Wolf in sheep's clothing: China disguises propaganda as information security reports


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Beijing often accuses the US of cyberattacks, but has it provided a strong case?

A new report by SentinelLabs points to a lack of evidence in China's claims of hacking and espionage by the West. Beijing has been trying for two years to support narratives about US cyberattacks without providing the necessary technical evidence.

A Chinese media strategy aimed at spreading allegations of US hacking operations was launched after the United States, Britain and the European Union accused China of "irresponsible behavior in cyberspace"in July 2021.

However, since then, China has been unable to confirm its accusations, relying only on outdated US intelligence documents, and subsequently abandoned attempts at technical validation altogether, limiting itself to publishing naked accusations in state media.

The SentinelLabs report notes that some Chinese information security companies coordinate the publication of their reports with state agencies and the media to increase their impact. At the same time, Western agencies and companies specializing in cybersecurity always back up their claims of espionage by China with technical details.

According to the SentinelLabs report, China's cybersecurity efforts are more like propaganda aimed at shaping the perception of the United States as a "hacking empire", which may resonate with a domestic audience, but is not confirmed in the international arena.

For example, in 2022, the Chinese Communist Party mentioned the US National Security Agency in connection with hacking tools or operations 24 times, relying on recycled old materials without new technical analysis.

And in 2023, China was already spreading new accusations against the United States, not related to previous leaks of American intelligence, but still unfounded. In a series of Global Times articles, the CEO of Antiy, a Chinese anti-virus company, said that the US hacked the seismic sensors of the Wuhan earthquake monitoring center, based on reports that apparently do not exist.

SentinelLabs experts emphasize that this approach, in which China publishes naked accusations against foreign hackers without the necessary supporting information, although it looks somewhat ridiculous, still allows Beijing to shape world public opinion about the United States, which ultimately serves the interests of the Chinese government.