50 ways to promote content


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Invisible content is a serious challenge for marketers, in which an abundance of information and channels for its distribution in the online space is trying to absorb high-quality and unique texts. A well-thought-out tool comes to the rescue - content marketing, which allows you to present your message to the target audience in an interesting and unobtrusive manner, while not forgetting about your own benefit. We propose to consider 50 ideas that, when planning a strategy, can help you answer any pressing question of your customers at a convenient and necessary time for them.

50 "drugs" to heal a website from the syndrome of invisible content
  1. Collaboration with opinion leaders. This is the most progressive way of promoting, beneficial for brands and opinion leaders, as well as consumers who trust the information that their idol reads.
  2. Create modular content for reuse. Content management is not that difficult if you use different variations of it. For example, you might post essentially the same article on a blog, but with a new topic, a different design, and a couple of new ideas.
  3. Keeping in touch with journalists and participating in their publications.
  4. Dissemination of information on third-party resources with links to your site.
  5. Reformatting content. The video can be transformed into multiple posts, and the audio can be used for a podcast.
  6. Content personalization for all audience segments.
  7. Survey of subscribers in social networks with further publication - co-authorship contributes to the promotion.
  8. Conducting modular interviews and presenting them in different formats at regular intervals.
  9. Customization of the main topic in popular blogs with the creation of an interesting publication with links to your site.
  10. Creation of exclusive projects for leading blogs in your field of activity.
  11. Using podcasting for promotion.
  12. Active, but unobtrusive participation in forums.
  13. Simplify link sharing by creating a simple one-click repost scheme.
  14. Adding a signature in the letter with a link to the last article.
  15. Create a video and post it on reputable online channels.
  16. Using the capabilities of Facebook Live, Instagram, SnapChat.
  17. Sending news by automatic e-mail newsletters.
  18. Search for questions on social networks, which you can answer with your link.
  19. Tracking the actions of competitors on social networks.
  20. Create Twitter chats or participate in existing ones.
  21. Launch your own podcast.
  22. Creation of your own blog on popular platforms.
  23. Creation of valuable content so that interested people want to share it.
  24. Using your employees' channels for reposts.
  25. Linking new and old content with thematic links.
  26. Mentioning relevant individuals in their content who still need popularity.
  27. Striving to find and create something better than what already exists in the online space.
  28. Launch of paid advertising on social networks.
  29. Using interception constructors.
  30. Promotion using native advertising.
  31. Selection of working keywords.
  32. Buying a niche site.
  33. Periodic updating of old content.
  34. The use of interactive methods (surveys, quizzes, etc.) that can generate interest.
  35. Subscribing to hashtags of current events.
  36. Optimization of content for search robots and people.
  37. Joint participation with partners in relevant conferences to combine content.
  38. Create a working mechanism for a quick response using feedback or links.
  39. Encouragement for reposts, transactions and subscriptions, which brings relationships with members to a partner level.
  40. Sponsoring your own publications on popular blogs.
  41. Using an opinion leader's resource for remarketing using utm tags.
  42. Reissue of top content after a certain period of time.
  43. Participation in sponsorship of opinion leader projects.
  44. Purchase space to place your advertisements in email.
  45. Transforming your company into a brand for another large organization to get featured on their blog.
  46. Using visualization to attract audience interest.
  47. Carefully commenting on content on third-party blogs.
  48. Link building implementation.
  49. Using sponsorships of famous brands or influential personalities on your website.
  50. Create a large list of useful sources for reposts. Your content marketing is bound to deliver great results if you heed the above guidelines and create your own unique quality content promotion scheme.