Windows XP is attacked by malware more than Vista?


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Microsoft released its Latest Security Report saying that Windows Vista is more secure than Windows XP. The infection rate of Windows Vista SP1 was 61.9 percent less than Windows XP SP3, according to the company’s estimation.

The study found that for all Microsoft operating systems that the most current service pack is always the least infected, based on infections per 1,000 computers running each OS. Windows 7 was not included in the report. The finding is not surprising considering that service packs "roll-up" all previous patches. Users who install the packs may practice safer computing overall than those who do not, Microsoft commented.

Among other key findings of the study there is a fact that trojans were the largest single category of threat in the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Italy; in China, several language-specific browser-based threats were prevalent; in Brazil, malware targeting online banking was widespread; in Spain and Korea, worms dominated, led by threats targeting online gamers.

Due to a large increase in phishing attacks targeting social networking sites, phishing impressions rose in 1H09. Phishers expanded the range of the targeted web-site types, while gaming sites, portals, and the online presences of major corporations remain some of the most frequently targeted sites in 1H09.

The product advertisements, mainly pharmaceutical products, were the basic spam points in 1H09. In total, product advertisements accounted for 69.2 % of spam in 2H08.

The oldest vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office software during 1H09 were also some of the most frequently exploited. 71.2% of the Office attacks exploited a single vulnerability for which a security update (MS06-027) had been available for three years. Computers with this update applied were protected from all these attacks.

Microsoft security products such as Windows Defender, the Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT), Security Essentials are the sources of data on infections for the company.