How do they become scammers? How does cheating start?


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Hello! For the most part, scammers are those who have not been able to achieve any success in what he and his entourage do. In this article, I will talk about what these animals breathe and how to distinguish them from humans.
  • Signs of cheating and cheating.
  • How do I conduct transactions?

As a result, a disappointed person sees that others earn something, but he gets nothing. The thought immediately comes to mind — " Why not take it from your own people?". Most often, scammers are obtained from those who bought an enroll, tried to do clothing, he did not succeed, but the enroll is not dead yet and he takes on some forum posts "sell enroll mbna", a couple of people knock on his door and he sells this enroll to ALL of them. It seems that there is no deception as such — everyone got what they wanted (we do not consider the factor of selling goods in several hands), however, with a very high probability, none of those who bought the role will achieve anything and will join the pack of "offended and oppressed", this is the first stage.

Then he, remembering the course of transactions, will again post "I sell enroll city" (since it is more expensive) 10 people will knock on it, of which 7 are normal, and 3 are newbies, 7 will not want to work with him because he will not give the login and password in advance (he does not have them), and three will take yes and they will buy it by transferring wmz. Conclusion — the scammer will feel the money and will forever remain a fraudster, even in further possibly honest transactions, his first thought will be "But how can I fuck up? "(hello to all the lads).

Signs of cheating and cheating.
The scammer wants to get money faster and he doesn't care about the outcome of the transaction, because in a "successful" scenario, he will still remain in the black, so the first characteristic feature of the scammer is haste, they come up with a bunch of side factors that provoke the acceleration of the transaction: a pregnant wife, blocking the wallet, worrying about the drop, and so on, such " greases"you can think of a bunch.

The scammer wants to show himself to be a groping person, so he constantly uses an excessively large number of terms / specific words.

As a cool carder, the scammer "lives in yusa" and he is "a homeless person who does not have money for a Russian keyboard", so he writes in translit, but sometimes (with prolonged communication) phrases in Russian slip through. The standard answer if you strain him on this issue (theoretically) will be "I communicate with non-Russian-speaking partners", but he himself does not know a single word in English or Chinese (this is easy to check by hitting him with another tg).

The scammer writes exclusively in English — the first conclusion that suggests itself is "he is a foreigner and does not speak Mumu in Russian" . This conclusion usually immediately increases the level of trust. Also, the fact of not knowing the language, grammatical errors and constant emoticons or signs of escaping emotions. Like, " oh, how itchy my hands are, and just a little bit more and I'll deceive him and throw him away." In most cases, these are either real reindeer / housewives who do not speak Russian or, as often happens, our compatriots are scammers. Check it out is quite simple, as in the above paragraph, knock on another tg, the main options for knocking: offer him something that he can not refuse, knock on behalf of "Masha" who has all the information in the ACE and who wants to get acquainted, most often threw a bite.

By the way, an interesting fact. Most people from the Runet, communicating in English, write ") " as a smiley face. This is what sets their nationality on fire. No foreigner uses the parenthesis as an emoji.

Because of this small mistake, the nationality of a hacker who broke into a serious service in the United States was once calculated, and left a ransom note, where he slept on it. In short, don't write like that.

Nickname of the scammers. Greed and intemperance often manifest themselves in nicknames that change like gloves, but as soon as we see Express, Fast, Easy and so on, and even in addition with the word loot, cash, cabbage (including on Ave), you should be careful and actually start checking the person.

The number of posts scammers — a potential scammer is either too small relative to the registration date, or vice versa very large (fills posts). Before making a deal with it, it is recommended to read what a person writes on the forums, and evaluate its adequacy, if this is a stupid stuffing of posts, then make a conclusion yourself.

Inappropriate behavior — conversation-says a lot of things that aren't relevant, talks a lot about other things, wants to do a lot with you right away, makes friends. Also, scammers are very fond of yelling something like "yes, you cheated?! you decided to dump me?" as they say, they measure people by themselves.

If he has a Zhiguli / merc on Ave, and he looks like a typical patsyk from the area of Krasnoyarsk, a hookah player-run. This is a redneck.

Phrases like " I don't really hang out on forums, I work to order..." this happens, but rarely. The desire to work immediately for large amounts without prior verification and the rush to say that the office will close in the future or excuses that "you will burn the drop with test bays" also, in principle, indicates that you need to be careful.

A lot of scammers started making posts and attributing them at the end, I work only through the guarantor, but when the conversation about the transaction comes up, there are a lot of excuses and excuses, sometimes even calls with the aim of powdering the brain.

Conclusion: none of the factors listed above can say that a person cheated, but together they let you know that it is better not to deal with him, the general tactic of a cheater is to powder the victim's brain.

How do I conduct transactions?
With unverified people exclusively through the guarantor, do not spare $ 10-20, even if the product costs so much. If you are cheated, you will have a negative impression and the money will fall into the hands of the fraudster, which, as described above, will most likely encourage him to new deceptions, and if you pay the guarantor and conduct the transaction successfully, then you will have a "verified" one (not the fact that he will not throw you later for a larger amount) the seller and the guarantor will receive their honestly earned money, which in most cases will go to the development of forums — everyone will be happy.

If you work without a guarantor, work only with well-known people or only if you have positive reviews (from trusted participants, to avoid the fact of self-signing reviews). as a rule, beginners in this situation have a hard time, there is nothing special to show, they got the materials and want to sell, in general, such a vicious circle and unfortunately a lot of capable beginners are either deceived or simply no one wants to work with them, in principle, to avoid such a fate, we recommend starting slowly and without much show-offs.

If you are not sure about a person — you should not torment them by imposing your tricky terms of the deal on them, but look for someone else. Since this way you will form a normal person's opinion of yourself as a brake, and you will not let the scammer throw you, thereby wasting your own and other people's time.

Yes, in principle, there are not enough options here.

Or make transactions through guarantors or with trusted people, the options they say I will give my own guarantor can also very often turn out to be a scam.

Option 50 now 50 then works more or less smoothly, although if the person did not throw it, then giving all 100 in advance is not a problem.

To clarify who the person is, especially knocking you, be sure to ask them to send you a PM on the forum.

Today, yes, in general, as always, everyone wants freebies. This word has taken root in the minds of the Russian people. Everyone wants a free subway ride, free parking near a store near their home, a free toilet, even free supermarket packages. Cellular communication is no exception. Only now in the mobile communication market this problem is losing its relevance, and in the early nineties it was very urgent. Nowadays, no one will spend 20-30 bucks a day on cellular communication — it's easier to buy an unlimited tariff, and ten years ago such a tariff per year cost the cost of a new business class car.