"Your product was bought, follow the link"


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I was selling my old tablet through an app of a famous classifieds site An SMS has come that someone has bought a tablet and has already transferred money. There was written the amount of $ 150 and a link. I click on the link, the page of the site on which I posted information about the sale opened. There is my ad with a description and a photo of the tablet, and a note that payment has been received. But there was also a phrase at the bottom that I need to install the latest version of the application, otherwise something will go wrong there. I clicked "Continue".
Then there were some notifications, the phone began to glitch, then a message appeared that there was a failure in the system and that it was necessary to enter the card data, then I could use the application. I entered and immediately all the money was debited from the card. It's good that there was not much on it - about $ 2, no more. I called the classifieds site and was told that they were scammers and most likely I downloaded a virus. And that no one has actually bought my tablet yet. A very strange situation, I had to tinker to clear the phone. As a result, I installed myself an antivirus, reissued the card, and sold the tablet to my friends.

Financial Culture Expert:
Bob downloaded a dangerous Trojan to his phone that masquerades as well-known websites and applications - large ad portals, online stores, hotel aggregators and other online services. The virus targets Android devices. With the help of this Trojan, cyber fraudsters overcome the protective mechanisms of the user's mobile device and steal the details of his bank card. You can learn more about how the Trojan works from the review.
The virus collected public information from the ad site - product description, photos, Bob's phone number - and sent him an SMS with a link that led to a phishing page. It had the logo of the ad site and even a photo of the tablet, so the page did not arouse suspicion in Bob. After clicking the "Continue" button, he downloaded the Trojan instead of the promised "new version of the application".
After that, the virus began to bombard Bob with alarming notifications about system failures. On the phishing page, Bob entered his card details, and they got to scammers who were able to withdraw money from her.

To prevent theft of money from your accounts, you must follow the cyber hygiene rules:
  • Install antivirus software on all gadgets that you use.
  • Disable on gadgets the permission to install applications from unverified sources and do not download data if your device warns of a risk.
  • Do not follow links from letters and notifications from unknown senders.
  • Do not enter card details on suspicious sites.
  • Always check your browser address bar carefully. A secure resource address begins with https: // and has a closed padlock icon in the address bar. It is important to make sure that this is not a clone site of a popular resource. The address of the fake site may differ from the address of the real resource only by a couple of characters.
For more information on how not to fall for the bait of cyber fraudsters, see the articles "Online bank card fraud" and "Safe online shopping". How to act if fraudsters managed to withdraw money from your account - in the text “What to do if money was stolen from a bank card”.