Yekaterinburg resident lost a million rubles by trusting a "lawyer with connections"


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"Lieutenant Colonel of Justice"​

Nikita B. needed a lawyer in March 2021, when he started a trial with his ex-wife over the division of a shared apartment. He found Vitaly Sychev's website on the Internet.

- We met, Vitaly said that he is a professional lawyer, showed a copy of his diploma of higher legal education, and also said that he has "great connections" in the Regional Court, in the Prosecutor's Office and investigative bodies, because he served there and retired with the rank of lieutenant Colonel of Justice, - Nikita recalls. — That's why he can supposedly solve anything, including my problem. The cost of his services is very high, he explained this by the fact that you have to use your own connections, and the result is always 100%. But after winning the case, it will help you return all your expenses.

По словам Никиты, убедительный и уверенный тон Виталия ввел его в заблуждение, и он заключил договор с ООО «Сычев Виталий». Но обещанного результата екатеринбуржец не дождался: суд полностью удовлетворил иск бывшей жены.

- Vitaly told me that the decision was illegal and he is appealing it to the Regional Court, but in reality he did not file a complaint and missed the deadline. He said that it was necessary, he would decide the issue in the Seventh Court of Cassation, and that he would solve everything positively with his connections — " Nikita recalls. — Since I'm not a lawyer and I don't know much about it, I believed him.

At 39, Vitaly exudes charisma and looks elegant

Fake court decisions​

According to Nikita, he repeatedly renegotiated the contract with Vitaly Sychev's company, sent him money to "resolve issues" about the apartment and other cases, and in return received fake decisions allegedly in his favor. For example, the lawyer sent the "decision" of the Chelyabinsk seventh Cassation Court to Nikita before the case was considered.

— He sent me an email with the alleged preliminary decision of the Seventh Cassation Court in my favor, saying that I could sell the disputed apartment. Which I did. And only then I learned that the court did not make any decisions in my favor. He also promised to help with a lawsuit over joint loan obligations with his wife — so that my wife would pay off her part of the debt. I believed him again and made the contract, and then he said that he had won the case.

Fake criminal case​

Nikita's misadventures did not end there. He told how on November 14, 2021, he received a copy of the title page with the number of the criminal case from Sychev to his email.

- Apparently, he realized that I was beginning to doubt the legality of his actions, threw me this document and said that a criminal case had been opened against me at the request of the new owner of the apartment I sold. After that, Sychev began to threaten me and extort money for helping me in this case, which, as it turned out later, did not even exist, " says Nikita. — He made it up to intimidate me and get my money. He said that everything will be resolved positively and the criminal case will be dismissed.

There's a carousel of photos here.

In the "criminal case" appears the city of Kemerovo, because it was there that the victim sold their common apartment with his wife

We contacted the press service of the Investigative Committee in the Kemerovo region. They confirmed that they have no criminal case against Nikita.

We contacted the press service of the Investigative Committee in the Kemerovo region. They confirmed that they have no criminal case against Nikita.

- There are no criminal cases with such numbers in the Kemerovo region. The figures are not even from our region, " they said E1.RU in the department.

Nikita, however, was initially afraid and gave the lawyer the money from the sale of the apartment.

- Sychev said that he needed 120,000 rubles to resolve the issue of the criminal case. I gave them to him in cash in installments. After that, he communicated with me only by text message, began to demand more money from me to "solve problems," says Nikita. — I turned to other lawyers, because Sychev's actions were very strange. I found out that no criminal case was initiated against me. I was shown signs of forgery of the court decisions that Sychev sent me. They explained that the apartment legally had to be divided between the spouses and so on. I began to tell Sychev about this and demand a refund from him, but he stopped communicating with me and did not return the money.

When the ex-wife, relying on the present court decision, registered half of the share in the already sold apartment, Nikita called the Seventh Cassation Court. There he was told that the case number that Sychev called him did not exist at all, but there was a statement on which a decision was made to return the documents due to the fact that they were submitted to the cassation instance without passing the appeal stage.

