Your Discord Activity is for sale: Spy Pet – a new surveillance tool


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The spy service exposes messages and all user data for $0.1.

A service called Spy Pet is causing alarm among Discord users, offering services for archiving and tracking activity on the platform for a symbolic amount of $5.

Spy Pet allows third parties, potentially including the police and criminals, to view the messages of specific users on various servers. The Spy Pet website states that the database contains more than 3 billion messages from 600 million users, spanning more than 14,000 servers.

According to statements on the official website, Spy Pet scans Discord servers, selling access to the collected information for cryptocurrency. In addition, the data is offered for AI training and use by law enforcement agencies.

An investigation by 404 Media confirmed that Spy Pet does indeed extract messages from Discord servers and provide them to customers. The cost of access varies from $5 to $500 in cryptocurrency. For the minimum price, the user gets 500 Spy Pet credits. It costs 10 credits (about $0.1) to search for a single user's data.

After searching for a user, the service displays the servers that the user belongs to, the associated accounts on other sites, and a table with the latest messages (including the name of the server where the message was written, the timestamp, and the message content itself). Users can also export chats to a CSV file. A review by reporters confirmed that the messages provided by Spy Pet are accurate.


Table with associated user accounts

The section of the website that lists various servers has a total of more than 86,000 servers listed. However, Spy Pet only collects data from some of them (more than 14,000). This is explained by the fact that some servers do not have Spy Pet bots, so the tool "does not track the server, but knows that such a server exists". The service also failed to find the data of some users, which most likely means that they were not part of the scanned servers.


List of user messages on different servers

The difference between channel messages and private messages is their confidentiality: they are not completely public, like tweets, but they are not as private as personal correspondence. The creators of Spy Pet emphasize a serious attitude to the privacy of their customers, claiming that searches on their platform are protected and remain confidential.

We are talking about a significant change in the privacy of Discord users, since Spy Pet allows you to see their activity in general. Despite this, the creator of the service emphasizes that the service can help users better understand where and how their friends operate on Discord, as well as OSINT specialists.

Discord representatives said that Spy Pet is currently under investigation. The Company has stated its intention to take appropriate action if a violation of the Discord rules is found.