Carding Tutorial


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This FAQ is intended for educational PURPOSES ONLY. If youre a federalle and youre reading this, you better be educating yourself or I've got a big lawsuit against the United States Govnt.... I'll settle for a "get out of jail free" card though :\


- Well, defined loosely, carding is the art of credit card manipulation to access goods or services by way of fraud. But dont let the "politically correct" definition of carding stop fool you, because carding is more than that. Much more.

Although different people card for different reasons, the motive is usually tied to money. Yea, handling a $9,000 plasma television in your hands and knowing that you didnt pay one red cent for it is definately a rush.

But other factors contribute to your personal reason for carding. Many carders in the scene come from poor countries, such as Argentina, Pakistan, and Lebanon where $50 could mean a weeks pay, on a good day. Real carders (the one that have been in the scene the longest) seem to card for something more, however. The thrill of cc manipulation? The rush that the federalles could bust down your door at any minute? The defiance of knowing that everyday that you are walking among the public is another day that youve gotten away with a federal crime?

Whatever your persona reason for carding is, this tutorial should answer a few noobie questions and take the guessing out of the entire carding game. The resources and techniques mentioned in this tutorial are NOT, I repeat, NOT the only methods of carding. Experience in carding is key. You have to practice your own methods and try out new techniques in carding to really get a system that works for you. This tutorial is meant to get you on your way.


Credit Cards: Yes, CCZ. I cant count the number of times someone has messaged me with:

"do you have any ccz"
"where can I hack CCZ"
"where can I get a list of valid CCZ?"

You need money to make money. Plain and simple. Which means that the only way youre gonna be able to get ccs if you have ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY is if you successfully rip a noobie with 100 cards (but what noobie has 100 cards?), if you have any background in database hacking, if you trade for your shit, or if you know someone thats willing to give you ccz all day.

I know thats a discouraging statement to all of you, but we have to keep shit realistic. The easiest way to get ccz is to purcahse them.

"but I cant get a job/I dont wanna work!"

Having a regular 9 to 5 job is not a bad idea in the carding scene. Not only will you have some sort of alliby to why you have all this expensive shit in your house, but you can also use the money (whos cant nowadays) to pay bills. You cant card forever, and you cant sustain yourself by carding alone.

If youre REALLY strapped for cash, you have to go through the alternative: trade for your resources. you have to be resourceful in carding, meaning you have to use waht you got. Got a psybnc admin account? Offer psybnc user for a cc or two. Got shells? roots? Can you make verification phone calls? just ask yourself "what do I have that might be valable to someone else?" and work with that. It dosent have to be big, it just has to get you a few cc's in your palms.

Once youve run your first successful cc scam, DONT SPEND ALL YOUR EARNINGS. Save $200 and re-invest back into the carding community. head to SC and get better cards. If you have level 2 cards, I suggest carding C2it/Paypal and using that $$ to buy ccs. (successful C2it/PP scamming techniques will not be discussed in this tut, sorry)

"but I dunno a legit seller!"

ShadowCrew reviews all sorts of merchants and sellers of any type of service imaginable (everything from selling full-info cvvs with changable billing addies to purchasing anonymous bank accounts. If you dont know shadowcrews forum link, ask someone.)

To other minor pointers on rippers and legit sellers, please scroll down to "SELLERS, TRADERS, AND RIPPERS, OH MY!"

"where can I check my CCZ?"

Knowing wether your cc is valid or not is really important for saving some time and energy. If you live within the USA, theres a phone merchant posted within this forum under (cvv2's and ccs). If you want the lame pr0n site check, you can check them under hxxp://

The idea way for checking ccz is through an online merchant (, linkpintcentral.) These merchants can verify cc amounts without charging your ccs. Good luck finding one. People on IRC want a ridiculous trade for These merchants (cvv lists, cash). So if you run accrosss a legit merc, dont give it out! even to your best buds! online mercs are gold in the world of carding.

Other methods for verifying cc amounts include registering your cc on an online bank. (You will need at least a level 2 card, level 3 for ATM cards). alot of online banks can give you limit, billing addy, ect ect but they require at least a level 2 cc (more info on ccz below)


I want to make something clear right now. The secret to carding is not the number of cards you own, its what you can do with the cards. What do I mean by that? Simple.

Hypotherical situation: My name is Johnny and I have 3 ccs with SSN, DOB, CVV NUMBER, MMN, NAME, STREET ADDRESS, CITY, ZIP, AND BILLING TELEPHONE NUMBER. I have a friend named Billy. Billy has 300 CCCZ with CVV, MMN, NAME, STREET ADDRESS, CITY, ZIP, AND BILLING TEL. NUMBER. Whos more likely to successfully card something?