Nikita applied to the IC with a statement about fraud, from there his statement was transferred to the police department No. 5.

"From March to October 2021, by misleading me and threatening to bring me to criminal responsibility for allegedly illegal sale of an apartment, Sychev received 981,867 (nine hundred and eighty-one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven) rubles from me, causing me significant harm," the victim said in a statement.

However, he was refused to open a criminal case because of the absence of a crime event. He is now trying to appeal this decision.

Nikita was refused to open a criminal case.

In addition, Nikita independently found out that Vitaly previously had a suspended sentence for forgery of documents (the criminal record was canceled. — Editor's note).

Version by Vitaly Sychev​

We contacted Vitaly Sychev to find out his version of what happened.

— I remember Nikita, we didn't get along very well. A person does not behave very well when he drinks-he becomes inadequate. For this reason, we stopped communicating with him, " says Vitaly. — Once he got drunk, got into a fight with people on the street, and as a result, the police officers took him to the department. He called and asked me to get him out. I didn't promise him anything through personal contacts. He's cheating. He says I cheated him out of a million dollars, but he doesn't tell me how he drank too much and asked me to get away with it. I do not know why he transferred money there to anyone. I received only 50-60 thousand rubles for representing his cases in the Chkalovsky district Court.

Vitaliy couldn't show us his law degree or tell us what university or time he studied at. He stated that it was a long time ago and the document was lost:

— I'm restoring my diploma. As for the expunged criminal record for forgery of documents, it was just a fictitious registration. I needed registration, so I applied for an ad in the newspaper "From hand to hand". I never served in the Prosecutor's Office or the Investigative Committee, and I didn't brag about it.

Also, Vitaly Sychev categorically denies that he sent Nikita fake judicial acts and criminal cases.

— Actually, I just refused to do the job he asked me to do. I realized that it was pointless to help. When he was drunk, he could throw himself at anyone he saw. It is necessary to treat people in a human way. I am for the principle of reasonableness and humanity. He could have met me, talked to me, and instead spread some rumors against me. We used his apartment as best we could within the framework of [the law]. He sold it himself, considering that there are encumbrances, and he told me about it only before the court. A lot of lies. Therefore, I have now stopped working on this topic altogether. Disillusioned with people.

Out of 15 reviews on the activities of Vitaly Sychev, only three are positive

Photo: screenshot from the site

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"He's a gambler"​

Claims to Vitaly are not only from the client, but also from Daria's ex-girlfriend. They lived together for several years, and now they are suing because of a common child. According to her, victims of Sychev's actions regularly come to her to complain.

— We have two children. When I left, he took them away several times, and I returned them through the police. Then he established paternity through the court and took his nine-year-old son. Since May, we have been holding trials, " she said. E1.RU Daria. — The problem is that the child is disabled. He didn't know that. He does not spend any rehabilitation with him, and, moreover, for two quarters of the child did not even attend school. Only after my numerous requests to the school and personal data, they finally started to move, only now he started going [to school].

According to Daria, Vitaly officially did not work for about nine years, and during their life together he spent money on online casinos:

— He gambled at night, spent his money first, then took it from me. He even sold the car without my knowledge, mortgaged the phone on credit, and took out all the jewelry. While I was living with him, I didn't immediately understand where the money was going, only after a long time I caught it at the games. I naively thought that he couldn't get a job. He didn't have a law degree, and a photoshopped diploma hung on the wall. Then I heard stories from other people that he took the money and went into hiding. The problem is that he has absolutely nothing, nothing to take from him.

According to her, Vitaly has VIP client cards of several Yekaterinburg pawnshops at once. Despite the contradictory reputation, a man easily makes new acquaintances and finds clients.

— He is very good at insinuating himself, dresses well-jacket, tie. Makes a great impression. Even my friend, who knew what happened to me, gave him money for services that he did not provide, " says Daria.

We contacted the Yekaterinburg police for a comment on the fact of the fraud claim. No response was received at the time of publication.