Dell hack: data from 49 million customers found themselves online


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Your data was found online if you bought the company's products since 2017.

Dell has confirmed the data leak of about 49 million customers who purchased the company's products since 2017.

The incident affected the Dell portal, which contained information about customer purchases. Among the leaked data were names, physical addresses, and information about ordered products, including serial numbers, product descriptions, order dates, and warranty information, as well as customer support requests. The company claims that payment information, email addresses and phone numbers were not affected.

Dell has already started sending notifications about the incident to its customers and involved law enforcement agencies and a third-party information security company in the investigation. Despite the company's assurances that the risk to customers is not significant, stolen information can be used for targeted attacks. For example, to send emails asking you to provide financial information under the guise of a legitimate request based on your communication history with Dell.


Dell Notification

Of particular interest is the fact that the data was put up for sale on April 28 on the BreachForums forum by a hacker under the pseudonym "Menelik". According to the seller, the database contains information about purchases made between 2017 and 2024. The post from the forum was subsequently deleted, which may indicate that the database was purchased by another person.


Announcement of sale of customer database

Users who have purchased Dell products should stay alert and pay close attention to any suspicious activity.