Simply put, I (Johnny) am. Why? Because I have more information that can prove that I am the person who owns this CC than Billy does with his 300 CCVZ. Does that mean Billy's not gonna card anything? No, that just means Billy's gonna have a hard time carding anything without verification.

So to sum up this lesson, you have to get information on your mark (the person that youre impersonating.) #1 rule in carding is: the more information you have on a person, the better chances you have for a successful transaction. Here is the information you're looking for(note: the levels of a card is not a tehcnical carding term, I' just used L1 L2 L3 to simplify shit throughout the tutorial.) :


(LEVEL 1: REGULAR CVV. If you have this much info, youve got yourself a regular cc. Nowadays you need this much info for carding ANYTHING worth mentioning. If you have any less than this information, youre shit outta luck. :\)

Social Security Number (SSN):
Date Of Birth (DOB):
Mothers Maide Name (MMN):

(LEVEL 2: (PARTIAL FULL-INFO) If you have this much info, your ccz are on another level. With this info, you should be able to card PayPal, C2IT, and other sites without too much of a hassle.)

PIN NUMBER (For CC or ATM card)

(LEVEL 3: (true full-info) If you have this info, youre cc is ready to card anything your heart desires)

Now if all you have is a regular cc, dont discourage. Just do some research and build your cards as much as possible:

First, go to and try to lookup your marks street address and phone number. Make sure it matches the info you have on your cc.

Next, theres a service called phantominfo (, the owner resides on the Shadowcrew forum) which allows you to lookup your ccs SSN and DOB for a mere $29/month. Of course, alot of people have PI accounts, so you can always look for someone you know with an account.

Last, but not least, take a quick look in is a bit of a bitch, but you can lookup DOB and MMN (ie, if your marks name is anthony hawkins, his father is david hawkins and his mothers name is bella donna, Donna is the MMN)

So size up your cards and move on to the next lesson:


Safety is key. No one wants to give the federalles the satisfaction of busting us and shutting down production, so we gotta stay as anonymous as possible.

First let me start off by saying theres no 100% safe way to card. Dont let people fool you into thinking that. You can be behind all the proxies, wingates, socks, and whatever else in the world, but you leave "digital fingerprints" wherever you go. For my personal benefits, I use a carded ISP combined with an anonymizer account ( and a level 1 proxy. But I dont reccomend that for everyone. offers excellent services for those that want to remain anonymous. The setback is that its a service, and like any other service provided, you have to pay for usage and they will restict your account due to fraudulent usage. Just card another one rite? If youre planning to use anonymizer, just concentrate on keeping your IP secret from their services instead of the site youre carding. The only set-back to the service is that they have some issues with sites using Java Applets, meaning you might have to skip out on some major sites that require JAVA.

proxies and such: I use a private hidden proxies, and dont really fuck with any other proxies, so I cant comment too much on this topic (maybe someone will paste a seperate proxy faq?) As far as I'm told (thx red and hit), proxies differ from level 1 to level 3, 1 being the most anonymous, 3 being the least. You can also get free proxies from this is a descent site which ranks their proxies from "transparent" (leaks your ip) to "highly anonymous." they also do real-time proxy tests and other shit.

Stealther: Theres a prob out there that will actually link your proxies together for maximum anonymity. This program is called Stealther. Stealther can be registered via key (so you can go to #serialz on efnet and get a key) and is a descent anonymous program.

EvidenceEliminator: If you're really serious about carding, this is a program you NEED to have installed on your HD at ALL TIMES! Federal agents have several programs that allow them to extract information from your PC, such as the pages you have visited, the files you have deleted, and the emails you have written. Everytime your PC restarts, EE kicks in, providing you with the safety of erasing any tell-tale logs and history files. You always want to be prepared for the worse.

JAVA: Reguardless of what stealth method you are using, always be sure to disable JAVA on your browser.

CARDED ISP: I dunno if carding an ISP is safe or not. I've heard mixed feedbacks about this idea. However, I can testify that I've had expirience with such a matter and I havent had a problem as of yet. Some popular ISPs to card are Earthlink Pre-paid (you can pre-pay it up to a year, look for the link on their confusing website) and America Online (better used for a quickie card, just get out one of their 849308490383904 free 10000000 hour cds and input a few ccs into that bitch)

These arent the only stealth methods out there: these are just the popular ones ATM. If you feel you have an anonymity method that works, by all means try it out. You never know what works and what dosent until you experiment.

