XSS Forum Banned Ransomware Ads After Colonial Pipeline Attack


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The Russian-language XSS forum (formerly known as DaMaGeLab), one of the most popular sites for hackers, has refused to advertise ransomware (ransomware, ransomware). Recall that in the past, XSS was one of two forums where cybercriminals advertised their services and hired people to carry out attacks. As the site administrators put it, "ransomware has reached the limit in terms of hype, noise, delirium and stupidity." That is why XSS from now on prohibits the distribution of promotion schemes for ransomware families on its pages.


As noted in The Record, the owners of XSS have decided to ban advertising ransomware after the recent cyberattack on the largest pipeline operator in the United States - Colonial Pipeline. Supposedly, the cybercriminal group Darkside is behind the attack, which managed to install ransomware on the Colonial Pipeline network. This incident has caused a lot of concern in the White House. The US authorities are well aware that the main advertising of ransomware has settled on Russian-language forums of the relevant topic. Consequently, as some experts expect, the recent incident may lead to active measures aimed at eliminating hacker sites. The XSS admin team even decided to spread straws and noted that the main task of the forum has always been to bring knowledge to people, and not act as a platform for cybercriminals. By the way, Natalya Kasperskaya spoke about the attack on the Colonial Pipeline. The head of InfoWatch believes that the CIA may well have been involved in the campaign.