YOUTUBE traffic. A detailed guide on how to get your stealer Logs.


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Here we go.

Introduction: In order to be comfortable to start engaging in these activities, you need a small initial capital, so you do not waste your time in vain and received 2-3 logs per night, of course if you do not have even 500-1000 rubles in your pocket, you can do without it, but will have to deal with small difficulties. Those who deal with traffic on YouTube, most likely nothing new here will not poimeet, but for those who have heard about this area of activity, it is very handy.

Structure: To begin with we need a stiller, at the moment the best option is RedLine, but for someone it can cost fabulous money, just on this go to the section on the forum "pitch" and looking for yourself the ideal team in which you will work. We go to any of the teams, you or manually issuing build, or give access to the bot in which you get it. This "build" and we will be with you to distribute on YouTube. I want to remind you that you are working to some extent for yourself, and for the Uncle, who will have from you some %, the same Facebook, Crypta, etc..

The bottom line: Using YouTube, you will urge people to download your malicious file and after opening it, the data of the person who opened it will come to you to the bot. Passwords, Cookies, Crypto Wallets and other information. You can read more about what is the "Log" in created threads on the forum.

Further action: You got your personal "Bild" , then we create on your desktop "Archive - ZIP - WINRAR" . Open it and take our build to the archive, in the window that appeared, we set a password on the file, it may be for example "12345".


After creating a text document, in it we write something like Password - 12345, so that people do not have questions where to get the password. It we throw in the archive, but without the password.

Be sure: In no case do not open the "Build" because from your own computer and will be collected Log. Just before you move the build in the archive, you need to choose the theme which will be distributed their build. This can be a spofer on Fortnite, Apex, Rust | Skin changer on Fortnite, CS:GO | Photoshop plugins | Cheats on the same game |

Further action #2: We determined the theme of our video, through which you will distribute the file, then we choose, whether we take a ready-made video (but then it will not be unique), or make it yourself (more trouble - more profits). I will tell you about the first option - go to the same youtube enter in the search that we want to cast, let's take a skinchanger on fortnite, take the most suitable video for us and proceed to further work.

What would download the video from YouTube, insert a link to the video on this site and download it. We need to unique our video to some extent, to do this we go to this site "PANZOID". If you do not want to, you don't have to do that! We choose the right intro for us.


Change the text to your own.




After downloading the intro, convert it from mvk to mp4.


Proceed to the video editing in Sony Vegas 2014, you can use any other program for video editing.


Use: Color Curves, add music in Sony Vegas (preferably in English), and insert the intro at the beginning. To separate the video from the music: use the key combination ctrl + u and delete someone else's music.


Uniqueization is ready.

Next steps #3: We need to upload our "Bild" which is already forged as a video with which you will distribute it, on a file-sharing site, I suggest to use "mediafire"

Note: You can add to your ahreve with the build, all sorts of dlls and other, so that the software looked more clearly on the case. "Files" "VT"

You should get something like this in the end result of the build.


When we are done with the archive, we upload it to "mediafire" and get the link.


Uploading videos to YouTube: Either buy an already promoted channel, or use any of your own.

Click upload video and do the following steps. Go to the description of the video from which we downloaded his video material, copy the description and change the link to his, as well as the password to his.


Upload a preview ( Preferably). Next, in the "Audience" tab, make sure to select "Video not for children" and "No, the video is suitable for viewers under 18 years of age.


Unfold the advanced settings, and continue. Do not check the box "Video contains direct advertising, product placement or sponsored content. Add tags (copy and paste the beginning of the tags from your description), up to a limit of 500 characters. Video language choose "English" or the one for which you did the video. Category put "Games" and enter the name of our game. With the filling of information finished. Click twice "Next", select the access parameters "Open Access", and publish.


The clip has been successfully uploaded, left to do nakrukatkulya this clip.

Nakrutka: Spin need views and likes, comments are not required, but they will help in promoting the video in YouTube searches. I recommend steering from 400 to 2000 views, 15 to 200 likes, and 12 to 36 comments. If the video is good (in your opinion) brings you logs, then continue to promote it. You can spin through YTMonster - accounts, you can buy on our forum,, As there are many other options where you can buy this nakrutka I think you can figure it out by yourself.