If you need to know how anonymous you really are, there are some simple ways of testing this. the first (and most basic) test you should take. is a simple method of knowing what your ip is on the web. This does not run though JAVA so you cant really tell if your anonymous or not from this site alone.

hxxp:// This is actually a pr0n site protected by ibill. When you try to sign-up, there is a java applet that tells you "your current IP of blahblahblah is being recorded. Any fraudulent blahblahblah will be reported." If its not your real IP, you passed the second test. (you can also check your ccs here, and yes, for those of you who noticed the AID, I do get paid for your refs, so if you dont want me to make money, just erase the AID part)

hxxp:// this is a basic check of your anonymity level. Must have JAVA enabled -- the true purpose of the site is to promote their software (multiproxy) which works in similar fashion to stealther.


The right drop is essential to your scamming needs. Finding legitamite drops inside and outside of the US is hard. Many people keep your shit and dont send, or some people dont pick up the package at all! (theres nothing worse than watching your hard-earned laptop going back to the store because it was refused by the recepient)

If you live inside (or even outside) the USA, youre better off scoping a drop out on your own. A drop is basically an empty home that looks to be inhabited. This is the shipping address you use for your carding needs. Your items should only picked up at night. As awlays, be sure to have a cover-story in case someone asks why youre snooping around an empty home. "I'm picking up a package for the person that used to live here" is a legit excuse. Or even "my father is the real-estate agent." is good. Just keep in mind that if you order anything over $500, it will USUALLY need to be signed for, (this statement is based upon FEDEX/UPS policies. I've gotten feedback from people that state they have gotten their local UPS employee to drop merchandise worth 1k at thir doorstop using a note, but these are uncomfirmed rumours.) Wether youre willing to sit and wait all day on the doorsteps of your drop, or you rather leave the postman a note that says you'll pick it up at the nearest postal station, its up to you. (Dont panic if you have to pick up a package at the station. When you walk in, you need to be calm so it dosent arise suspicion. If the clerk asks you to wait more than 3 minutes, PLEASE dont stand there waiting to get busted, tell him/her you have a prior engagement and quickly exit stage left. )

If you live outside the USA, youre just gonna have to trust someone. The easiest way to get a legit drop in the USA is to ask around for people that have had successful experiences with a drop. Most drops hold a 50/50 or "you card something you card me sommething" policy. If youre talking so someone thats trying to cut themselves in to the deal "Ie yes, I know someone but you have to card me something too" just move on, they're wasting your time.

Just a quick note, if youre carding something like a plasma television, youll have better luck using a drop from the same state, changing the billing addy (you can change a billing addy with a level 2 card, youll need a L2 card for carding a plasma tv neways) and acting like you just moved. (have that mindset when you call in: I am (name of cardholder) and I just moved from (city a) to (city b)) Once you have the item in your possession, you SHOULD GUESS THAT YOUR DROP HAS BEEN FLAGGED. What does this mean? YOU SHOULD NOT - I REPEAT SHOULD NOT RETURN TO A DROP ONCE YOUVE CARDED EXPENSIVE SHIT TO IT. Reguardless of wether your drop is flagged or not, do you really want to take the chances?

The cellular phone: The anonymous cell phone is the carders sword. With it, you will make several calls to several companies using several names. You should keep this cellular phone for carding ONLY. (just in case you become confused and forget who youre talking to.) If you have a phone phreaking connection, youre a lucky SOB. For the rest of us, we gotta go out and get a pre-paid cellular phone. (a phone which dosent require much info to purchase and use.)


Ok, so you got your ccs, your drop and youre as anonymous as you can make yourself. Now what sites are cardable? This is the easiest question I have to answer on this FAQ.


Why do I say that? because it's true. Like I said in chapter two of this little tutorial, its not about how many cards you have, its what you can do with them. Alot of this has to do with your mindset as well.

If you have a card from Johnny Knoxville from Texas, you must be Johnny Knoxville from texas. Depending on the information that you have acquired from Johnny Knoxvile, you must convince merchants and I-stores that you A R E Johnny Knoxville.

When approaching these I-stores, you want to scope things out first. Ask yourself a few questions:

-whats their policy on different shipping address than billing addess?

If they have a "must call" policy, make sure to give them an anonymous number where you can be reached (have your anon cell phone ready for this.)

-do they accept other payments besides credit?

If they accept other payment methods, sometimes its easier to card with a different payment method. (Ive had more luck on with online checks that I have with credit cards.)

