DarkNet store Owner gets 16 years in a maximum security penal colony


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The court sentenced the owner of an online drug store Dmitry Kriklivets to 16 years in a high-security penal colony, the United Press Service of the courts of the Krasnodar Territory reported.

According to her, at the end of 2020, Kriklivets registered an online store in the DarkNet for the sale of narcotic drugs and strong substances, and in June 2021 illegally purchased drugs weighing more than 500 grams for sale.

"To increase sales, Kriklivets decided to organize drug smuggling: they were supposed to arrive from the Netherlands in international mail to the territory of the Russian Federation. Kriklivets was detained by officers of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory while receiving a parcel.

At the hearing, the man pleaded not guilty. He stated that he bought drugs for his own use, while the volume was large, since wholesale purchase is cheaper. And the parcel allegedly had to contain headphones ordered earlier," the press service clarified.

The court found Kriklivets guilty of committing crimes under Part 3 of Article 30, part 5 of Article 228.1, paragraph "b" of Part 4 of Article 229.1, part 3 of Article 30, paragraph "d" of Part 4 of Article 228.1, part 3 of Article 234 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.