
  1. Carding 4 Carders

    Elections of the future in Russia: will AI participate in pre-election campaigning according to the law?

    Will the new bill allow the use of AI? A group of State Duma deputies headed by Yaroslav Nilov and a senator from the LDPR faction registered draft law No. 467977-8, which proposes to make amendments to existing legislation, in particular to the laws "On Basic Guarantees of electoral rights and...
  2. Carding 4 Carders

    The future of the business world: what risks do employees of large companies see in the development of AI?

    ISACA claims that cars will not deprive us of jobs, but it's not so simple… AI is gradually being implemented in all areas of our lives. It is not surprising that its spread causes concern in society about the future of some professions. However, experts from the ISACA (Information Systems...
  3. Carding 4 Carders

    AI in Biden's sights: New Executive order to Tighten control over smart cars

    What conditions does the US government offer? In the near future, the Biden Administration will publish a decree with regulations for artificial intelligence technologies. Experts call it the most significant attempt by the US authorities to establish control over the development of smart cars...
  4. Carding 4 Carders

    Nightshade vs AI: The era of digital struggle for content has begun

    An open tool destroys the world of neural networks and the reputation of companies. A group of scientists from the University of Chicago presented a study on the Nightshade data "pollution" technique, aimed at disrupting the learning process of AI models. The tool was created to protect the...
  5. Carding 4 Carders

    Digital woodpecker will solve the problem of hallucinations in AI models

    The Woodpecker tool offers a new approach to the "education" of neural networks. Researchers from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), in collaboration with the Tencent YouTu Lab, have developed a framework called Woodpecker to correct so — called "hallucinations" in...
  6. Carding 4 Carders

    AI in the role of an attacker: can a machine surpass a human in the art of deception?

    ChatGPT tried its hand at creating phishing emails. Artificial intelligence continues to evolve, with each new study demonstrating amazing progress. But will a machine ever be able to surpass a human in the art of deception and manipulation? This question interested researchers from IBM. The...
  7. Carding 4 Carders

    From simulation to reality: how AI redefines the boundaries of what is possible in robotics

    Generative AI has opened up new ways to train robots and accelerated the development of the industry. The field of robotics has been undergoing dramatic changes in recent months, thanks in large part to the rapid development of generative artificial intelligence. Major technology companies and...
  8. Carding 4 Carders

    The future without smartphones: AI Pin Smart Brooch as a new level of interaction with AI

    Having received an award before the announcement, the device can become the future of our daily life. Startup Humane, founded by former Apple employees, is preparing to launch its first gadget – AI Pin, scheduled for November 9. The product has already attracted attention, having received the...
  9. Carding 4 Carders

    Uncontrolled AI: who controls the machines that decide the fate of the British

    The investigation revealed how citizens lives have become dependent on AI algorithms. The British authorities are actively implementing artificial intelligence (AI) and sophisticated algorithms for making decisions in various areas from social payments to marriage registration, The Guardian...
  10. Carding 4 Carders

    AI has cast doubt on Wikipedia's credibility

    In 70% of cases, users trust AI more than the largest encyclopedia. Verifiability and reliability of information is one of the main content policies of Wikipedia – claims must be supported by links to sources. However, maintaining and improving the quality of these links is a major challenge...
  11. Carding 4 Carders

    Ancient Chinese techniques combined with modern technologies: how AI recognizes diseases by the color of the tongue

    The color of the tongue can tell you a lot about a person's health. The ancient method of Chinese herbalists, used for two thousand years, is to study the color of a person's tongue to detect signs of illness, now used by scientists in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence...
  12. Carding 4 Carders

    AI begins to "absorb" itself: a new study sounds alarming

    The AI decided to become a cannibal and "eat" itself. Artificial intelligence-generated content is starting to populate the internet, and this could be bad news for future AI models. Language models such as ChatGPT are trained based on content found on the internet. As AI creates more and more...
  13. Carding 4 Carders

    The British tribunal and the issue of total control: a decision on Clearview AI

    £7.5 million is at stake, but Clearview AI isn't paying a penny. A British tribunal yesterday ruled that the US-based selfie-collecting company Clearview AI is not required to pay a £7.5 million ($9 million) privacy penalty. The tribunal said that the Information Authority (ICO), which...
  14. Carding 4 Carders

    Copyright dilemma in the age of AI: Universal Music Studio sues AI startup Anthropic

    What could be wrong with Claude? Global music industry giant Universal Music has filed a lawsuit against artificial intelligence startup Anthropic. At the center of the controversy is the Claude chatbot, which plays lyrics from Universal's repertoire. According to representatives of Universal...
  15. Carding 4 Carders

    How will AI help prevent an environmental disaster?

    DeepMind uses the capabilities of neural networks to combat climate change. DeepMind, a Google-owned company specializing in artificial intelligence (AI) research, uses the capabilities of neural networks to solve problems related to climate change. This was stated in an interview with Sims...
  16. Carding 4 Carders

    Businessman Mark Andreessen: "By limiting the development of AI, you are committing murder"

    Andreessen defends the freedom of innovation, but who will protect the world from the likes of Andreessen? Mark Andreessen, the head of Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), a venture capital firm that invests in companies such as Facebook*, Airbnb, Lyft and Skype, recently published a "Technoo-Optimist...
  17. Carding 4 Carders

    US tightening the screws: New sanctions will block China's path to AI

    In the tech race, the US is trying its best to suppress China's progress in AI. The Biden administration has announced additional restrictions on the sale of advanced semiconductors by U.S. companies. The decision is aimed at strengthening restrictions imposed in October 2022 and slowing down...
  18. Carding 4 Carders

    AI: the main culprit of the future financial apocalypse?

    Wall Street is in danger from an unexpected enemy. Gary Gensler, chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), said in an interview with the Financial Times about the possibility of a financial crisis due to artificial intelligence. In his opinion, this could happen as early as...
  19. Carding 4 Carders

    AI on guard of health: EVEscape helps fight viruses

    The tool will help you study unknown viruses and prevent a new pandemic. EVEscape's new AI tool is able to analyze evolutionary and biological data to predict how a virus might change to avoid the effects of the immune system. Scientists say that the tool can help in the development of vaccines...
  20. Carding 4 Carders

    A 21-year-old student won $40,000 by deciphering a word on a 2,000-year-old papyrus using AI

    Luke Farritor, a student at the University of Nebraska, has achieved a scientific breakthrough in artificial intelligence by successfully deciphering a word on an ancient papyrus dating back more than 2,000 years. As part of the Vesuvius Challenge, Farritor became the first person to...