Whatever you card, make sure that you have all your info prepped before carding it. If youre carding something over 1k, get on your anonymous celly and call up the banking institution of the person's card youre holding. Make sure to let them know that youre making a purchase of a large limit, so they dont deny your card.




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Basic Information:
This tutorial is for the begginers in carding items from internet shops. This is not about carding a laptop or even a gaming console, this is about carding small items which you can send too your drop points which do not need to be signed.

How to find a drop point:

Finding a drop point can be a easy task if you know what you are looking for, when I found my first drop point it was in a house up for sale which had not been visited in along time so I then knew that I could use it for sending my items, so what i did was found out the agency selling it which I can not say, then made a fake little sign with the agencys name and a little information saying that you should put all parcels round the back and I even found a signiture so i put that on there and my fake phone number.

There is another way to get a drop point, you can use somone elses which either means you might have too pay them or card them items when they need them, but the advantage of that is they can somtimes sign for items which we will not need in this tutorial.

Getting Credit Cards (CC's):

You may have heard the term CC which means 'Credit Card', there are a few types:


It is upto you which too choose but I have always used visa. But there is a common problem which is when you try too card a item and it goes on about VBV which is a type of security for the card which is against fraudsters, normally too get past the vbv, you need the Date Of Birth (DOB) which can be easily attained if you know there email and have facebook, you can just search there email and hope they have facebook and get the DOB.
Or you can buy Fulls which are CreditCards with all the information including there DOB and all other information possibly needed.

Now, too get hold of Credit Cards, you will need too either hack them from a online store or buy them from a legit dealer, (Becareful There Are Many Rippers Who Will Give You Dead Cards).

Checking Credit Cards:

There are many places too check cards.

It does not flag cards and works by donating too a website a sum of only 5GBP

How too stay anonymouse:

The most secure way too stay hidden is to use somthing called SOCKS, they are high anonimity and very secure. But, don't guy buy any SOCKS, buy the ones which are located in the country of your card, for example, if the website I am carding is from USA and my card is a USA one, you will get some SOCKS which are based in the USA.

Lets Get Carding:
The website we will be carding is

I have ordered many games from there for my Xbox 360 and non of them have needed too be signed which means they have a nice fast delivery.

Ok, so first we need the following:

Credit Card < Make sure it is not dead and that it works, use the checker >
SOCKS < Use SOCKS which are in the same country as your CC >
Drop Point < Make sure it is setup and ready and that you have the address >
Fake Email < When ever you make a new email, make sure you use a SOCK >

Start up your SOCKS
Make a New Email with the SOCKS
Make a New Account on Play-Asia with the Socks
Choose a Game which ships too your country eg. Street Fighter IV
Make sure it is region free or works in your country
Click Add Too Shopping Cart
Click My Cart at the Top Of The Screen
Click Checkout Then Login
Click Next Step
Now, when you are at the shipping part, choose Economy Air Bubble because if you chose somthing like 'FEDEX' you will need too sign
Yes it will take longer but we want too be sure the package does arrive.
Then CLick next step
Now, put the details of the Drop Points Address into there and make the same name as on the card & make a phone number up.
Click next step
The confirm if the address is right then click Next Step again
Now, here is the important part, you need to put the CC information into the box
It shoudl look somthing like this

Card Number*
Expiry Date
Security Code < Ignore That >
Cardholders Name

Now just enter the details in and click next step!

That shoudl be it, it might send you a email too your fake email so make sure your SOCKS are still running

Also, whenever you check your fake email make sure you use your SOCKS, you want no traces too your IP at All!

Credits: DarkPhazed


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Could you provide a small and basic tutorial on how to hack CCs from webshops?


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why u have to get banned have so many question to ask
anyways i will try this for a start


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
just tell him to learn sql injection :-j


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Anyone who can card or should pm me immediately...Daily Account open is 3-4 and you make $500 per week.Pm me at 231612735


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wao thanks men i really a usefull POST for newbe like me.....

is if i have a LEVEL 2 CARD i can create a paypal account ? but how.. i can do this.. if paypal ask for a shit 4 digits.. for link a card


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Carding tutorial

This tutorial is written only for your knowledge not for illegal stuff or comp crime.
This tutorial took me short time to write it’s , better than nothing
If you are an old carder and find that nothing is new please don’t posts sh*t comments!
There are a lot of beginners and they will profit and enlarge their knowledge reading this.

But you will know my ways of carding,
as Live in black listed counrty and carding all days.


This text tutorial is written by me, am not perfect in English as it's the the third language here, but I write also French Arabic and German if you are from there. Msg / email me to give you your text with your language.

