Carding Training


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Carding training – is it worth the money?
"Carding from scratch", "carding training drain", "carding course" - dozens of telegram channels, forums and websites are littered with similar messages. Various craftsmen offer their own course, which will allow you to start working with maps tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow – to earn your first hundred thousand rubles. But are they worth it?
In this article, we will look at what their disadvantage is and where you should really start for a beginner in carding.

For starters – are the courses worth their money?
It is worth saying right away that there is no general instruction for carding. Each situation and scheme of work has its own nuances, advantages and disadvantages. In addition, when purchasing a carding course from someone, keep in mind that not only you, but also dozens of other people own it. You will find out how reliable, secure, and profitable the scheme is after using it.
Often, learning carding from scratch will not only be useless, but also harmful – any field of activity should be fully studied, especially if you want to work for a long time without having problems with the law, and productively, adapting to the situation. Just buying a course is not enough in this case, because no one in it will give you experience, and often even useful information.

Then where should I start?
You can really start learning carding for free-from carding forums. Of course, they won't give you full-fledged information and direct instructions on how to work, but you can definitely get the basis.
First, study the issue of anonymity. On our carding forum, you can find information about how they will search for you and how to deal with it. Learn how to set up a VM, find out what RDPs and socks are, how proxies work, and what fingerprints and voice casts are. Without knowledge and use of all this, your first drive-in will end with a visit from law enforcement officers or an arrest, which does not fit at all with the desire for a big income.
Once you understand anonymity – you can start thinking about the future scope of your work.

Which carding area should I choose?
There are two main areas that are most accessible to beginners – duffel carding and bay. Real carding requires an understanding of how banking equipment and structures work, as well as money for equipment and experience working with it. It is really better for him to study with professionals, but it is quite difficult to find them, and they themselves are not willing to take students – in their case, deanonymization threatens huge deadlines.
If you are ready to look for buyers for goods with a cost of about 50%, start working in the clothing industry. If you like to work with bank accounts and drops, please contact the bays.

What should I learn?
First, learn how to work with the cards and accounts themselves. Learn the carding instructions for working with them – for example, what is an asset / inactive, balance, limits, TANs, MagicWords. Also, it is not superfluous to study working with mobile phones and social engineering methods - so that you can easily and easily get information from the cardholders themselves.
After that, learn the actual driving process. Learn the subtleties of working with shops and banks, and learn how to search for stores that won't pull a huge amount of information from you (this is where knowing your fingerprints will come in handy). Find out what billing is and how to work with it correctly.

And where?
You can find a lot of articles in the "Carding training" sections of the forums. However, even here, please refer to checking the information – it is not superfluous to look at the posts in the topics to find out what exactly carders write about the published information. However, most of the skills you will have to acquire through trial and error. Here, by the way, your anonymity, which you learned earlier, can help you – you will make mistakes with less damage.
If you still decide to apply to the courses, pay attention to the plums on the forums. Often, even good carding manuals are publicly available, but it is better to use some of them only as an example. The fact is that if the scheme turns out to be widely known – it quickly becomes irrelevant, because a large influx of carders working on the same system leads to attention from law enforcement officers or site owners, who cover the "shop".

What will be required when I start working?
In addition to the above-mentioned dedics, virtual machines, proxies, and anti-detection systems (like the well-known Linken Sphere), you will need bank cards and accounts. It is better to buy them on carding forums from trusted sellers who have made a deposit. This will allow you to get a refund in case of something and not lose your money.
Also, you will need drops – people who will accept money or goods. You can search for them both on forums and in Telegram. You should also learn how to work with them – remember that a drop risks its freedom many times more than yours, because often its real data is involved in transactions.

What should I do if I can't find out for myself?
If you couldn't master all the pages of forums and articles, that's fine. In this case, you can apply to carding courses, but they must be proven. Often, experienced carders are looking for partners or students – for them this is a chance to scale their business, and for you-to learn everything you need for a successful carder life.
When choosing a mentor who will teach you carding, pay attention to their account. Usually, you should trust the" old-timers " of forums that have a reputation for being experienced people. Also look at the carding forum itself – its activity and general trust in it. However, in this case, you are still more likely to receive high-quality training.
Remember-carding is not an area where you can start working in 1 day. Only those who are ready to constantly develop and learn new things become successful here.


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