Need smtp solution+ letter encryption


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Hi guys,any tips on finding a smtp?
Tried the shops but most you can send is 20 lol
Tried creating smtp but takes ages to build reputation
I need a fast mass smtp sender


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Hi guys,need smtp solution and letter encrypter for mass spam


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smtpsender is a small but flexible program for sending emails from the command line (with multiattach files, SSL / TLS and proxy support, script execution)​

Hello everyone! This time I present to your attention a small program for sending mail from the console. She knows how to work through HTTP, Socks4 and Socks5 proxies, supports attaching several files, attaching files by mask, can run other commands BEFORE and AFTER sending a letter, can read and use send parameters from a file so that you do not have to pass a bunch of parameters every time you call programs. It's just that sometimes you need to automate an action, and then receive a report by mail, and this is where you sometimes need to send mail from the console.
But! Everything in order)
You can get help on the commands by specifying the -h parameter. This is how it looks:

Attention! The latest version of the program and additional, more relevant information are at the end of the article.
And more attention! Recently (October 2021) we have a Telegram bot for receiving notifications, and they can also be easily and simply sent from the console and in general, from anywhere. Perhaps this is what you need, not the mailer.
You can read about the Telegram bot and examples of use in this article.
An example of sending a letter through the Google SMTP server, via an SSL connection: And here is the letter
The letter arrived successfully)

-make_data <path to file> - this parameter creates an empty stub file for the next parameter -load_data ) The file itself will look something like this:
-load_data <path to file> - this parameter loads the previously created file with parameters for sending letters. You can specify both full and relative paths to the file. If the download fails, the program will inform you about it.
The file with the parameters was not found, the rest of the parameters were not specified, so there are so many errors ...)
We take and enter the required data into the required parameters. I changed the syntax in Notepad ++ so that at least it was a little more fun to watch these screenshots, otherwise everything merged into a single incomprehensible mass, and now even though the comments and parameters are different

Completed file with parameters
There is one trick here. Those parameters that will be passed to the program directly when it is called will have a higher priority. Therefore, for example, you can file a file with all the necessary parameters, and then call the program, only specifying the addressee or the text of the message with the subject. It’s convenient, after all!
-from <email> - This parameter specifies the sender. You can specify this: Name < [email protected] > and then the recipient or recipients will see the sender's name first. Well, though .. Well this is already known and it is clear why write about it ...)
-to <email or email list> - here you can specify the recipient. Or recipients. You can specify it in the same format as shown in the previous parameter, and if you need to send a letter to several recipients, you can specify their list separated by commas.
-subject <text> - message subject.
-body <text> - message text. Naturally, if there are several words, then you need to put the value of this parameter in quotes, as in any other console program. If you need to translate to a new line, you can write \ n right there. If you set the parameter value in the file, then the quotes are not needed. If the message type is html , and not text , then you will need to use html tags for formatting the letter and <br /> for line feed.
-load_body <file name> - loads the message text from a file. If the file is not found, the program will inform you about it. If this parameter is specified, the -body parameter will be ignored. By the way! For the program to work as expected, you need to specify one of these parameters. Any of them. Otherwise, there will be an error ...) But the program itself reports errors, if that ...)
Here's what happens if you leave out the message text:
-attach <path [; name]> - using this parameter, you can attach a file to the message. If the file is not found, the program will not display anything, but it will not attach anything either. You can specify an arbitrary file name separated by semicolons. If this is not done, then just the file name will be used. You can also specify this parameter several times, then all specified files will be attached to the letter.