I really advice all people who have difficulties speaking English to improve their languages
By reading all the times using translators and chatting with carders / newbie’s and reading carding dictionary, think there’s a good post for it here in the forum.

I really want to help people who want to card and dream to get something from internet coz really we was all like them, I started to get free stuff from Websites now I have laptop, mp3, cams, nice clothes but am always anxious and sometimes when the door knocks I though that it’s the police I sometimes don’t want to open the door and I think that all of the carders feel that.
But lot of things have changed I didn’t never imagine that I can get a laptop, because am poor and I do carding for only one reason that I want to get a lot of stuff that I can’t buy them with my money which is very few, the fact that am poor and seeing others rich, the fact that there’s no originals CD’shere, or Hip hop clothes that I want in this country; pushed me to into this carding world and here to write you lot of things.

The first thing that I have got From internet was a book from and it was few years ago
I really like websites who ships internationally and I am not ok with people who say that it’s very hard to find website that ships nice stuff internationally,
I used to card from a website that once your cc is processed your stuff is automatically shipped within 24 hours , so what you have to do is to try to get their merchant name and try in Google to find websites that use the same merchant and try to card from them, and that works 40 % of the time.
Note that websites have upgraded their merchants and shopping systems so it’s more difficult now to shop from them .I kept after that trying to card the site but all orders have been rejected,
It’s easy to card the sites the first time and it’s difficult the second time, so you have to do lot of things that make you appear as new customer and like a normal customer,
The first thing that you have to do is to use a proxy not any proxy and it’s the important thing
There are many proxies in internet but they are not perfect, I use socks with 6 port numbers
And check my anonymity and my informations here :
As my country so a censorship and blocks 80 1080, ports, …. Due to sex/politic reasons...
If you are connecting from a Cyber Café you can’t use proxies you can only use web proxies
Like this one
You can find a lot of webproxies in internet try to find’em with Google with
After checking your anonymity try to clean all cookies and every thing , disable java and uninstall it from control panel , use a firewall (like Norton) also thy block a lot of information
So now you have your cc/cvv2 list try to use a cc which is from the same country /state of you proxy, or vice versa if you don’t have a lot of ccs,
Verifying your cc: there are a lot of sites in internet that check your cc without charging it
A good expel was given by member and the site was try to figure how to do that.
You have to check your proxy location with ***

(Note that pple who use cyber net café cannot benefit from using proxies so they have less chance to card )

Now check you address if it’s correct here, the phone number also must be from the same place:
Well with all of this I think that you are like the owner of the credit card you are using
Now put your shipping, cc billing and don’t put the exact phone number of the cc change the last digit , coz some shop owners phone to the cc holder and verify the sh*t .
The email, I don’t use (hotmail, yahoo, excite,) the known emails, I use emails which are unknown,
Try to logout from your email, coz they will scan your in formations through the email (SMTP, POP,…)I always say that anonymity is the way of success.
Always imagine your self like you’re the owner of the cc and do the max and you will see.
Now your order is placed so you know through the FAQ … when your order will ship…
Do never try to card that site until your order is shipped, if it’s shipped your are good customer, don’t abuse the cc you have used in other websites coz maybe other shops will contact the bank to block it
If your order is shipped and your cc still valid shop another time from that websites using the same information, if your order is not shipped then you have to change your cc, your infos , you will change your shipping the max as you can , coz they will block it , so your name is Mark , change it Marc , Mark-k your address your zip code if it’s 5447 put 05447 or 005447

All the things that I have talked about are for sites that use AVS (address verification system and don’t succeed putting same bill ship) or somth like that
Same bill ship is the fact that you put your infos as billing and shipping,
So here you are the owner of the cc you don’t have to use proxy of the cc country but you can use proxy just for securing your self, most of the sites will verify your credit card , so if you are shopping from a USA site use an International cc , I mean cc from other country, and vice versa , you can card some sites also even of you use USA site with cc from USA ,but not a lot.

I always try to card the site with same bill ship from an intrl cc first, then if it doesn’t succeed I try to change my method.

