
  1. Tomcat

    Visa flags competing web skimmers operated via Telegram

    Earlier this year, researchers encountered two competing web skimmers on a French website. Now the trend is being continued by cybercriminals discovered by Visa, who are trying to steal profits from their colleagues. In February 2021, Malwarebytes specialists came across two malicious scripts...
  2. Tomcat

    News from the world of payment systems: Visa and Visa Eu are one again

    News that the American multinational company Visa Inc. is negotiating with the London office of Visa Europe about the purchase of its former subsidiary, leaked onto the Internet in the fall of this year - and by the end of October the first confirmation of their reality began to appear. And...
  3. Tomcat

    Visa and MasterCard have introduced fees for using the 3D Secure service

    Payment systems Visa and MasterCard have established new tariffs for banks’ use of the 3D Secure authorization service for online payments, Kommersant reports. This authorization protocol requires entering a confirmation code to complete a transaction, which usually comes via SMS or push...
  4. Tomcat

    How to protect your card on the Internet

    What is Internet payment? Oddly enough, in the terminology of payment systems there is no such thing as an Internet transaction. From the point of view of Visa and MasterCard, a transaction on the Internet is no different from a transaction in a terminal, by phone, IVR, etc. Payment systems...
  5. Tomcat

    Details about the 17-digit Visa glitch

    Recently, some Visa cardholders received inflated bills for paying for ordinary services. On card transaction printouts, people saw an astronomical amount of $23,148,855,308,184,500.00 ($23.1 quadrillion) plus a $15 card overdraft penalty. This amount is many times greater than global GDP. The...
  6. Tomcat

    Chaordic Organization Visa

    Dee Hawk - Founder and former CEO of Visa Dear reader, this article is based on the book “One from Many: VISA and the Rise of Chaordic Organization” by Dee Hawk, founder of Visa, the world's largest business structure. Quotes from the book are shown in italics. I decided to split the article...
  7. Father

    Visa warns you: new JsOutProx virus attacks banks and their customers

    How is the banking Trojan distributed and what does GitLab have to do with it? Visa has warned of an increase in the activity of a new version of JsOutProx malware targeting financial institutions and their customers. The campaign targeted institutions in South and Southeast Asia, the Middle...
  8. M

    I need Visa / mastercard

    We are looking for a visa/master card that allows us to buy plans on the website. Or if someone can buy the website's plan for us. Then we will work with you for a long time. (I will definitely pay you a salary)
  9. Brother

    Visa launches direct withdrawal of cryptocurrencies to its debit cards for 145 countries

    American payment giant Visa has added the ability to directly withdraw funds from cryptocurrency wallets to its cards. At the same time, cryptoassets will be automatically converted to national currencies. Residents of 145 countries will have access to the new feature, and to withdraw funds...
  10. A

    2 Big Questions Advice

    Hi I'm new to carding and gathering info. Here's my questions: 1. I heard about non-vbv and vbv cards and the struggle to find non-vbv, but if so, why don't just buy Mastercard dumps or another type of card? - 2. I'm in a telegram group (in my same european country) of a guy who claims to sell...
  11. Miracles_bay


    PAN (Primary Account Number): 6063***** Bin number: 429703 Brand: VISA (NON VBV) Credit card number: 4297036063****** CVV (Card Verification Value): *** Date of expiry: 04/2027 PIN: **** Balance: € 5 171 Bank name: COMMERZBANK Full name: Klaudia Vogler SSN (Social Security Number)...
  12. S

    (VCC) Virtual Credit Cards for PayPal, eBay & Google AdWords, better prices, fast service.

    Selling all PayPal solutions VCC - VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD - VISA PREPAID DEBIT CARDS A Virtual Credit Card is a prepaid that works like a real credit card. It can be used at websites, online merchants, internet shops and web stores over the internet where payment by credit card is accepted. Just...
  13. CarderPlanet

    Объяснение Visa Resolve Online (VROL)

    Содержание Что такое инициатива по разрешению претензий Visa? Что такое Visa Resolve Online? Почему был создан VROL? Какая информация о транзакции требуется VROL? Как VROL помогает в случае дружественного мошенничества? Может ли владелец карты отменить покупку с помощью карты Visa? В течение...
  14. CarderPlanet

    Предварительный арбитражный процесс Visa по возврату платежа

    Содержание Что такое возврат платежей? Что такое арбитражный процесс возврата платежей? Что такое доарбитражный процесс? Почему доарбитражный процесс является жестким для продавцов? Оценка доказательств в деле о возврате платежей Нарушение предарбитражного процесса Visa Существуют ли...
  15. CarderPlanet

    Как Visa Secure предотвращает истинное мошенничество

    Всякий раз, когда происходит мошенничество, обязательно следуют возвратные платежи, и нет способа противостоять действительному возврату средств от мошенничества. Предотвращение - это единственное средство решения споров, возникающих в результате кражи кредитной карты, а это значит, что...
  16. CarderPlanet

    Поддержание актуальности с помощью программы обновления учетной записи Visa

    Кредитные карты подобны молоку: срок их действия истекает. Когда ваши клиенты используют сохраненные учетные данные для оплаты текущих платежей, истечение срока действия карты может привести к сбоям в обслуживании, что может привести к разочарованию и аннулированию учетной записи, даже если...
  17. CarderPlanet

    Арбитражный процесс по возврату платежей Visa

    От некоторых возвратов платежей трудно избавиться. Возможно, вы пытались оспорить это с помощью своих убедительных доказательств, но затем вам сообщают, что эмитент по-прежнему поддерживает спор, и если вы не готовы отступать, дело будет передано в арбитраж — дорогостоящий процесс, который может...
  18. CarderPlanet

    What payment systems are used in the world besides Visa and Mastercard? How they differ and how they work.

    Russia has the WORLD, China has UnionPay, and Mastercard and Visa are almost everywhere. And what other popular payment systems are there on Earth? I will tell you in this article. Surprises are waiting for you - for example, Indian cards with an unusual digital service, Islamic "non-credit...
  19. Lord777

    Payment systems in simple words. How Mastercard, Visa, MIR, and others work and why they are needed

    Russia has been living without Visa and Mastercard for more than a year. During this time, we all managed to clearly understand that payment systems are not just logos on bank cards. In this article, we analyze how payment systems work, what exactly they do, and why you should not underestimate...
  20. Brother

    Visa develops an offline payment system based on cryptocurrencies

    Visa is considering the possibility of creating an offline payment system based on digital currency, the head of the company's cryptocurrency division, Kai Sheffield, said in an interview with Forbes. He added that research in this direction continues, more details will become known over...