards 2.3 - 2.8%

WalletOne (Checkout)
Bank cards 2.7 - 4%
YooMoney 3.6 - 4.5%
QIWI 3.6 - 4.5%
Internet banking 2.5 - 4.5%

Bank cards 2.8 - 3%
Webmoney 5 - 6%
QIWI 5.5 - 7.5%

Net Pay
Bank cards 0.7 - 2.5%
Webmoney 4.5%
YooMoney 4.5%
QIWI 4.5%

Bank cards 1.4 - 2.95%
Webmoney 3 - 4%
YooMoney 3.5 - 5.5%
QIWI 4 - 6%
Internet banking 3%

Bank cards 3.9 - 4.9%

Bank cards 0.55 - 1.95%

Bank cards 1.5 - 5%
Webmoney 2.7 - 6.7%
YooMoney 3.3 - 9%
QIWI 3.7 - 8%
Internet banking 3.3 - 4.7%

Bank cards 1.7 - 3%
Webmoney 0.8%
Internet banking 3 - 4%

Bank cards 0.4 - 2.9%
Webmoney 5 - 7%
YooMoney 5 - 8%
QIWI 4 - 7%

Bank cards 2.8 - 7%
Webmoney 5 - 7%
YooMoney 3 - 7%
QIWI 5 - 7%
Internet banking 3.5 - 7%

Free kassa
Bank cards 4 - 5%
Webmoney 3.5 - 4%
YooMoney 6.5 - 7%
QIWI 6.5 - 7%
Internet banking 2.5 - 6%

Bank cards 1.9%

Bank cards 2.9 - 5%

Freedom Finance
Bank cards 0.9 - 2.5%
Internet banking 0.9 - 2.5%

Bank cards 2.9 - 3%

Bank cards 1.7 - 2.7%
Webmoney 2.3 - 3.2%
YooMoney 5.3 - 6.2%
QIWI 5.3 - 6.2%

QIWI Checkout
Bank cards 0.6 - 2.9%
QIWI 0.5 - 5%

Bank cards 0.7 - 3%
YooMoney 2.5%

All payments
Bank cards 0.8 - 3.5%

Bank cards 2.5 - 4.5%
Webmoney 3%
YooMoney 3%
Internet banking 2.5%

Bank cards 2.5 - 3.5%
Webmoney 3.5%
Yoo Money 6%
QIWI 5 - 5.5%

Bank cards 2.8 - 3%
Webmoney 3.4%
YooMoney 4.2%
QIWI 5.2%

Bank cards 2.5 - 3.9%
Internet banking 2.5 - 3.9%

Bank cards 2.1 - 3%
Webmoney 3 - 5%
QIWI 4 - 7%
Internet banking 3.5%

Bank cards 2 - 3.1%
Webmoney 2 - 4%
YooMoney 3.5 - 6%
QIWI 3.3 - 3.5%
Internet banking 2.5 - 3.1%

Bank cards 1.8 - 2.7%
Webmoney 2.5 - 4.5%
YooMoney 3 - 8%
QIWI 4 - 7%
Internet banking 2.9%

Bank cards 1.4 - 2.6%
Webmoney 5 %
YooMoney 5 %
QIWI 5 %

Bank cards 1.6 - 2.9%
Webmoney 2.5 - 5%
YooMoney 3.5 - 6%
QIWI 3.5 - 6%
Internet banking 5 %

Bank cards 4.9%
Webmoney 0%
YooMoney 4.9%
QIWI 5-7%
Internet banking 4-5%

Bank cards 0.2 - 2.3%