Finding cardable sites: everyone has it’s attitude to find cardable sites , For me am lucky when I try sites from magazines , try and tell me !
Last summer I worked as entertainment (animation) in hotel, contacting alot of people and having freinds from allover the world and giving emails , was nice so now i have lot of drops , (france uk canada... ) talking to tourists in the streetz is also good , if ya don't have tourists then am sorry
I hate Irc channels , all fu*king rippers.
Go To FAQ’s, customers sections , maybe they have live help , chat with ‘em and try to figure if they need copy of ccs or a max amount … it will help you ,

(Me: now I ship evrything TO France, if you have a drop in france i can ship good mobile phones, cams, mp3,.... so msg me or email me if you want)

note :If You find a web site and you like it , but your country is not listed there , then you don’t exit it , but simply put any other country of the list and put you country somewhere down in city …post services will figure that and you stuff will be shipped .


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Not to be an ass but this is 7-8 year old info. C2it? They closed in 2003.


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Thats what I get: Your credit card could not be verified. Please check details or try a different card.' I wonder are these all four CC's I have dont work, or is there something else.
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Carding 2012 Tutorial By Me


This FAQ is intended for educational PURPOSES ONLY.


- Well, defined loosely, carding is the art of credit card manipulation to access goods or services by way of fraud. But dont let the "politically correct" definition of carding stop fool you, because carding is more than that. Much more.

Although different people card for different reasons, the motive is usually tied to money. Yea, handling a $9,000 plasma television in your hands and knowing that you didnt pay one red cent for it is definitely a rush.

But other factors contribute to your personal reason for carding. Many carders in the scene come from poor countries, such as Argentina, Pakistan, and Lebanon where $50 could mean a weeks pay, on a good day. Real carders (the one that have been in the scene the longest) seem to card for something more, however. The thrill of cc manipulation? The rush that the federalles could bust down your door at any minute? The defiance of knowing that everyday that you are walking among the public is another day that you have gotten away with a federal crime?

Whatever your persona reason for carding is, this tutorial should answer a few noobie questions and take the guessing out of the entire carding game. The resources and techniques mentioned in this tutorial are NOT, I repeat, NOT the only methods of carding. Experience in carding is key. You have to practice your own methods and try out new techniques in carding to really get a system that works for you. This tutorial is meant to get you on your way.


Credit Cards: Yes, CCZ.

"do you have any ccz"
"where can I hack CCZ"
"where can I get a list of valid CCZ?"

You need money to make money. Plain and simple. Which means that the only way your gonna be able to get ccs if you have ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY is if you successfully rip a noobie with 100 cards (but what noobie has 100 cards?), if you have any background in database hacking, if you trade for your ****, or if you know someone that's willing to give you ccz all day.

I know thats a discouraging statement to all of you, but we have to keep **** realistic. The easiest way to get ccz is to purchase them.

"but I cant get a job/I dont wanna work!"

Having a regular 9 to 5 job is not a bad idea in the carding scene. Not only will you have some sort of alliby to why you have all this expensive **** in your house, but you can also use the money (who cant nowadays) to pay bills. You cant card forever, and you cant sustain yourself by carding alone.

If you are REALLY strapped for cash, you have to go through the alternative: trade for your resources. you have to be resourceful in carding, meaning you have to use what you got. Got a psybnc admin account? Offer psybnc user for a cc or two. Got shells? roots? Can you make verification phone calls? just ask yourself "what do I have that might be valuable to someone else?" and work with that. It dosnt have to be big, it just has to get you a few cc's in your palms.

Once you've run your first successful cc scam, DONT SPEND ALL YOUR EARNINGS. Save $200 and re-invest back into the carding community. head to SC and get better cards. If you have level 2 cards, I suggest carding C2it/Paypal and using that $$ to buy ccs. (successful C2it/PP scamming techniques will not be discussed in this tut, sorry)

To other minor pointers on rippers and legit sellers, please scroll down to "SELLERS, TRADERS, AND RIPPERS, OH MY!"

"where can I check my CCZ?"

Knowing wether your cc is valid or not is really important for saving some time and energy. if you want the lame pr0n site check, you can check them under hxxp://

The idea way for checking ccz is through an online merchant (, linkpintcentral.) These merchants can verify cc amounts without charging your ccs. Good luck finding one. People on IRC want a ridiculous trade for These merchants (cvv lists, cash). So if you run accrosss a legit merc, dont give it out! even to your best buds! online mercs are gold in the world of carding.

Other methods for verifying cc amounts include registering your cc on an online bank. (You will need at least a level 2 card, level 3 for ATM cards). alot of online banks can give you limit, billing addy, ect ect but they require at least a level 2 cc (more info on ccz below)


I want to make something clear right now. The secret to carding is not the number of cards you own, its what you can do with the cards. What do I mean by that? Simple.

