Common methods of "scamming on the transfers"


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1.1. You are directly asked for an advance payment or a deposit. It is clear that you will be thrown with this money.

1.2. You are asked for “recommendations from closed boards”. We think. If the scammers have access to closed profile forums, then why is he looking for suckers on the left-wing forums? The closed forums can ALWAYS cash out the transfers. The pros are sitting there. Only you won't be able to throw anyone there.

1.3. You are asked to pay for "account", "PayPal", "RDP", "transfer of funds". The calculation is that the goof does not understand these matters at all and does not know what it is. It is easier for Loch to transfer money to a scammer so that he “buys everything himself”. Naturally, the goof is left without money.

1.4. Work through a guarantor. Ripper creates his own website. It's not expensive. Places a forum there. Sometimes a video with a "work process" is posted on the forum. Creates the appearance of real activity. Communicates on behalf of the admin and the guarantor, etc. They do everything beautifully so that the goof would believe the scammers and agree to an advance payment. As soon as you transfer money to the "guarantor", you are immediately banned. And you won't write anything there. They can write a good review on your behalf.

1.5. Option 1.4 You are offered to work through an "authoritative" guarantor of a closed forum. At the same time, you cannot get to the forum - well, it's closed. And on other forums the person is not known - he only works on closed sites. We think. If nobody knows a person, what kind of guarantor is he? And most importantly, why did she throw, having such a guarantor, not make a transfer at the same authoritative closed forum? On specialized forums, the transfers are ALWAYS ready to accept. There are pros. Only you won't be able to throw it there.

1.6. "Automatic program". You must transfer 1% of the amount to the scammer wallet and the gulf will be automatically transferred to you. Well this is for complete suckers.

2. QIWI wallet

2.1. You are offered to pay the gulf commission out of your own money. In fact, you are not transferred money, but billed for the amount of the commission. And in the purpose of payment they write that you received the money of 500 thousand rubles. To receive it, pay the commission. By transferring your money, you simply pay the invoice issued to you.

2.2. Scammers offer to install a "magic program" on your QIWI wallet that "cheats" the QIWI service. Like you put 1000 rubles on your wallet, and the system credits you 5000 rubles.

To do this, scammers ask for a username and password from your EMPTY QIWI wallet. They will explain to you, "they say, you have nothing to fear." They install the program on an empty wallet. Then you will change the password. And you can safely replenish your wallet and cheat the system. Looks very convincing.

You will be thrown with your money. In fact, attackers will use the scheduled payment feature in your wallet. The payment is made automatically at the set time and does not require SMS confirmation.

You put your money in and wait for the promised freebie. And instead of a freebie, your money will be automatically debited from the account and go to the scammers.

2.3. Scammers demand confirmation of your "seriousness". To do this, you are offered to transfer 1-5% of the planned gulf to the QIWI wallet. After that, the scammer asks for a username and password to make sure. that "there really is money in the account." sucker is reassured by the fact that it is impossible to write off his money from the account without SMS confirmation.

You will be thrown with your money. In fact, attackers will use the scheduled payment feature in your wallet. The payment is made automatically at the set time and does not require SMS confirmation.

You put your money in and wait for the promised freebie. And instead of a freebie, your money will be automatically debited from the account and go to the scammers.

3. Transfers on the cards.

3.1. They propose to make a transfer on the card (usually bank). They ask that there be some amount on the card.

In any way they will find out the card number, card expiration date, name and surname (optional)

Knowing this data, it is possible to write off money from the card or make purchases on the Internet.

This does not require secret codes, SMS confirmation, etc. Fraudsters know and take advantage of these loopholes in the banking system.

3.2. Similar to paragraph 3.1. but no money on the card. If the card allows overdraft - i.e. leaving in the minus.

But this is less common. Not all cards support.

3.3. They offer cards with a "no prepayment" pin code. Payment only for delivery by courier. It is clear that after payment for delivery, the cards will be empty.

3.4. Continuation 3.3. They offer to check the delivered card at an ATM for "validity", and then buy a PIN code.

The card contains the work information of a blank card. The ATM will accept it. But there is no money on it.

It is NOT POSSIBLE to check the balance of the card in the ATM without a pin code. Whatever they tell you about POS terminals. DO NOT AT ALL.

You will transfer money using a PIN code. Naturally, you will not receive any pin code. Simply because it does not exist and cannot be.

3.5. Suggest transfers to card. They ask to send a card number and a security code (three digits on the back) or just stupidly ask to take a photo of the card on both sides. This is a divorce. To receive money ON the card, the security code is NOT NEEDED. It is needed vice versa for payments from the card.

Those a fraudster will be able to perform transactions with your card without your knowledge. At best, the card will be blocked. But at worst.

4. Western Union

4.1. You are offered to buy cards or transfers. Payment is requested to be made through Western Union.

They say that without a secret code they will not be able to receive a transfer from you. Type you first check the product, then give the code to the seller.

You will be thrown. A fraudster can receive a transfer knowing the full name of the sender and the amount of the transfer.

4.2. You are offered to receive a money order through Western Union. After SMS or a call about the receipt of money, they are asked to transfer the commission to the sender's wallet. You will be thrown. SMS or call will be "left". You cannot check the availability of a translation. Western Union will not give you information. Naturally, there is no translation in nature.

5. And of course "social engineering"

5.1. Ripper advertises that he needs people to cash out stolen money. It would seem, what is easier? And suckers run to this ad with their cards.

And then the scammer imperceptibly changes priorities. He no longer needs people to cash out, but people need him to pour money into their cards.

And he begins to set his own conditions. And the conditions are usual - some amount in advance. I threw it with her and disappears.

5.2. A scammer can have any communication style. From friendly and confidential to openly aggressive and boorish. The scammers have only one task - to dissolve the client to transfer money in any way.

To persuade, gain confidence, take on "weak", sometimes people are just ready to risk a small amount for them. Just remember - how you cannot communicate with a person with a scam.

All his communication, all his emotions are work for him. Ripper doesn't care about your grief or your problems. You are just another goof for him.

For scammers, the result is important - to get money from you. Moral questions do not bother him at all. Transfer your money to him - he will also mock you.

And now I will explain to you why there are NO and CANNOT BE any transfers in the public domain at all.

If the transfers really existed, then no announcements about them would be written. They would simply buy up tons of debit cards issued for left-wing individuals, transfer money to them and withdraw cash from them. Or you would ask your friend John to withdraw the cash if you didn’t want to shine your face in front of the ATM.

There are a lot of offers for the sale of debit cards on the Internet. Left-wing people with their cards are not needed in this business. They are not needed at all.

Ads are given for the sole purpose of finding suckers who can be bred on a prepaid basis and thrown.

And don't think you're smarter than others. There are a lot of services on the Internet that are ready to accept transfers and cash them out for 20-30 percent. Proven people are sitting there, for whom everything has been worked out for a long time.

But there are no transfers there. Because there is no one to fill in. Whoever knows how to steal money from accounts cashes out himself. Through cards to the left data, through bitcoins, etc.

The main thing for someone who steals money from accounts is to be able to withdraw money to RU. After that, cash out is not a problem. And left-handed people are not needed to cash out. And they are not needed at all.

Here they are looking for only fools who are ready to make an advance payment and donate their money to schoolchildren from the Internet.

I, of course, understand that you came here because you found yourself in a very difficult situation. But the fact that you give your last money will not make you any better.


The whole point of any scam comes down to the fact that you just give your real money away.

Don't give YOUR money. The main rule is that all calculations are made only from the money you RECEIVED.

You still will not earn anything on the "transfers". But at least you won't lose anything!