An example of sending files. Two files are specified in the file with parameters (this can be seen in the picture for the -load_data command), the other two are assigned directly in the console.All four files were received successfully!
-type [ text | html ] - message type. By default, it is simple text. If you specify html , then you need to use html tags in the letter itself.
Naturally, all these parameters could be specified directly when calling the program, it's just that it's more convenient to read them in this form)
-server <ip or hostname> - well, it's clear here, I think
-port <port number> - port for connection. Attention! Usually this is 25, but if you use SSL, then the port will be different)
-user <user name> - username for authorization on the smtp server. If you suddenly do not need it, then you can leave it blank. This is an optional parameter.
-pass <password> - password on behalf of the user for authorization on smtp.
-cpass <encrypted password> - here you need to transfer the password created by the following command) And this was done in order not to write the password from the account in clear text. After all, you never know ... Suddenly it will be in a batch file or somewhere else, and someone will see and be able to use ...) You can transfer one of two password options. But! If both are specified, both in clear and encrypted form, then the open password will still be used. Therefore, if you need to use encrypted, then you need not specify anything in the -pass parameter . And in general, open passwords are not good in any case!
-crpass <normal password> - with this command you can encrypt a normal password a little, and then pass it in the -cpass parameter.
At first glance it seems that this is an ordinary base64, but in reality it is a little bit different ...
-ssl - use SSL. If specified, it will be used, if not specified, it will not! Wow :) Also in the file with parameters. If not necessary, you can comment out this line or delete it altogether. And you need to be careful, because when using SSL, the port to which you need to connect is also different.
Also, attention! For ssl to work, two libraries are required: libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll . They are usually present in the system, but they may not be. Therefore, you can manually download them and place them in the program folder or in system32, or you can put them anywhere, the main thing is that the program can find them in the search paths or through the PATH variable. Here is a link to the archive with these two libraries. But it is better to search the Internet in order to find and deliver more recent versions, if that ..)
-proxy [proxy type] - use proxy. If you just specify the -proxy parameter without anything, then the HTTP proxy will be used. Well, or you can specify http, socks4 or socks5, and then the corresponding proxy type will be used.
-proxy_addr <proxy address> - proxy address in the following format: proxy_server: port . Or, if you also need to log in, then like this: user: pass @ proxy _server: port.
Here I just have PuTTY connected to one of the servers in which I have configured a Socks5 proxy on port 9999. This is what we indicate in the file with parameters.
And here we already see that .. Well, here are the previous letters, and you can see the result of loading the text of the message from the file1.txt file, and below, the next letter is the one that was sent through the Socks5 tunnel. Everything works as you can see

And here is the file1.txt itself and its contents, which were successfully sent and received)
content of file1.txt

That's all.
A! The most important thing!
Here is the program itself (outdated version, there is a newer one below): smtpsend.exe
And here is its source code on bitbucket:
There, in the repository, versions of the program will be uploaded in the downloads. And all the changes are in the source!
And here's another link to the SSL libraries:
UPD [26.01.016]: made a small graphical program to generate passwords for this mailer. You can take it here: pass_crypt.exe
It looks like this:
UPD [05.02.018]: a new version of the program, which has support for executing commands before and after sending letters (you can use it, for example, to archive files before sending, and after sending you can delete a temporary archive), support for variables and the ability to change program parameters in executable scripts, support for searching and attaching files by mask (you can get a bunch of them at once), support for regular expressions in scripts (it can be useful for extracting part of a file name and anything else).
The link to the repository has been updated, now it will be supported and all changes will be immediately available in it. Here, in the article, I will supplement UPD-s, but the versions of the programs (current: 0.4) and sources can be viewed in the repository.
You can download the current version of the program here: smtpsend_v0.4
[UPD 13.03.019] : now the program returns the return code to the operating system 1 if there were errors when sending or parsing parameters, and 0 if everything went well. Previously, it always returned 0, as if there were no errors.
You can download this latest version here: smtpsend_v0.4_retcode.exe
[UPD 29.09.020]: version 0.5 released! Now, when attaching files by mask or through the -attach parameters, the status of adding each file is indicated: added successfully or not found ...
[UPD 08/10/2021]: fixed a bug with attaching files by mask. If you specify a mask without a folder, the files were searched in the root of the disk, and not in the current directory. Now everything works as it should. And now the current version of the program is in the repository under the name smtpsend.exe, without any versions there, etc.).

You can download the latest version from the repository (the smtpsend.exe file is always up-to-date):
Or here is a direct link to download the current latest version of the program: smtpsend.exe (this link will not change anymore, it is permanent, but always fresh)

If something does not work for someone or there are some errors, then feel free to write in the comments or in the reviews, I will gladly accept your wishes and try to correct any shortcomings and mistakes, but first take a look at the FAQ at the end of the article, because your problem may already be known)
If I do not answer for a long time, then write directly to the mail: zbcdefgh (HotDog)
I hope that someone will find it useful and will need it so that the work (time was still spent) is not wasted

FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions[/B]
  • The error "503 5.5.4 send AUTH command first" takes off , what should I do?
  • You need to check the login and password, but if they are 1000% correct and if we are talking about Yandex or Google, then in the case of Google, you need to allow access to unsafe applications , and in the case of Yandex, add the application password. They did it for safety, so you will have to take more steps for the program to work.
  • files are not attached by mask from the current directory
  • it was a program error, already fixed in UPD on 08/10/2021 , download the latest version

(c) Spammer: @karamush


Reaction score
Hi guys,any tips on finding a smtp?
Tried the shops but most you can send is 20 lol
Tried creating smtp but takes ages to build reputation
I need a fast mass smtp sender
any luck ? ive been looking as well, 9 times out of 10 its a scam selling to you.