Hypotherical situation: My name is Johnny and I have 3 ccs with SSN, DOB, CVV NUMBER, MMN, NAME, STREET ADDRESS, CITY, ZIP, AND BILLING TELEPHONE NUMBER. I have a friend named Billy. Billy has 300 CCCZ with CVV, MMN, NAME, STREET ADDRESS, CITY, ZIP, AND BILLING TEL. NUMBER. Whos more likely to successfully card something?

Simply put, I (Johnny) am. Why? Because I have more information that can prove that I am the person who owns this CC than Billy does with his 300 CCVZ. Does that mean Billy's not gonna card anything? No, that just means Billy's gonna have a hard time carding anything without verification.

So to sum up this lesson, you have to get information on your mark (the person that youre impersonating.) #1 rule in carding is: the more information you have on a person, the better chances you have for a successful transaction. Here is the information you're looking for(note: the levels of a card is not a tehcnical carding term, I' just used L1 L2 L3 to simplify **** throughout the tutorial.) :


(LEVEL 1: REGULAR CVV. If you have this much info, youve got yourself a regular cc. Nowadays you need this much info for carding ANYTHING worth mentioning. If you have any less than this information, youre **** outta luck. :\)

Social Security Number (SSN):
Date Of Birth (DOB):
******s Maiden Name (MMN):

(LEVEL 2: (PARTIAL FULL-INFO) If you have this much info, your ccz are on another level. With this info, you should be able to card PayPal, C2IT, and other sites without too much of a h***le.)

PIN NUMBER (For CC or ATM card)

(LEVEL 3: (true full-info) If you have this info, youre cc is ready to card anything your heart desires)

Now if all you have is a regular cc, dont discourage. Just do some research and build your cards as much as possible:

First, go to and try to lookup your marks street address and phone number. Make sure it matches the info you have on your cc..

Last, but not least, take a quick look in is a bit of a *****, but you can lookup DOB and MMN (ie, if your marks name is anthony hawkins, his father is david hawkins and his ******s name is bella donna, Donna is the MMN)

So size up your cards and move on to the next lesson:


Safety is key. No one wants to give the federalles the satisfaction of busting us and shutting down production, so we gotta stay as anonymous as possible.

First let me start off by saying theres no 100% safe way to card. Dont let people fool you into thinking that. You can be behind all the proxies, wingates, socks, and whatever else in the world, but you leave "digital fingerprints" wherever you go. For my personal benefits, I use a carded ISP combined with an anonymizer account ( and a level 1 proxy. But I dont reccomend that for everyone. offers excellent services for those that want to remain anonymous. The setback is that its a service, and like any other service provided, you have to pay for usage and they will restict your account due to fraudulent usage. Just card another one rite? If youre planning to use anonymizer, just concentrate on keeping your IP secret from their services instead of the site youre carding. The only set-back to the service is that they have some issues with sites using Java Applets, meaning you might have to skip out on some major sites that require JAVA.

proxies and such: I use a private hidden proxies, and dont really **** with any other proxies, so I cant comment too much on this topic (maybe someone will paste a seperate proxy faq?) As far as I'm told (thx red and hit), proxies differ from level 1 to level 3, 1 being the most anonymous, 3 being the least. You can also get free proxies from this is a descent site which ranks their proxies from "transparent" (leaks your ip) to "highly anonymous." they also do real-time proxy tests and other ****.

Stealther: Theres a prob out there that will actually link your proxies together for maximum anonymity. This program is called Stealther. Stealther can be registered via key (so you can go to #serialz on efnet and get a key) and is a descent anonymous program.

EvidenceEliminator: If you're really serious about carding, this is a program you NEED to have installed on your HD at ALL TIMES! Federal agents have several programs that allow them to extract information from your PC, such as the pages you have visited, the files you have deleted, and the emails you have written. Everytime your PC restarts, EE kicks in, providing you with the safety of erasing any tell-tale logs and history files. You always want to be prepared for the worse.

JAVA: Reguardless of what stealth method you are using, always be sure to disable JAVA on your browser.

CARDED ISP: I dunno if carding an ISP is safe or not. I've heard mixed feedbacks about this idea. However, I can testify that I've had expirience with such a matter and I havent had a problem as of yet. Some popular ISPs to card are Earthlink Pre-paid (you can pre-pay it up to a year, look for the link on their confusing website) and America Online (better used for a quickie card, just get out one of their 849308490383904 free 10000000 hour cds and input a few ccs into that *****)

These arent the only stealth methods out there: these are just the popular ones ATM. If you feel you have an anonymity method that works, by all means try it out. You never know what works and what dosent until you experiment.

