Your money or your social card? Scammers choose both.


Reaction score
Stay alert and don't trust suspicious text messages.

Modern scammers are constantly adapting their methods to deceive unsuspecting citizens. One of the new ways is to use the legend of replacing social cards. These attackers call bank customers and, posing as social service employees, offer to update their current social cards.

How does it work?
Scammers target people who may be less knowledgeable about deception tactics. When a person agrees to the offer to update the card, the attackers ask you to specify a mobile number to receive an SMS code about the readiness of the new social card. However, instead, the client receives a text message with a code to restore access to their bank account.

Further actions of scammers
After receiving the SMS code, the scammers then view it, and also try to find out other confidential information, such as the card number. If they successfully gain access to the client's online bank, they quickly transfer all funds to their accounts.

A variety of social cards
In Russia, there are several types of social cards, which may be common to all privileged categories of citizens or designed specifically for certain groups, such as students or pensioners. Some of these cards can be integrated with bank cards, which makes them particularly attractive to fraudsters.

How to protect yourself
Dmitry Revyakin, Head of the Corporate Interests Protection Department at VTB Bank, warns that older customers are often victims of such calls. To protect yourself from such threats, it is important to always check information from unknown persons and never share your confidential data over the phone. In addition, always carefully read the text of any SMS messages that you receive after suspicious calls. If you receive text messages from your bank, it is best to call the bank directly and check this information.

With the increasing number of different online schemes and scams, it is more important than ever to be on guard and educate yourself on how to prevent the loss of your hard-earned funds. Don't let scammers take advantage of you, always be one step ahead and take care of your safety.