Hidden malware attacks Telegram and AWS users

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Researchers at checkmarx have discovered hidden malware targeting users of the Telegram messenger and Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud services. This threat is an extremely clever method of data theft, which makes it particularly dangerous for a wide range of users.

Cybersecurity experts noted that the malware, known as the "Tesla Agent," uses sophisticated mechanisms to bypass antivirus systems and deliver malicious code to victims ' devices. The software is capable of stealing account data and passwords, and sending them to remote servers of intruders.

The malware is distributed via emails with attachments in the form of infected documents. After opening the attachment, malicious code is activated on the victim's computer, which, in turn, begins to collect and send personal data to the attackers ' servers.

Experts emphasize that the main purpose of the attacks is to steal credentials and passwords for accessing Telegram and AWS accounts. Therefore, it is recommended to update your antivirus programs and avoid opening suspicious attachments in emails.

A team of cybersecurity researchers continues to work on identifying and eliminating the threat. At the same time, the network is actively monitored for new attacks and methods of spreading malware. Special attention is paid to protecting user data and improving the security level of Telegram and AWS services.