If you need to know how anonymous you really are, there are some simple ways of testing this. the first (and most basic) test you should take. is a simple method of knowing what your ip is on the web. This does not run though JAVA so you cant really tell if your anonymous or not from this site alone.

hxxp:// This is actually a pr0n site protected by ibill. When you try to sign-up, there is a java applet that tells you "your current IP of blahblahblah is being recorded. Any fraudulent blahblahblah will be reported." If its not your real IP, you p***ed the second test. (you can also check your ccs here)

hxxp:// this is a basic check of your anonymity level. Must have JAVA enabled -- the true purpose of the site is to promote their software (multiproxy) which works in similar fashion to stealther.


The right drop is essential to your scamming needs. Finding legitamite drops inside and outside of the US is hard. Many people keep your **** and dont send, or some people dont pick up the package at all! (theres nothing worse than watching your hard-earned laptop going back to the store because it was refused by the recepient)

If you live inside (or even outside) the USA, youre better off scoping a drop out on your own. A drop is basically an empty home that looks to be inhabited. This is the shipping address you use for your carding needs. Your items should only picked up at night. As awlays, be sure to have a cover-story in case someone asks why youre snooping around an empty home. "I'm picking up a package for the person that used to live here" is a legit excuse. Or even "my father is the real-estate agent." is good. Just keep in mind that if you order anything over $500, it will USUALLY need to be signed for, (this statement is based upon FEDEX/UPS policies. I've gotten feedback from people that state they have gotten their local UPS employee to drop merchandise worth 1k at thir doorstop using a note, but these are uncomfirmed rumours.) Wether youre willing to sit and wait all day on the doorsteps of your drop, or you rather leave the postman a note that says you'll pick it up at the nearest postal station, its up to you. (Dont panic if you have to pick up a package at the station. When you walk in, you need to be calm so it dosent arise suspicion. If the clerk asks you to wait more than 3 minutes, PLEASE dont stand there waiting to get busted, tell him/her you have a prior engagement and quickly exit stage left. )

If you live outside the USA, youre just gonna have to trust someone. The easiest way to get a legit drop in the USA is to ask around for people that have had successful experiences with a drop. Most drops hold a 50/50 or "you card something you card me sommething" policy. If youre talking so someone thats trying to cut themselves in to the deal "Ie yes, I know someone but you have to card me something too" just move on, they're wasting your time.

Just a quick note, if youre carding something like a plasma television, youll have better luck using a drop from the same state, changing the billing addy (you can change a billing addy with a level 2 card, youll need a L2 card for carding a plasma tv neways) and acting like you just moved. (have that mindset when you call in: I am (name of cardholder) and I just moved from (city a) to (city b)) Once you have the item in your possession, you SHOULD GUESS THAT YOUR DROP HAS BEEN FLAGGED. What does this mean? YOU SHOULD NOT - I REPEAT SHOULD NOT RETURN TO A DROP ONCE YOUVE CARDED EXPENSIVE **** TO IT. Reguardless of wether your drop is flagged or not, do you really want to take the chances?

The cellular phone: The anonymous cell phone is the carders sword. With it, you will make several calls to several companies using several names. You should keep this cellular phone for carding ONLY. (just in case you become confused and forget who youre talking to.) If you have a phone phreaking connection, youre a lucky SOB. For the rest of us, we gotta go out and get a pre-paid cellular phone. (a phone which dosent require much info to purchase and use.)


Ok, so you got your ccs, your drop and youre as anonymous as you can make yourself. Now what sites are cardable? This is the easiest question I have to answer on this FAQ.


Why do I say that? because it's true. Like I said in chapter two of this little tutorial, its not about how many cards you have, its what you can do with them. Alot of this has to do with your mindset as well.

If you have a card from Johnny Knoxville from Texas, you must be Johnny Knoxville from texas. Depending on the information that you have acquired from Johnny Knoxvile, you must convince merchants and I-stores that you A R E Johnny Knoxville.

When approaching these I-stores, you want to scope things out first. Ask yourself a few questions:

-whats their policy on different shipping address than billing addess?

If they have a "must call" policy, make sure to give them an anonymous number where you can be reached (have your anon cell phone ready for this.)

-do they accept other payments besides credit?

If they accept other payment methods, sometimes its easier to card with a different payment method. (Ive had more luck on with online checks that I have with credit cards.)

Whatever you card, make sure that you have all your info prepped before carding it. If youre carding something over 1k, get on your anonymous celly and call up the banking institution of the person's card youre holding. Make sure to let them know that youre making a purchase of a large limit, so they dont deny your card.

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